. * * ███████╗███████╗██████╗ ██╗ ██╗███╗ ███╗ █████╗ ███████╗██╗ ██╗ * ██╔════╝██╔════╝██╔══██╗██║ ██║████╗ ████║██╔══██╗██╔════╝██║ ██╔╝ * ███████╗█████╗ ██████╔╝██║ ██║██╔████╔██║███████║███████╗█████╔╝ * ╚════██║██╔══╝ ██╔══██╗╚██╗ ██╔╝██║╚██╔╝██║██╔══██║╚════██║██╔═██╗ * ███████║███████╗██║ ██║ ╚████╔╝ ██║ ╚═╝ ██║██║ ██║███████║██║ ██╗ * ╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { die( 'Kangaroos cannot jump here' ); } // ================ // = Plugin Debug = // ================ define( 'AI1WM_DEBUG', false ); // ================== // = Plugin Version = // ================== define( 'AI1WM_VERSION', '7.87' ); // =============== // = Plugin Name = // =============== define( 'AI1WM_PLUGIN_NAME', 'all-in-one-wp-migration' ); // ================ // = Storage Path = // ================ define( 'AI1WM_STORAGE_PATH', AI1WM_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'storage' ); // ================== // = Error Log Path = // ================== define( 'AI1WM_ERROR_FILE', AI1WM_STORAGE_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'error.log' ); // =============== // = Status Path = // =============== define( 'AI1WM_STATUS_FILE', AI1WM_STORAGE_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'status.js' ); // ============ // = Lib Path = // ============ define( 'AI1WM_LIB_PATH', AI1WM_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lib' ); // =================== // = Controller Path = // =================== define( 'AI1WM_CONTROLLER_PATH', AI1WM_LIB_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'controller' ); // ============== // = Model Path = // ============== define( 'AI1WM_MODEL_PATH', AI1WM_LIB_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'model' ); // =============== // = Export Path = // =============== define( 'AI1WM_EXPORT_PATH', AI1WM_MODEL_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'export' ); // =============== // = Import Path = // =============== define( 'AI1WM_IMPORT_PATH', AI1WM_MODEL_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'import' ); // ============= // = View Path = // ============= define( 'AI1WM_TEMPLATES_PATH', AI1WM_LIB_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'view' ); // =================== // = Set Bandar Path = // =================== define( 'BANDAR_TEMPLATES_PATH', AI1WM_TEMPLATES_PATH ); // =============== // = Vendor Path = // =============== define( 'AI1WM_VENDOR_PATH', AI1WM_LIB_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor' ); // ========================= // = ServMask Feedback URL = // ========================= define( 'AI1WM_FEEDBACK_URL', 'https://servmask.com/ai1wm/feedback/create' ); // ============================== // = ServMask Archive Tools URL = // ============================== define( 'AI1WM_ARCHIVE_TOOLS_URL', 'https://servmask.com/archive/tools' ); // ========================= // = ServMask Table Prefix = // ========================= define( 'AI1WM_TABLE_PREFIX', 'SERVMASK_PREFIX_' ); // ======================== // = Archive Backups Name = // ======================== define( 'AI1WM_BACKUPS_NAME', 'ai1wm-backups' ); // ========================= // = Archive Database Name = // ========================= define( 'AI1WM_DATABASE_NAME', 'database.sql' ); // ======================== // = Archive Package Name = // ======================== define( 'AI1WM_PACKAGE_NAME', 'package.json' ); // ========================== // = Archive Multisite Name = // ========================== define( 'AI1WM_MULTISITE_NAME', 'multisite.json' ); // ====================== // = Archive Blogs Name = // ====================== define( 'AI1WM_BLOGS_NAME', 'blogs.json' ); // ========================= // = Archive Settings Name = // ========================= define( 'AI1WM_SETTINGS_NAME', 'settings.json' ); // ========================== // = Archive Multipart Name = // ========================== define( 'AI1WM_MULTIPART_NAME', 'multipart.list' ); // ============================= // = Archive Content List Name = // ============================= define( 'AI1WM_CONTENT_LIST_NAME', 'content.list' ); // =========================== // = Archive Media List Name = // =========================== define( 'AI1WM_MEDIA_LIST_NAME', 'media.list' ); // ============================= // = Archive Plugins List Name = // ============================= define( 'AI1WM_PLUGINS_LIST_NAME', 'plugins.list' ); // ============================ // = Archive Themes List Name = // ============================ define( 'AI1WM_THEMES_LIST_NAME', 'themes.list' ); // ============================ // = Archive Tables List Name = // ============================ define( 'AI1WM_TABLES_LIST_NAME', 'tables.list' ); // ================================= // = Incremental Content List Name = // ================================= define( 'AI1WM_INCREMENTAL_CONTENT_LIST_NAME', 'incremental.content.list' ); // =============================== // = Incremental Media List Name = // =============================== define( 'AI1WM_INCREMENTAL_MEDIA_LIST_NAME', 'incremental.media.list' ); // ================================= // = Incremental Plugins List Name = // ================================= define( 'AI1WM_INCREMENTAL_PLUGINS_LIST_NAME', 'incremental.plugins.list' ); // ================================ // = Incremental Themes List Name = // ================================ define( 'AI1WM_INCREMENTAL_THEMES_LIST_NAME', 'incremental.themes.list' ); // ================================= // = Incremental Backups List Name = // ================================= define( 'AI1WM_INCREMENTAL_BACKUPS_LIST_NAME', 'incremental.backups.list' ); // ============================= // = Archive Cookies Text Name = // ============================= define( 'AI1WM_COOKIES_NAME', 'cookies.txt' ); // ================================= // = Archive Must-Use Plugins Name = // ================================= define( 'AI1WM_MUPLUGINS_NAME', 'mu-plugins' ); // ======================== // = Less Cache Extension = // ======================== define( 'AI1WM_LESS_CACHE_EXTENSION', '.less.cache' ); // ============================= // = SQLite Database Extension = // ============================= define( 'AI1WM_SQLITE_DATABASE_EXTENSION', '.sqlite' ); // ============================ // = Elementor CSS Cache Name = // ============================ define( 'AI1WM_ELEMENTOR_CSS_NAME', 'uploads' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'elementor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'css' ); // ========================= // = Themes Functions Name = // ========================= define( 'AI1WM_THEMES_FUNCTIONS_NAME', 'themes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions.php' ); // ============================= // = Endurance Page Cache Name = // ============================= define( 'AI1WM_ENDURANCE_PAGE_CACHE_NAME', 'endurance-page-cache.php' ); // =========================== // = Endurance PHP Edge Name = // =========================== define( 'AI1WM_ENDURANCE_PHP_EDGE_NAME', 'endurance-php-edge.php' ); // ================================ // = Endurance Browser Cache Name = // ================================ define( 'AI1WM_ENDURANCE_BROWSER_CACHE_NAME', 'endurance-browser-cache.php' ); // ========================= // = GD System Plugin Name = // ========================= define( 'AI1WM_GD_SYSTEM_PLUGIN_NAME', 'gd-system-plugin.php' ); // ======================= // = WP Stack Cache Name = // ======================= define( 'AI1WM_WP_STACK_CACHE_NAME', 'wp-stack-cache.php' ); // =========================== // = WP.com Site Loader Name = // =========================== define( 'AI1WM_WP_COMSH_LOADER_NAME', 'wpcomsh-loader.php' ); // =========================== // = WP.com Site Helper Name = // =========================== define( 'AI1WM_WP_COMSH_HELPER_NAME', 'wpcomsh' ); // ==================================== // = SQLite Database Integration Name = // ==================================== define( 'AI1WM_SQLITE_DATABASE_INTEGRATION_NAME', 'sqlite-database-integration' ); // ============================= // = SQLite Database Zero Name = // ============================= define( 'AI1WM_SQLITE_DATABASE_ZERO_NAME', '0-sqlite.php' ); // ================================ // = WP Engine System Plugin Name = // ================================ define( 'AI1WM_WP_ENGINE_SYSTEM_PLUGIN_NAME', 'mu-plugin.php' ); // =========================== // = WPE Sign On Plugin Name = // =========================== define( 'AI1WM_WPE_SIGN_ON_PLUGIN_NAME', 'wpe-wp-sign-on-plugin.php' ); // =================================== // = WP Engine Security Auditor Name = // =================================== define( 'AI1WM_WP_ENGINE_SECURITY_AUDITOR_NAME', 'wpengine-security-auditor.php' ); // =========================== // = WP Cerber Security Name = // =========================== define( 'AI1WM_WP_CERBER_SECURITY_NAME', 'aaa-wp-cerber.php' ); // =============================== // = W3TC config file to exclude = // =============================== define( 'AI1WM_W3TC_CONFIG_FILE', 'w3tc-config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'master.php' ); // ================== // = Error Log Name = // ================== define( 'AI1WM_ERROR_NAME', 'error-log-%s.log' ); // ============== // = Secret Key = // ============== define( 'AI1WM_SECRET_KEY', 'ai1wm_secret_key' ); // ============= // = Auth User = // ============= define( 'AI1WM_AUTH_USER', 'ai1wm_auth_user' ); // ================= // = Auth Password = // ================= define( 'AI1WM_AUTH_PASSWORD', 'ai1wm_auth_password' ); // =============== // = Auth Header = // =============== define( 'AI1WM_AUTH_HEADER', 'ai1wm_auth_header' ); // ============ // = Site URL = // ============ define( 'AI1WM_SITE_URL', 'siteurl' ); // ============ // = Home URL = // ============ define( 'AI1WM_HOME_URL', 'home' ); // ================ // = Uploads Path = // ================ define( 'AI1WM_UPLOADS_PATH', 'upload_path' ); // ==================== // = Uploads URL Path = // ==================== define( 'AI1WM_UPLOADS_URL_PATH', 'upload_url_path' ); // ================== // = Active Plugins = // ================== define( 'AI1WM_ACTIVE_PLUGINS', 'active_plugins' ); // =========================== // = Active Sitewide Plugins = // =========================== define( 'AI1WM_ACTIVE_SITEWIDE_PLUGINS', 'active_sitewide_plugins' ); // ========================== // = Jetpack Active Modules = // ========================== define( 'AI1WM_JETPACK_ACTIVE_MODULES', 'jetpack_active_modules' ); // ==================================== // = Swift Optimizer Plugin Organizer = // ==================================== define( 'AI1WM_SWIFT_OPTIMIZER_PLUGIN_ORGANIZER', 'swift_performance_plugin_organizer' ); // ====================== // = MS Files Rewriting = // ====================== define( 'AI1WM_MS_FILES_REWRITING', 'ms_files_rewriting' ); // =================== // = Active Template = // =================== define( 'AI1WM_ACTIVE_TEMPLATE', 'template' ); // ===================== // = Active Stylesheet = // ===================== define( 'AI1WM_ACTIVE_STYLESHEET', 'stylesheet' ); // ============== // = DB Version = // ============== define( 'AI1WM_DB_VERSION', 'db_version' ); // ====================== // = Initial DB Version = // ====================== define( 'AI1WM_INITIAL_DB_VERSION', 'initial_db_version' ); // ============ // = Cron Key = // ============ define( 'AI1WM_CRON', 'cron' ); // ======================= // = Backups Path Option = // ======================= define( 'AI1WM_BACKUPS_PATH_OPTION', 'ai1wm_backups_path' ); // =================== // = Backups Labels = // =================== define( 'AI1WM_BACKUPS_LABELS', 'ai1wm_backups_labels' ); // =============== // = Sites Links = // =============== define( 'AI1WM_SITES_LINKS', 'ai1wm_sites_links' ); // ============================== // = Last Check For Updates Key = // ============================== define( 'AI1WM_LAST_CHECK_FOR_UPDATES', 'ai1wm_last_check_for_updates' ); // =============== // = Updater Key = // =============== define( 'AI1WM_UPDATER', 'ai1wm_updater' ); // ============== // = Status Key = // ============== define( 'AI1WM_STATUS', 'ai1wm_status' ); // ================ // = Messages Key = // ================ define( 'AI1WM_MESSAGES', 'ai1wm_messages' ); // ================= // = Support Email = // ================= define( 'AI1WM_SUPPORT_EMAIL', 'support@servmask.com' ); // ================== // = Max Chunk Size = // ================== define( 'AI1WM_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE', 5 * 1024 * 1024 ); // ===================== // = Max Chunk Retries = // ===================== define( 'AI1WM_MAX_CHUNK_RETRIES', 10 ); // =============== // = CIPHER NAME = // =============== define( 'AI1WM_CIPHER_NAME', 'AES-256-CBC' ); // ============= // = SIGN TEXT = // ============= define( 'AI1WM_SIGN_TEXT', '"How long do you want these messages to remain secret? I want them to remain secret for as long as men are capable of evil." - Neal Stephenson' ); // =========================== // = Max Transaction Queries = // =========================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WM_MAX_TRANSACTION_QUERIES' ) ) { define( 'AI1WM_MAX_TRANSACTION_QUERIES', 1000 ); } // ====================== // = Max Select Records = // ====================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WM_MAX_SELECT_RECORDS' ) ) { define( 'AI1WM_MAX_SELECT_RECORDS', 1000 ); } // ======================= // = Max Storage Cleanup = // ======================= define( 'AI1WM_MAX_STORAGE_CLEANUP', 24 * 60 * 60 ); // =================== // = Max Log Cleanup = // =================== define( 'AI1WM_MAX_LOG_CLEANUP', 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 ); // ===================== // = Disk Space Factor = // ===================== define( 'AI1WM_DISK_SPACE_FACTOR', 2 ); // ==================== // = Disk Space Extra = //===================== define( 'AI1WM_DISK_SPACE_EXTRA', 300 * 1024 * 1024 ); // =========================== // = WP_CONTENT_DIR Constant = // =========================== if ( ! defined( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR' ) ) { define( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR', ABSPATH . 'wp-content' ); } // ======================== // = Backups Default Path = // ======================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WM_DEFAULT_BACKUPS_PATH' ) ) { define( 'AI1WM_DEFAULT_BACKUPS_PATH', WP_CONTENT_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'ai1wm-backups' ); } // ================ // = Backups Path = // ================ define( 'AI1WM_BACKUPS_PATH', get_option( AI1WM_BACKUPS_PATH_OPTION, AI1WM_DEFAULT_BACKUPS_PATH ) ); // ========================== // = Storage index.php File = // ========================== define( 'AI1WM_STORAGE_INDEX_PHP', AI1WM_STORAGE_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'index.php' ); // =========================== // = Storage index.html File = // =========================== define( 'AI1WM_STORAGE_INDEX_HTML', AI1WM_STORAGE_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'index.html' ); // ========================== // = Backups index.php File = // ========================== define( 'AI1WM_BACKUPS_INDEX_PHP', AI1WM_BACKUPS_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'index.php' ); // =========================== // = Backups index.html File = // =========================== define( 'AI1WM_BACKUPS_INDEX_HTML', AI1WM_BACKUPS_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'index.html' ); // =========================== // = Backups robots.txt File = // =========================== define( 'AI1WM_BACKUPS_ROBOTS_TXT', AI1WM_BACKUPS_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'robots.txt' ); // ========================== // = Backups .htaccess File = // ========================== define( 'AI1WM_BACKUPS_HTACCESS', AI1WM_BACKUPS_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.htaccess' ); // =========================== // = Backups web.config File = // =========================== define( 'AI1WM_BACKUPS_WEBCONFIG', AI1WM_BACKUPS_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'web.config' ); // ============================ // = WordPress .htaccess File = // ============================ define( 'AI1WM_WORDPRESS_HTACCESS', ABSPATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.htaccess' ); // ============================= // = WordPress web.config File = // ============================= define( 'AI1WM_WORDPRESS_WEBCONFIG', ABSPATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'web.config' ); // ================================ // = WP Migration Plugin Base Dir = // ================================ if ( defined( 'AI1WM_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) { define( 'AI1WM_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', dirname( AI1WM_PLUGIN_BASENAME ) ); } else { define( 'AI1WM_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', 'all-in-one-wp-migration' ); } // ====================================== // = Microsoft Azure Extension Base Dir = // ====================================== if ( defined( 'AI1WMZE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMZE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', dirname( AI1WMZE_PLUGIN_BASENAME ) ); } else { define( 'AI1WMZE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', 'all-in-one-wp-migration-azure-storage-extension' ); } // =================================== // = Microsoft Azure Extension Title = // =================================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMZE_PLUGIN_TITLE' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMZE_PLUGIN_TITLE', 'Microsoft Azure Storage Extension' ); } // =================================== // = Microsoft Azure Extension About = // =================================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMZE_PLUGIN_ABOUT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMZE_PLUGIN_ABOUT', 'https://plugin-updates.wp-migration.com/microsoft-azure-storage-extension.json' ); } // =================================== // = Microsoft Azure Extension Check = // =================================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMZE_PLUGIN_CHECK' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMZE_PLUGIN_CHECK', 'https://redirect.wp-migration.com/v1/check/microsoft-azure-storage-extension' ); } // ================================= // = Microsoft Azure Extension Key = // ================================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMZE_PLUGIN_KEY' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMZE_PLUGIN_KEY', 'ai1wmze_plugin_key' ); } // =================================== // = Microsoft Azure Extension Short = // =================================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMZE_PLUGIN_SHORT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMZE_PLUGIN_SHORT', 'azure-storage' ); } // =================================== // = Backblaze B2 Extension Base Dir = // =================================== if ( defined( 'AI1WMAE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMAE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', dirname( AI1WMAE_PLUGIN_BASENAME ) ); } else { define( 'AI1WMAE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', 'all-in-one-wp-migration-b2-extension' ); } // ================================ // = Backblaze B2 Extension Title = // ================================ if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMAE_PLUGIN_TITLE' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMAE_PLUGIN_TITLE', 'Backblaze B2 Extension' ); } // ================================ // = Backblaze B2 Extension About = // ================================ if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMAE_PLUGIN_ABOUT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMAE_PLUGIN_ABOUT', 'https://plugin-updates.wp-migration.com/backblaze-b2-extension.json' ); } // ================================ // = Backblaze B2 Extension Check = // ================================ if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMAE_PLUGIN_CHECK' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMAE_PLUGIN_CHECK', 'https://redirect.wp-migration.com/v1/check/backblaze-b2-extension' ); } // ============================== // = Backblaze B2 Extension Key = // ============================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMAE_PLUGIN_KEY' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMAE_PLUGIN_KEY', 'ai1wmae_plugin_key' ); } // ================================ // = Backblaze B2 Extension Short = // ================================ if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMAE_PLUGIN_SHORT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMAE_PLUGIN_SHORT', 'b2' ); } // ========================== // = Backup Plugin Base Dir = // ========================== if ( defined( 'AI1WMVE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMVE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', dirname( AI1WMVE_PLUGIN_BASENAME ) ); } else { define( 'AI1WMVE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', 'all-in-one-wp-migration-backup' ); } // ======================= // = Backup Plugin Title = // ======================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMVE_PLUGIN_TITLE' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMVE_PLUGIN_TITLE', 'Backup Plugin' ); } // ======================= // = Backup Plugin About = // ======================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMVE_PLUGIN_ABOUT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMVE_PLUGIN_ABOUT', 'https://plugin-updates.wp-migration.com/backup-plugin.json' ); } // ======================= // = Backup Plugin Check = // ======================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMVE_PLUGIN_CHECK' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMVE_PLUGIN_CHECK', 'https://redirect.wp-migration.com/v1/check/backup-plugin' ); } // ===================== // = Backup Plugin Key = // ===================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMVE_PLUGIN_KEY' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMVE_PLUGIN_KEY', 'ai1wmve_plugin_key' ); } // ======================= // = Backup Plugin Short = // ======================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMVE_PLUGIN_SHORT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMVE_PLUGIN_SHORT', 'backup' ); } // ========================== // = Box Extension Base Dir = // ========================== if ( defined( 'AI1WMBE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMBE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', dirname( AI1WMBE_PLUGIN_BASENAME ) ); } else { define( 'AI1WMBE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', 'all-in-one-wp-migration-box-extension' ); } // ======================= // = Box Extension Title = // ======================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMBE_PLUGIN_TITLE' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMBE_PLUGIN_TITLE', 'Box Extension' ); } // ======================= // = Box Extension About = // ======================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMBE_PLUGIN_ABOUT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMBE_PLUGIN_ABOUT', 'https://plugin-updates.wp-migration.com/box-extension.json' ); } // ======================= // = Box Extension Check = // ======================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMBE_PLUGIN_CHECK' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMBE_PLUGIN_CHECK', 'https://redirect.wp-migration.com/v1/check/box-extension' ); } // ===================== // = Box Extension Key = // ===================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMBE_PLUGIN_KEY' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMBE_PLUGIN_KEY', 'ai1wmbe_plugin_key' ); } // ======================= // = Box Extension Short = // ======================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMBE_PLUGIN_SHORT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMBE_PLUGIN_SHORT', 'box' ); } // ========================================== // = DigitalOcean Spaces Extension Base Dir = // ========================================== if ( defined( 'AI1WMIE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMIE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', dirname( AI1WMIE_PLUGIN_BASENAME ) ); } else { define( 'AI1WMIE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', 'all-in-one-wp-migration-digitalocean-extension' ); } // ======================================= // = DigitalOcean Spaces Extension Title = // ======================================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMIE_PLUGIN_TITLE' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMIE_PLUGIN_TITLE', 'DigitalOcean Spaces Extension' ); } // ======================================= // = DigitalOcean Spaces Extension About = // ======================================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMIE_PLUGIN_ABOUT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMIE_PLUGIN_ABOUT', 'https://plugin-updates.wp-migration.com/digitalocean-spaces-extension.json' ); } // ======================================= // = DigitalOcean Spaces Extension Check = // ======================================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMIE_PLUGIN_CHECK' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMIE_PLUGIN_CHECK', 'https://redirect.wp-migration.com/v1/check/digitalocean-spaces-extension' ); } // ===================================== // = DigitalOcean Spaces Extension Key = // ===================================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMIE_PLUGIN_KEY' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMIE_PLUGIN_KEY', 'ai1wmie_plugin_key' ); } // ======================================= // = DigitalOcean Spaces Extension Short = // ======================================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMIE_PLUGIN_SHORT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMIE_PLUGIN_SHORT', 'digitalocean' ); } // ============================= // = Direct Extension Base Dir = // ============================= if ( defined( 'AI1WMXE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMXE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', dirname( AI1WMXE_PLUGIN_BASENAME ) ); } else { define( 'AI1WMXE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', 'all-in-one-wp-migration-direct-extension' ); } // ========================== // = Direct Extension Title = // ========================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMXE_PLUGIN_TITLE' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMXE_PLUGIN_TITLE', 'Direct Extension' ); } // ========================== // = Direct Extension About = // ========================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMXE_PLUGIN_ABOUT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMXE_PLUGIN_ABOUT', 'https://plugin-updates.wp-migration.com/direct-extension.json' ); } // ========================== // = Direct Extension Check = // ========================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMXE_PLUGIN_CHECK' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMXE_PLUGIN_CHECK', 'https://redirect.wp-migration.com/v1/check/direct-extension' ); } // ======================== // = Direct Extension Key = // ======================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMXE_PLUGIN_KEY' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMXE_PLUGIN_KEY', 'ai1wmxe_plugin_key' ); } // ========================== // = Direct Extension Short = // ========================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMXE_PLUGIN_SHORT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMXE_PLUGIN_SHORT', 'direct' ); } // ============================== // = Dropbox Extension Base Dir = // ============================== if ( defined( 'AI1WMDE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMDE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', dirname( AI1WMDE_PLUGIN_BASENAME ) ); } else { define( 'AI1WMDE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', 'all-in-one-wp-migration-dropbox-extension' ); } // =========================== // = Dropbox Extension Title = // =========================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMDE_PLUGIN_TITLE' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMDE_PLUGIN_TITLE', 'Dropbox Extension' ); } // =========================== // = Dropbox Extension About = // =========================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMDE_PLUGIN_ABOUT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMDE_PLUGIN_ABOUT', 'https://plugin-updates.wp-migration.com/dropbox-extension.json' ); } // =========================== // = Dropbox Extension Check = // =========================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMDE_PLUGIN_CHECK' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMDE_PLUGIN_CHECK', 'https://redirect.wp-migration.com/v1/check/dropbox-extension' ); } // ========================= // = Dropbox Extension Key = // ========================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMDE_PLUGIN_KEY' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMDE_PLUGIN_KEY', 'ai1wmde_plugin_key' ); } // =========================== // = Dropbox Extension Short = // =========================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMDE_PLUGIN_SHORT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMDE_PLUGIN_SHORT', 'dropbox' ); } // =========================== // = File Extension Base Dir = // =========================== if ( defined( 'AI1WMTE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMTE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', dirname( AI1WMTE_PLUGIN_BASENAME ) ); } else { define( 'AI1WMTE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', 'all-in-one-wp-migration-file-extension' ); } // ======================== // = File Extension Title = // ======================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMTE_PLUGIN_TITLE' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMTE_PLUGIN_TITLE', 'File Extension' ); } // ======================== // = File Extension About = // ======================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMTE_PLUGIN_ABOUT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMTE_PLUGIN_ABOUT', 'https://import.wp-migration.com/file-extension.json' ); } // ======================== // = File Extension Check = // ======================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMTE_PLUGIN_CHECK' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMTE_PLUGIN_CHECK', 'https://redirect.wp-migration.com/v1/check/file-extension' ); } // ====================== // = File Extension Key = // ====================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMTE_PLUGIN_KEY' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMTE_PLUGIN_KEY', 'ai1wmte_plugin_key' ); } // ======================== // = File Extension Short = // ======================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMTE_PLUGIN_SHORT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMTE_PLUGIN_SHORT', 'file' ); } // ========================== // = FTP Extension Base Dir = // ========================== if ( defined( 'AI1WMFE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMFE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', dirname( AI1WMFE_PLUGIN_BASENAME ) ); } else { define( 'AI1WMFE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', 'all-in-one-wp-migration-ftp-extension' ); } // ======================= // = FTP Extension Title = // ======================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMFE_PLUGIN_TITLE' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMFE_PLUGIN_TITLE', 'FTP Extension' ); } // ======================= // = FTP Extension About = // ======================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMFE_PLUGIN_ABOUT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMFE_PLUGIN_ABOUT', 'https://plugin-updates.wp-migration.com/ftp-extension.json' ); } // ======================= // = FTP Extension Check = // ======================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMFE_PLUGIN_CHECK' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMFE_PLUGIN_CHECK', 'https://redirect.wp-migration.com/v1/check/ftp-extension' ); } // ===================== // = FTP Extension Key = // ===================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMFE_PLUGIN_KEY' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMFE_PLUGIN_KEY', 'ai1wmfe_plugin_key' ); } // ======================= // = FTP Extension Short = // ======================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMFE_PLUGIN_SHORT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMFE_PLUGIN_SHORT', 'ftp' ); } // =========================================== // = Google Cloud Storage Extension Base Dir = // =========================================== if ( defined( 'AI1WMCE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMCE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', dirname( AI1WMCE_PLUGIN_BASENAME ) ); } else { define( 'AI1WMCE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', 'all-in-one-wp-migration-gcloud-storage-extension' ); } // ======================================== // = Google Cloud Storage Extension Title = // ======================================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMCE_PLUGIN_TITLE' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMCE_PLUGIN_TITLE', 'Google Cloud Storage Extension' ); } // ======================================== // = Google Cloud Storage Extension About = // ======================================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMCE_PLUGIN_ABOUT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMCE_PLUGIN_ABOUT', 'https://plugin-updates.wp-migration.com/google-cloud-storage-extension.json' ); } // ======================================== // = Google Cloud Storage Extension Check = // ======================================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMCE_PLUGIN_CHECK' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMCE_PLUGIN_CHECK', 'https://redirect.wp-migration.com/v1/check/google-cloud-storage-extension' ); } // ====================================== // = Google Cloud Storage Extension Key = // ====================================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMCE_PLUGIN_KEY' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMCE_PLUGIN_KEY', 'ai1wmce_plugin_key' ); } // ======================================== // = Google Cloud Storage Extension Short = // ======================================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMCE_PLUGIN_SHORT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMCE_PLUGIN_SHORT', 'gcloud-storage' ); } // =================================== // = Google Drive Extension Base Dir = // =================================== if ( defined( 'AI1WMGE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMGE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', dirname( AI1WMGE_PLUGIN_BASENAME ) ); } else { define( 'AI1WMGE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', 'all-in-one-wp-migration-gdrive-extension' ); } // ================================ // = Google Drive Extension Title = // ================================ if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMGE_PLUGIN_TITLE' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMGE_PLUGIN_TITLE', 'Google Drive Extension' ); } // ================================ // = Google Drive Extension About = // ================================ if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMGE_PLUGIN_ABOUT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMGE_PLUGIN_ABOUT', 'https://plugin-updates.wp-migration.com/google-drive-extension.json' ); } // ================================ // = Google Drive Extension Check = // ================================ if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMGE_PLUGIN_CHECK' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMGE_PLUGIN_CHECK', 'https://redirect.wp-migration.com/v1/check/google-drive-extension' ); } // ============================== // = Google Drive Extension Key = // ============================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMGE_PLUGIN_KEY' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMGE_PLUGIN_KEY', 'ai1wmge_plugin_key' ); } // ================================ // = Google Drive Extension Short = // ================================ if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMGE_PLUGIN_SHORT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMGE_PLUGIN_SHORT', 'gdrive' ); } // ===================================== // = Amazon Glacier Extension Base Dir = // ===================================== if ( defined( 'AI1WMRE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMRE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', dirname( AI1WMRE_PLUGIN_BASENAME ) ); } else { define( 'AI1WMRE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', 'all-in-one-wp-migration-glacier-extension' ); } // ================================== // = Amazon Glacier Extension Title = // ================================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMRE_PLUGIN_TITLE' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMRE_PLUGIN_TITLE', 'Amazon Glacier Extension' ); } // ================================== // = Amazon Glacier Extension About = // ================================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMRE_PLUGIN_ABOUT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMRE_PLUGIN_ABOUT', 'https://plugin-updates.wp-migration.com/amazon-glacier-extension.json' ); } // ================================== // = Amazon Glacier Extension Check = // ================================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMRE_PLUGIN_CHECK' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMRE_PLUGIN_CHECK', 'https://redirect.wp-migration.com/v1/check/amazon-glacier-extension' ); } // ================================ // = Amazon Glacier Extension Key = // ================================ if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMRE_PLUGIN_KEY' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMRE_PLUGIN_KEY', 'ai1wmre_plugin_key' ); } // ================================== // = Amazon Glacier Extension Short = // ================================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMRE_PLUGIN_SHORT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMRE_PLUGIN_SHORT', 'glacier' ); } // =========================== // = Mega Extension Base Dir = // =========================== if ( defined( 'AI1WMEE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMEE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', dirname( AI1WMEE_PLUGIN_BASENAME ) ); } else { define( 'AI1WMEE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', 'all-in-one-wp-migration-mega-extension' ); } // ======================== // = Mega Extension Title = // ======================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMEE_PLUGIN_TITLE' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMEE_PLUGIN_TITLE', 'Mega Extension' ); } // ======================== // = Mega Extension About = // ======================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMEE_PLUGIN_ABOUT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMEE_PLUGIN_ABOUT', 'https://plugin-updates.wp-migration.com/mega-extension.json' ); } // ======================== // = Mega Extension Check = // ======================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMEE_PLUGIN_CHECK' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMEE_PLUGIN_CHECK', 'https://redirect.wp-migration.com/v1/check/mega-extension' ); } // ====================== // = Mega Extension Key = // ====================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMEE_PLUGIN_KEY' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMEE_PLUGIN_KEY', 'ai1wmee_plugin_key' ); } // ======================== // = Mega Extension Short = // ======================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMEE_PLUGIN_SHORT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMEE_PLUGIN_SHORT', 'mega' ); } // ================================ // = Multisite Extension Base Dir = // ================================ if ( defined( 'AI1WMME_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMME_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', dirname( AI1WMME_PLUGIN_BASENAME ) ); } else { define( 'AI1WMME_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', 'all-in-one-wp-migration-multisite-extension' ); } // ============================= // = Multisite Extension Title = // ============================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMME_PLUGIN_TITLE' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMME_PLUGIN_TITLE', 'Multisite Extension' ); } // ============================= // = Multisite Extension About = // ============================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMME_PLUGIN_ABOUT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMME_PLUGIN_ABOUT', 'https://plugin-updates.wp-migration.com/multisite-extension.json' ); } // ============================= // = Multisite Extension Check = // ============================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMME_PLUGIN_CHECK' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMME_PLUGIN_CHECK', 'https://redirect.wp-migration.com/v1/check/multisite-extension' ); } // =========================== // = Multisite Extension Key = // =========================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMME_PLUGIN_KEY' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMME_PLUGIN_KEY', 'ai1wmme_plugin_key' ); } // ============================= // = Multisite Extension Short = // ============================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMME_PLUGIN_SHORT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMME_PLUGIN_SHORT', 'multisite' ); } // =============================== // = OneDrive Extension Base Dir = // =============================== if ( defined( 'AI1WMOE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMOE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', dirname( AI1WMOE_PLUGIN_BASENAME ) ); } else { define( 'AI1WMOE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', 'all-in-one-wp-migration-onedrive-extension' ); } // ============================ // = OneDrive Extension Title = // ============================ if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMOE_PLUGIN_TITLE' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMOE_PLUGIN_TITLE', 'OneDrive Extension' ); } // ============================ // = OneDrive Extension About = // ============================ if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMOE_PLUGIN_ABOUT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMOE_PLUGIN_ABOUT', 'https://plugin-updates.wp-migration.com/onedrive-extension.json' ); } // ============================ // = OneDrive Extension Check = // ============================ if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMOE_PLUGIN_CHECK' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMOE_PLUGIN_CHECK', 'https://redirect.wp-migration.com/v1/check/onedrive-extension' ); } // ========================== // = OneDrive Extension Key = // ========================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMOE_PLUGIN_KEY' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMOE_PLUGIN_KEY', 'ai1wmoe_plugin_key' ); } // ============================ // = OneDrive Extension Short = // ============================ if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMOE_PLUGIN_SHORT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMOE_PLUGIN_SHORT', 'onedrive' ); } // ============================= // = pCloud Extension Base Dir = // ============================= if ( defined( 'AI1WMPE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMPE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', dirname( AI1WMPE_PLUGIN_BASENAME ) ); } else { define( 'AI1WMPE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', 'all-in-one-wp-migration-pcloud-extension' ); } // ========================== // = pCloud Extension Title = // ========================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMPE_PLUGIN_TITLE' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMPE_PLUGIN_TITLE', 'pCloud Extension' ); } // ========================== // = pCloud Extension About = // ========================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMPE_PLUGIN_ABOUT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMPE_PLUGIN_ABOUT', 'https://plugin-updates.wp-migration.com/pcloud-extension.json' ); } // ========================== // = pCloud Extension Check = // ========================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMPE_PLUGIN_CHECK' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMPE_PLUGIN_CHECK', 'https://redirect.wp-migration.com/v1/check/pcloud-extension' ); } // ======================== // = pCloud Extension Key = // ======================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMPE_PLUGIN_KEY' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMPE_PLUGIN_KEY', 'ai1wmpe_plugin_key' ); } // ========================== // = pCloud Extension Short = // ========================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMPE_PLUGIN_SHORT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMPE_PLUGIN_SHORT', 'pcloud' ); } // ======================= // = Pro Plugin Base Dir = // ======================= if ( defined( 'AI1WMKE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMKE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', dirname( AI1WMKE_PLUGIN_BASENAME ) ); } else { define( 'AI1WMKE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', 'all-in-one-wp-migration-pro' ); } // ==================== // = Pro Plugin Title = // ==================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMKE_PLUGIN_TITLE' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMKE_PLUGIN_TITLE', 'Pro Plugin' ); } // ==================== // = Pro Plugin About = // ==================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMKE_PLUGIN_ABOUT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMKE_PLUGIN_ABOUT', 'https://plugin-updates.wp-migration.com/pro-plugin.json' ); } // ==================== // = Pro Plugin Check = // ==================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMKE_PLUGIN_CHECK' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMKE_PLUGIN_CHECK', 'https://redirect.wp-migration.com/v1/check/pro-plugin' ); } // ================== // = Pro Plugin Key = // ================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMKE_PLUGIN_KEY' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMKE_PLUGIN_KEY', 'ai1wmke_plugin_key' ); } // ==================== // = Pro Plugin Short = // ==================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMKE_PLUGIN_SHORT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMKE_PLUGIN_SHORT', 'pro' ); } // ================================ // = S3 Client Extension Base Dir = // ================================ if ( defined( 'AI1WMNE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMNE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', dirname( AI1WMNE_PLUGIN_BASENAME ) ); } else { define( 'AI1WMNE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', 'all-in-one-wp-migration-s3-client-extension' ); } // ============================= // = S3 Client Extension Title = // ============================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMNE_PLUGIN_TITLE' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMNE_PLUGIN_TITLE', 'S3 Client Extension' ); } // ============================= // = S3 Client Extension About = // ============================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMNE_PLUGIN_ABOUT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMNE_PLUGIN_ABOUT', 'https://plugin-updates.wp-migration.com/s3-client-extension.json' ); } // ============================= // = S3 Client Extension Check = // ============================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMNE_PLUGIN_CHECK' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMNE_PLUGIN_CHECK', 'https://redirect.wp-migration.com/v1/check/s3-client-extension' ); } // =========================== // = S3 Client Extension Key = // =========================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMNE_PLUGIN_KEY' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMNE_PLUGIN_KEY', 'ai1wmne_plugin_key' ); } // ============================= // = S3 Client Extension Short = // ============================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMNE_PLUGIN_SHORT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMNE_PLUGIN_SHORT', 's3-client' ); } // ================================ // = Amazon S3 Extension Base Dir = // ================================ if ( defined( 'AI1WMSE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMSE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', dirname( AI1WMSE_PLUGIN_BASENAME ) ); } else { define( 'AI1WMSE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', 'all-in-one-wp-migration-s3-extension' ); } // ============================= // = Amazon S3 Extension Title = // ============================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMSE_PLUGIN_TITLE' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMSE_PLUGIN_TITLE', 'Amazon S3 Extension' ); } // ============================= // = Amazon S3 Extension About = // ============================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMSE_PLUGIN_ABOUT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMSE_PLUGIN_ABOUT', 'https://plugin-updates.wp-migration.com/amazon-s3-extension.json' ); } // ============================= // = Amazon S3 Extension Check = // ============================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMSE_PLUGIN_CHECK' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMSE_PLUGIN_CHECK', 'https://redirect.wp-migration.com/v1/check/amazon-s3-extension' ); } // =========================== // = Amazon S3 Extension Key = // =========================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMSE_PLUGIN_KEY' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMSE_PLUGIN_KEY', 'ai1wmse_plugin_key' ); } // ============================= // = Amazon S3 Extension Short = // ============================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMSE_PLUGIN_SHORT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMSE_PLUGIN_SHORT', 's3' ); } // ================================ // = Unlimited Extension Base Dir = // ================================ if ( defined( 'AI1WMUE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMUE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', dirname( AI1WMUE_PLUGIN_BASENAME ) ); } else { define( 'AI1WMUE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', 'all-in-one-wp-migration-unlimited-extension' ); } // ============================= // = Unlimited Extension Title = // ============================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMUE_PLUGIN_TITLE' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMUE_PLUGIN_TITLE', 'Unlimited Extension' ); } // ============================= // = Unlimited Extension About = // ============================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMUE_PLUGIN_ABOUT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMUE_PLUGIN_ABOUT', 'https://plugin-updates.wp-migration.com/unlimited-extension.json' ); } // ============================= // = Unlimited Extension Check = // ============================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMUE_PLUGIN_CHECK' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMUE_PLUGIN_CHECK', 'https://redirect.wp-migration.com/v1/check/unlimited-extension' ); } // =========================== // = Unlimited Extension Key = // =========================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMUE_PLUGIN_KEY' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMUE_PLUGIN_KEY', 'ai1wmue_plugin_key' ); } // ============================= // = Unlimited Extension Short = // ============================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMUE_PLUGIN_SHORT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMUE_PLUGIN_SHORT', 'unlimited' ); } // ========================== // = URL Extension Base Dir = // ========================== if ( defined( 'AI1WMLE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMLE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', dirname( AI1WMLE_PLUGIN_BASENAME ) ); } else { define( 'AI1WMLE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', 'all-in-one-wp-migration-url-extension' ); } // ======================= // = URL Extension Title = // ======================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMLE_PLUGIN_TITLE' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMLE_PLUGIN_TITLE', 'URL Extension' ); } // ======================= // = URL Extension About = // ======================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMLE_PLUGIN_ABOUT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMLE_PLUGIN_ABOUT', 'https://plugin-updates.wp-migration.com/url-extension.json' ); } // ======================= // = URL Extension Check = // ======================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMLE_PLUGIN_CHECK' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMLE_PLUGIN_CHECK', 'https://redirect.wp-migration.com/v1/check/url-extension' ); } // ===================== // = URL Extension Key = // ===================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMLE_PLUGIN_KEY' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMLE_PLUGIN_KEY', 'ai1wmle_plugin_key' ); } // ======================= // = URL Extension Short = // ======================= if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMLE_PLUGIN_SHORT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMLE_PLUGIN_SHORT', 'url' ); } // ============================= // = WebDAV Extension Base Dir = // ============================= if ( defined( 'AI1WMWE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMWE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', dirname( AI1WMWE_PLUGIN_BASENAME ) ); } else { define( 'AI1WMWE_PLUGIN_BASEDIR', 'all-in-one-wp-migration-webdav-extension' ); } // ========================== // = WebDAV Extension Title = // ========================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMWE_PLUGIN_TITLE' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMWE_PLUGIN_TITLE', 'WebDAV Extension' ); } // ========================== // = WebDAV Extension About = // ========================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMWE_PLUGIN_ABOUT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMWE_PLUGIN_ABOUT', 'https://plugin-updates.wp-migration.com/webdav-extension.json' ); } // ========================== // = WebDAV Extension Check = // ========================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMWE_PLUGIN_CHECK' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMWE_PLUGIN_CHECK', 'https://redirect.wp-migration.com/v1/check/webdav-extension' ); } // ======================== // = WebDAV Extension Key = // ======================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMWE_PLUGIN_KEY' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMWE_PLUGIN_KEY', 'ai1wmwe_plugin_key' ); } // ========================== // = WebDAV Extension Short = // ========================== if ( ! defined( 'AI1WMWE_PLUGIN_SHORT' ) ) { define( 'AI1WMWE_PLUGIN_SHORT', 'webdav' ); }