class RocketPreloadLinks { constructor( browser, config ) { this.browser = browser; this.config = config; this.options = this.browser.options; this.prefetched = new Set; this.eventTime = null; this.threshold = 1111; this.numOnHover = 0; } /** * Initializes the handler. */ init() { if ( ! this.browser.supportsLinkPrefetch() || this.browser.isDataSaverModeOn() || this.browser.isSlowConnection() ) { return; } this.regex = { excludeUris: RegExp( this.config.excludeUris, 'i' ), images: RegExp( '.(' + this.config.imageExt + ')$', 'i' ), fileExt: RegExp( '.(' + this.config.fileExt + ')$', 'i' ) }; this._initListeners( this ); } /** * Initializes the event listeners. * * @private * * @param self instance of this object, used for binding "this" to the listeners. */ _initListeners( self ) { // Setting onHoverDelay to -1 disables the "on-hover" feature. if ( this.config.onHoverDelay > -1 ) { document.addEventListener( 'mouseover', self.listener.bind( self ), self.listenerOptions ); } document.addEventListener( 'mousedown', self.listener.bind( self ), self.listenerOptions ); document.addEventListener( 'touchstart', self.listener.bind( self ), self.listenerOptions ); } /** * Event listener. Processes when near or on a valid
hyperlink. * * @param Event event Event instance. */ listener( event ) { const linkElem = event.target.closest( 'a' ); const url = this._prepareUrl( linkElem ); if ( null === url ) { return; } switch ( event.type ) { case 'mousedown': case 'touchstart': this._addPrefetchLink( url ); break; case 'mouseover': this._earlyPrefetch( linkElem, url, 'mouseout' ); } } /** * * @private * * @param Element|null linkElem * @param object url * @param string resetEvent */ _earlyPrefetch( linkElem, url, resetEvent ) { const doPrefetch = () => { falseTrigger = null; // Start the rate throttle: 1 sec timeout. if ( 0 === this.numOnHover ) { setTimeout( () => this.numOnHover = 0, 1000 ); } // Bail out when exceeding the rate throttle. else if ( this.numOnHover > this.config.rateThrottle ) { return; } this.numOnHover++; this._addPrefetchLink( url ); }; // Delay to avoid false triggers for hover/touch/tap. let falseTrigger = setTimeout( doPrefetch, this.config.onHoverDelay ); // On reset event, reset the false trigger timer. const reset = () => { linkElem.removeEventListener( resetEvent, reset, { passive: true } ); if ( null === falseTrigger ) { return; } clearTimeout( falseTrigger ); falseTrigger = null; }; linkElem.addEventListener( resetEvent, reset, { passive: true } ); } /** * Adds a
for the given URL. * * @param string url The Given URL to prefetch. */ _addPrefetchLink( url ) { this.prefetched.add( url.href ); return new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => { const elem = document.createElement( 'link' ); elem.rel = 'prefetch'; elem.href = url.href; elem.onload = resolve; elem.onerror = reject; document.head.appendChild( elem ); } ).catch(() => { // ignore and continue. }); } /** * Prepares the target link's URL. * * @private * * @param Element|null linkElem Instance of the link element. * @returns {null|*} */ _prepareUrl( linkElem ) { if ( null === linkElem || typeof linkElem !== 'object' || ! 'href' in linkElem || // Link prefetching only works on http/https protocol. [ 'http:', 'https:' ].indexOf( linkElem.protocol ) === -1 ) { return null; } const origin = linkElem.href.substring( 0, this.config.siteUrl.length ); const pathname = this._getPathname( linkElem.href, origin ); const url = { original: linkElem.href, protocol: linkElem.protocol, origin: origin, pathname: pathname, href: origin + pathname }; return this._isLinkOk( url ) ? url : null; } /** * Gets the URL's pathname. Note: ensures the pathname matches the permalink structure. * * @private * * @param object url Instance of the URL. * @param string origin The target link href's origin. * @returns {string} */ _getPathname( url, origin ) { let pathname = origin ? url.substring( this.config.siteUrl.length ) : url; if ( ! pathname.startsWith( '/' ) ) { pathname = '/' + pathname; } if ( this._shouldAddTrailingSlash( pathname ) ) { return pathname + '/'; } return pathname; } _shouldAddTrailingSlash( pathname ) { return ( this.config.usesTrailingSlash && ! pathname.endsWith( '/' ) && ! this.regex.fileExt.test( pathname ) ); } /** * Checks if the given link element is okay to process. * * @private * * @param object url URL parts object. * * @returns {boolean} */ _isLinkOk( url ) { if ( null === url || typeof url !== 'object' ) { return false; } return ( ! this.prefetched.has( url.href ) && url.origin === this.config.siteUrl // is an internal document. && url.href.indexOf( '?' ) === -1 // not a query string. && url.href.indexOf( '#' ) === -1 // not an anchor. && ! this.regex.excludeUris.test( url.href ) // not excluded. && ! this.regex.images.test( url.href ) // not an image. ); } /** * Named static constructor to encapsulate how to create the object. */ static run() { // Bail out if the configuration not passed from the server. if ( typeof RocketPreloadLinksConfig === 'undefined' ) { return; } const browser = new RocketBrowserCompatibilityChecker( { capture: true, passive: true } ); const instance = new RocketPreloadLinks( browser, RocketPreloadLinksConfig ); instance.init(); } } RocketPreloadLinks.run();