=== Inline Related Posts === Contributors: IntellyWP, Data443 Tags: inline related posts, suggestions, similar posts, Zemanta, YARPP Requires at least: 3.6 Tested up to: 6.6 Requires PHP: 5.6 Stable tag: trunk Inline Related Posts AUTOMATICALLY inserts related posts INSIDE your content, capturing immediately the reader's attention. == Description ==

This plugin is a service of Data443.com.

Data443 is a Data Security and Privacy Compliance company that is publicly traded ATDS. We have been providing leading GDPR compliance products such as WordPress GDPR Framework and Data Identification Manager, Blockchain privacy, and enterprise cloud eDiscovery tools.

Companies like Entrepreneur, The Wall Street Journal, BBC, Business Insider, Financial Times and many others understood this concept and embraced it as you can see in this GIF in Screenshots. In IntellyWP we take care of the marketing aspects of your Wordpress site and today we have brought to you the same technology they use, to help you to increase engagement, page views and to reduce the bounce rate. > Just one week after testing this plugin on a low traffic site, our page views increased by 99%. ANOTHER IMPORTANT POINT OF VIEW
How many things have you have in the footer post? * The author box? * Subscription to your newsletter? * Maybe you ask users to share the post on social networks? * You ask them to leave a comment? * And also... to read related posts? Do you know that asking too many things is equal to ask nothing? [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjdTr14Nd1g] Inline related posts plugin bring a new experience to your visitors and help you to win the fight of catching readers attention ;) > With Inline Related Posts Plugin you can:
> 1. Put related posts boxes INSIDE your content (see Screenshots)
> 2. Automatically put multiple boxes in all your posts
> 3. Automatically detect line breaks (without destroy your paragraphs or headlines)
> 4. Choose over 20+ combinations of style (themes, colors, hover) Download now the Inline Related posts plugin into your Wordpress.

== Installation == 1. Download our plugin 2. Upload to your /wp-contents/plugins/ directory. 3. Activate the plugin through the "Plugins" menu in WordPress. 4. You will be redirected to Settings >> Inline Related Posts You can also click on this link [http://intellywp.com/intelly-related-posts/](http://intellywp.com/intelly-related-posts/?utm_source=wordpress-org&utm_medium=plugin-page&utm_campaign=IRP) to see a full explanation. This is our official webpage, you will see the plugin in action, with the possibility to buy PREMIUM version and have full support. For documentation click here: [https://data443.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/17/article/858652673](https://data443.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/17/article/858652673) == Frequently Asked Questions == = Why should I use this plugin? = Because it will increase the page views on your site, improving engagement and reducing your bounce rate. = Can I use the Inline related Posts plugin along with another Related posts plugin? = Yes you can! Our plugin puts fancy boxes INSIDE the content, not at the end of it. = Will this plugin break the structure of my content? = NOPE. Our algorithm knows HTML tags and avoid placing the boxes in the wrong place! = Do you have some others fancy box styles? = Yes! We have other cool styles and features in the PRO version. Check it out https://intellywp.com/intelly-related-posts/ = Will this plugin slow my website? = Absolutely Not! Inline Related Posts is built with lightweight code so you won’t notice any difference in speed using it. = What Are the Shortcode options? = 1. [irp] -- use this to place a box where ever you want. 2. [irp posts="183,179,191,195"] -- this will display a box with a link to random post from the posts lists. 3. [irp cats="3"] -- target only posts from the selected category(s) (use a comma separated list to add more categories) 4. [irp tags="18"] -- target only posts with the selected tag(s) (use a comma separated list for more than one tag) == Screenshots == 1. Some example of famous websites with "Related post box" 2. An example of a style that you can use 3. Another example of a style that you can use 4. Another example of a style that you can use 5. Hover effect is allowed using this theme 6. Our Intelly Line Breaks technology which detects grammar rules and avoids content breaks. 7. The backend of our plugin. Live preview available and super fast options to fit your theme style. 8. A Box Theme of Inline Related Posts PRO. Check other PREMIUM feature here. (https://intellywp.com/intelly-related-posts/) 9. Another Box Theme of Inline Related Posts PRO. Check other PREMIUM feature here. (https://intellywp.com/intelly-related-posts/) == Changelog == For detailed release notes, see our documentation here: [https://intellywp.com/docs/](https://data443.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/17/article/858652673). = 3.8.0 = *Release Date - 2024-7-3* * Do additional sanitization of inputs = 3.7.0 = *Release Date - 2024-6-13* * RDU-1364 Fix a potential vulnerability = 3.6.0 = *Release Date - 2024-3-19* * RDU-1145 Fix a potential vulnerability = 3.5.0 = *Release Date - 2024-3-13* * RDU-1130 Fix a potential vulnerability = 3.4.0 = *Release Date - 2024-3-8* * RDU-1122 Fix a potential vulnerability = 3.3.1 = *Release Date - 2023-10-17* * RDU-831 Fix HTML link encoding issue = 3.3.0 = *Release Date - 2023-8-31* * RDU-757 Fix the Gutenberg Widget to allow for searching of all available posts = 3.2.1 = *Release Date - 2023-8-15* * Fixed deprecated code warning in HTMLContext.php * RDU-721 Perform additional validation of user input = 3.2.0 = *Release Date - 2023-6-21* * RDU-503 Fix issue with Ninja Tables Pro = 3.1.0 = *Release Date - 2023-5-24* * RDU-429 Fix layout compatibility with the "Easy Table of Contents" plugin * RDU-443 Fix HTML parsing errors = 3.0.13 = *Release Date - 2023-3-1* * RDU-211 On a first time activation, the continue link is bad * IWP-528 Fix Issue where an element with '0' as the sole text gets deleted = 3.0.12 = *Release Date - 2022-12-8* * IWP-426 Verify that plugin works with WordPress 6.1 * IWP-485 Fix activation conflict with the premium version of this plugin = 3.0.11 = *Release Date - 2022-10-11* * IWP-128 Sort posts in editor dropdown by most recent date first * IWP-401 fix grammar error in powered by setting * IWP-425 Add option to remove redundant style blocks = 3.0.10 = *Release Date - 2022-9-21 * IWP-348 Evaluate shortcodes in post titles * IWP-349 Evaluate shortcodes in the 'Read Also' text * IWP-432 Stop using the deprecated gutenberg block_categories. Also, fix serveral block editor bugs. * IWP-463 Update the select2 javascript library * IWP-468 Perform sanitization on user's input data = 3.0.9 = *Release Date 2022-2-3* * IWP-378 Support the Gutenberg editor by providing an IRP widget = 3.0.8 = *Release Date 2021-12-14* * IWP-361 Provide an option to place links inside of span elements. * IWP-315 Change the Author of this plugin * IWP-316 Update facebook and twitter links = 3.0.7 = *Release Date - 2021-08-24* * IWP-83 Make the linkRel attribute default to 'dofollow' and provide an option to prevent all related post links from changing with every page refresh. = 3.0.6 = *Release Date - 2021-07-13* * IWP-191 Remove the checkboxes for page support * IWP-238 Allow hook priority to be set on the settings page = 3.0.5 = *Release Date - 2021-06-15* * IWP-192 - Support Multilingual sites * IWP-231 - Fix a potential vulnerability = 3.0.4 = *Release Date - 2021-05-20* * IWP-178 Additional refactoring * IWP-188 make "FAQ & Docs" tab open in new browser tab = 3.0.3 = *Release Date - 2021-05-08* * IWP-170 Additional code rationalization & Performance changes, TinyMCE Editor resolution = 3.0.2 = *Release Date - 2021-05-07* * IWP-170 Resolving security updates = 3.0.1 = *Release Date - 2021-03-10* * Links Update * Added : Right sidebar on option panel. * Tested with WP 5.7 Plugin updated and supported. = 3.0.0 = *Release Date - 2021-01-19* * Tested with WP 5.6 Plugin updated and supported. = 2.2.8 = *Release Date - 2020-10-17* * Branding update = 2.2.7 = *Release Date - 2020-08-17* * [Bugfix] Incompatibility between jQuery qTip and the jQuery version included on WordPress 5.5 * Tested with WP 5.5 Plugin updated and supported. = 2.2.6 = *Release Date - 2020-08-06* * Tested with WP 5.4 Plugin updated and supported. = 2.2.5 = *Release Date - 2020-01-22* * Tested with WP 5.3 Plugin updated and supported. = 2.2.4 = *Release Date - 2019-05-18* * Tested with WP 5.2 Plugin updated and supported. * [Improvement] Prevent the related posts inside specific divs = 2.2.3 = *Release Date - 2019-03-16* * Tested with WP 5.1.1. Plugin updated and supported. = 2.2.2 = *Release Date - 2019-02-21* * [NEW] Ajax dropdown to choose a specific post for our "irp" shortcode from the editor button. * [NEW] Ajax dropdown to choose a specific page for our "irp" shortcode from the editor button. * Finally compatible with WP 5.0.3. Plugin updated and supported. = 2.2.1 = *Release Date - 2018-05-01* * Finally compatible with WP 4.9.5. Plugin updated and supported. = 2.2.0 = *Release Date - 21/08/2016* * Compatible with PHP < 5.3 * No also inline image are recognized if featured image is not defined = 2.1.8 = *Release Date - 27/04/2016* * Documentation link fixed = 2.1.7 = *Release Date - 19/09/2015* * [Bugfix] hasPoweredBy not is default disable due to WP repository guidelines = 2.1.6 = *Release Date - 13/09/2015* * [Improvement] Improvement the "wp-caption" recognition = 2.1.5 = *Release Date - 12/09/2015* * [Improvement] Improvement in "div" detection * [Bugfix] Fixed vertical-alignment in Firefox = 2.1.4 = *Release Date - 11/09/2015* * [Bugfix] Fixed bugs on "irp" shortcode = 2.1.3 = *Release Date - 09/09/2015* * [Bugfix] Fixed bugs on "style" tag in content = 2.1.2 = *Release Date - 27/08/2015* * [Bugfix] Fixed bugs on related box placement = 2.1.0 = *Release Date - 26/08/2015* * [Improvements] Included into the WP menu only if user has manage_options rights * [Bugfix] Fixed bugs on bottom spacing * [Improvements] Inserted as parameters CSS margin-top and CSS margin-bottom * [Improvements] Various fixed = 2.0.4 = *Release Date - 23/08/2015* * [Improvements] Various fixed = 2.0.3 = *Release Date - 09/07/2015* * [Bugfix] Speed optimization * [Bugfix] Corrected the function to filter only recent posts * Minor bugfix = 2.0.2 = *Release Date - 06/07/2015* * Minor bugfix = 2.0.1 = *Release Date - 05/07/2015* * [Bugfix] Fixed bug with PRE tag * [Bugfix] Fixed notice Array to string conversion in ../intelly-related-posts/index.php on line 127 * [NEW] Created themes for the plugin * [NEW] Created 2 different themes for free with various effect * [NEW] Created 3 different themes in PRO version with various effect = 1.3.4 = *Release Date - 06/06/2015* * Added rel="nofollow" by default with a dropdown where you can choose also dofollow if you prefer = 1.3.3 = *Release Date - 27/05/2015* * [Thanks to msshams] Bugfix persian language * [Thanks to reweb] Bugfix Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ':' in [...] wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/index.php on line 118 = 1.3.2 = *Release Date - 14/05/2015* * Tested with a lot of websites, blogs, etc * Approved by WP community = 1.1 = *Release Date - 09/05/2015* * HTML parsing to insert properly Inline Related Posts automatically * Bugfixes and test with a lots of posts = 1.0 = * First release