/** * Functions for the Fixed TOC Plugin * * @since 3.0.0 */ /*global fixedtocOption */ 'use strict'; var fixedtoc = (function($) { /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Set fixedtocOption. * * @since 3.0.0 */ var option = (function() { var init = function() { fixedtocOption.scrollOffset = parseToInt(fixedtocOption.scrollOffset); fixedtocOption.fixedOffsetX = parseToInt(fixedtocOption.fixedOffsetX); fixedtocOption.fixedOffsetY = parseToInt(fixedtocOption.fixedOffsetY); fixedtocOption.contentsFixedHeight = parseToInt(fixedtocOption.contentsFixedHeight); fixedtocOption.contentsWidthInPost = parseToInt(fixedtocOption.contentsWidthInPost); fixedtocOption.contentsHeightInPost = parseToInt(fixedtocOption.contentsHeightInPost); fixedtocOption.triggerBorderWidth = getBorderWidth(fixedtocOption.triggerBorder); fixedtocOption.contentsBorderWidth = getBorderWidth(fixedtocOption.contentsBorder); fixedtocOption.triggerSize = parseToInt(fixedtocOption.triggerSize); }; var set = function(name, val, type) { if ('int' == type) { fixedtocOption[name] = parseToInt(val); } else if ('float' == type) { fixedtocOption[name] = parseToFloat(val); } else { fixedtocOption[name] = val; } }; var update = function(name, val, type) { set(name, val, type); }; var remove = function(name) { if (undefined !== fixedtocOption[name]) { delete fixedtocOption[name]; } }; var getBorderWidth = function(border) { switch (border) { case 'thin': return 1; case 'medium': return 2; case 'bold': return 5; default: return 0; } }; return { init: init, set: set, update: update, remove: remove }; })(); // noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Condition methods to control on/off. * * @since 3.0.0 */ var conditionObj = { inWidgetProp: undefined, showAdminbar: function() { return fixedtocOption.showAdminbar; }, isQuickMin: function() { return fixedtocOption.isQuickMin; }, isEscMin: function() { return fixedtocOption.isEscMin; }, isEnterMax: function() { return fixedtocOption.isEnterMax; }, isNestedList: function() { return fixedtocOption.isNestedList; }, isColExpList: function() { return fixedtocOption.isColExpList; }, showColExpIcon: function() { return fixedtocOption.showColExpIcon; }, isAccordionList: function() { return fixedtocOption.isAccordionList; }, showTargetHint: function() { return true; }, supportInPost: function() { return fixedtocOption.inPost; }, inWidget: function() { if (!fixedtocOption.inWidget) { return false; } if (undefined === this.inWidgetProp) { this.inWidgetProp = !!$('#ftwp-widget-container').length; } return this.inWidgetProp; }, fixedWidget: function() { if (!this.inWidget()) { return false; } return fixedtocOption.fixedWidget; }, isAutoHeightFixedToPost: function() { return (0 == fixedtocOption.contentsFixedHeight); }, isFloat: function() { return 'none' != fixedtocOption.contentsFloatInPost; }, isAutoHeightInPost: function() { return (0 == fixedtocOption.contentsHeightInPost); }, isPositionAtFixed: function(position) { return -1 != fixedtocOption.fixedPosition.indexOf(position); }, isDebug: function() { return 1 == fixedtocOption.debug; }, isNotBlur: function() { var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); return (ua.indexOf('android') > -1) || (ua.indexOf('firefox') > -1); }, isMobile: function() { return dataObj.data.window.width <= parseToInt(fixedtocOption.mobileMaxWidth); }, isClickableHeader: function() { return 1 == fixedtocOption.isClickableHeader; }, isColExpInitMobile: function() { return 1 == fixedtocOption.contentsColexpInitMobile; }, isSmoothScroll: function() { return 1 == fixedtocOption.smoothScroll; } }; // End conditionObj. /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Common functions. * * @since 3.0.0 */ /** * Parse to integer. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {string} str * @return int */ function parseToInt(str) { return parseInt(str) || 0; } /** * Parse to float number. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {string} str * @return float|int */ function parseToFloat(str) { return parseFloat(str) || 0; } /** * Get height of a fixed element. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {Element} eles * @return float|int */ function getFixedHeight(eles) { if (!eles.length) { return 0; } var fixedHeight = 0; eles.each(function() { var thisEle = $(this); if ('fixed' == thisEle.css('position')) { fixedHeight += parseToInt(thisEle.outerHeight()); } }); return fixedHeight; } /** * Prevent default event. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {Event} evt * @return undefined */ function preventDefaultEvt(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); } // noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols /** * Return undefined. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return undefined */ function __return() { } /** * Get contents height. * Exclude padding and border. * * @since 3.0.1 * * @param {int} contentsOuterHeight outer height. * @return {int}. */ function getContentsHeight(contentsOuterHeight) { return parseToInt( contentsOuterHeight - 2 * fixedtocOption.contentsBorderWidth); } /** * Output console.log result if debug enable. * * @since 3.1.0 * * @param {string} str */ function consoleLog(str) { if (conditionObj.isDebug()) { console.log(str); } } /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Create elements. * * @since 3.0.0 */ var $e; function createElements() { $e = { window: $(window), document: $(document), body: $('body'), container: $('#ftwp-container'), trigger: $('#ftwp-trigger'), contents: $('#ftwp-contents'), header: $('#ftwp-header'), minIcon: $('#ftwp-header-minimize'), list: $('#ftwp-list'), postContent: $(fixedtocOption.postContentSelector), headings: $('.ftwp-heading') }; $e.anchors = $e.list.find('.ftwp-anchor').not('.ftwp-otherpage-anchor'); if (conditionObj.isNestedList()) { $e.hasSubItems = $e.list.find('.ftwp-has-sub'); } if (conditionObj.showColExpIcon()) { $e.colExpIcons = $e.list.find('.ftwp-icon-expand, .ftwp-icon-collapse'); } if (conditionObj.inWidget()) { $e.widget = $('.ftwp-widget'); $e.widgetContainer = $('#ftwp-widget-container'); } if (conditionObj.supportInPost()) { $e.containerOuter = $('#ftwp-container-outer'); } consoleLog($e); } /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Set index data to anchor element. * * @since 3.0.0 */ function setAnchorIndex() { $e.anchors.each(function(i) { $(this).data('index', i); }); } /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Data * * @since 3.0.0 */ var dataObj = (function() { var data = {}; // Set scroll top. var setScrollTop = function() { data.scrollTop = $e.window.scrollTop(); }; // Set window width and height. var setWindowSize = function() { data.window = {}; data.window.width = window.innerWidth; data.window.height = window.innerHeight; }; // Set document height. var setDocumentHeight = function() { data.document = {}; data.document.height = Math.round($e.document.height()); }; // Set adminbar height. var setAdminbarHeight = function() { data.adminbarHeight = conditionObj.showAdminbar() ? getFixedHeight( $('#wpadminbar')) : 0; }; // Set fixed menu height. var setFixedMenuHeight = function() { data.fixedMenuHeight = getFixedHeight($(fixedtocOption.fixedMenu)); }; // Set fixed height. Include adminbar and fixed menu. var setFixedHeight = function() { if (fixedtocOption.fixedMenu) { data.fixedHeight = data.adminbarHeight + data.fixedMenuHeight; } else { data.fixedHeight = data.adminbarHeight; } }; // Set offset top to window at fixed position. var setFixedOffsetTop = function() { data.fixedOffsetTop = data.fixedHeight + fixedtocOption.fixedOffsetY; }; // Offset top of heading var setHeadingOffset = function() { data.headingOffset = data.fixedHeight + fixedtocOption.scrollOffset; }; // Set heading top data var setHeadingsTop = function() { data.headingsTop = []; $.each($e.anchors, function() { var $heading = $($(this).attr('href')); var headingTop = $heading.length ? parseToInt( $heading.offset().top - data.headingOffset) : NaN; if (!isNaN(headingTop)) { data.headingsTop.push({ headingTop: headingTop, anchorEle: $(this) }); } }); }; // Set post rectangle data relative to the page. var setPostRect = function() { data.postRect = {}; var postContentOffset = $e.postContent.offset(); var postContentWidth = $e.postContent.outerWidth(); var postContentHeight = $e.postContent.outerHeight(); data.postRect.left = postContentOffset.left; data.postRect.top = postContentOffset.top; data.postRect.width = postContentWidth; data.postRect.right = data.postRect.left + data.postRect.width; data.postRect.bottom = postContentHeight + data.postRect.top; data.postRect.height = data.postRect.bottom - data.postRect.top; }; // Set fixed TOC Y range. var setFtocRangeY = function() { data.ftocRangeY = {}; if (conditionObj.supportInPost()) { data.ftocRangeY.top = data.inPostRangeY.bottom; } else { data.ftocRangeY.top = data.postRect.top - data.fixedHeight; } switch (fixedtocOption.disappearPoint) { case 'document-bottom': data.ftocRangeY.bottom = Math.round($e.document.height()); break; default: data.ftocRangeY.bottom = data.postRect.bottom - data.window.height; } // data.ftocRangeY.bottom = data.postRect.bottom - data.window.height; // data.ftocRangeY.bottom = data.postRect.bottom; }; // Set height of the container outer. var containerOuterHeight = (function() { var set = function() { var height; if (conditionObj.isAutoHeightInPost() || fixedtocOption.contentsColexpInit) { $e.container.css('position', 'static'); height = $e.containerOuter.outerHeight(); $e.container.css('position', ''); } else { height = fixedtocOption.contentsHeightInPost; } $e.containerOuter.css('height', height + 'px'); data.containerOuterHeight = height; }; var update = function() { if (!actionObj.location.inPost) { return; } if (conditionObj.isAutoHeightInPost()) { auto(); } else { if ('collapse' == $e.contents.data('colexp')) { auto(); } else { $e.containerOuter.css('height', fixedtocOption.contentsHeightInPost + 'px'); $e.contents.css('height', fixedtocOption.contentsHeightInPost + 'px'); listHeight.set( getContentsHeight(fixedtocOption.contentsHeightInPost)); data.containerOuterHeight = $e.containerOuter.outerHeight(); // $e.containerOuter.css('height', ''); // $e.contents.css('height', ''); // listHeight.unset(); } } function auto() { $e.containerOuter.css('height', 'auto'); $e.contents.css('height', 'auto'); listHeight.setAuto(); data.containerOuterHeight = $e.containerOuter.outerHeight(); // $e.containerOuter.css('height', ''); // $e.contents.css('height', ''); // listHeight.unset(); } }; return { set: set, update: update }; })(); // Set Y range fot in post location. var setInPostRangeY = function() { data.inPostRangeY = {}; data.inPostRangeY.top = 0; data.inPostRangeY.bottom = $e.containerOuter.offset().top + data.containerOuterHeight - data.fixedHeight; }; // Set min viewport width in widget var setInWidgetMinWidth = function() { data.inWidgetMinWidth = data.postRect.width + $e.widgetContainer.outerWidth(); }; // Set fixed widget Y range. var setFixedWidgetRangeY = function() { data.fixedWidgetRangeY = {}; data.fixedWidgetRangeY.top = $e.widgetContainer.offset().top - data.fixedHeight; data.fixedWidgetRangeY.bottom = data.ftocRangeY.bottom; }; // Set fixed TOC rectangle data in widget. var ftocRectInWidget = (function() { var set = function() { data.ftocRectInWidget = { left: $e.widgetContainer.offset().left, top: data.fixedHeight, width: $e.widgetContainer.outerWidth(), height: getHeight() }; }; var getHeight = function() { var height; if ('collapse' == $e.contents.data('colexp')) { $e.contents.css('height', 'auto'); height = $e.contents.outerHeight(); $e.contents.css('height', ''); } else { height = window.innerHeight - data.fixedHeight; } return height; }; var updateOnResize = function() { set(); }; var updateHeight = function() { data.ftocRectInWidget.height = getHeight(); }; return { set: set, updateOnResize: updateOnResize, updateHeight: updateHeight }; })(); // Update data on window resize. var updateOnResize = function() { setWindowSize(); setScrollTop(); setAdminbarHeight(); if (fixedtocOption.fixedMenu) { setFixedMenuHeight(); } setFixedHeight(); setFixedOffsetTop(); if (conditionObj.supportInPost()) { containerOuterHeight.update(); setInPostRangeY(); } setHeadingOffset(); setPostRect(); setFtocRangeY(); if (conditionObj.inWidget()) { setInWidgetMinWidth(); } if (conditionObj.fixedWidget()) { setFixedWidgetRangeY(); ftocRectInWidget.updateOnResize(); } setHeadingsTop(); consoleLog(data); }; // Update data on window scroll. var prevFixedMenuHeight; var updateOnScroll = function() { setScrollTop(); if (!fixedtocOption.fixedMenu) { return; } if (undefined === prevFixedMenuHeight) { prevFixedMenuHeight = data.fixedMenuHeight; } setFixedMenuHeight(); if (prevFixedMenuHeight !== data.fixedMenuHeight) { setFixedHeight(); setFixedOffsetTop(); if (conditionObj.supportInPost()) { setInPostRangeY(); } setHeadingOffset(); setPostRect(); setFtocRangeY(); if (conditionObj.inWidget()) { setInWidgetMinWidth(); } if (conditionObj.fixedWidget()) { setFixedWidgetRangeY(); ftocRectInWidget.updateOnResize(); } setHeadingsTop(); prevFixedMenuHeight = data.fixedMenuHeight; consoleLog(data); } }; // Update data on document height changing. var preDocumentHeight; var updateOnDocumentHeightChange = function() { setDocumentHeight(); var curDocumentHeight = data.document.height; if (curDocumentHeight != preDocumentHeight) { fixedtoc.reload(); preDocumentHeight = data.document.height; // consoleLog( 'Document Height: ' + data.document.height ); } }; // Return and set public API. return { data: data, ftocRectInWidget: ftocRectInWidget, // Create data on initial createOnInit: function() { setWindowSize(); setScrollTop(); setAdminbarHeight(); if (fixedtocOption.fixedMenu) { setFixedMenuHeight(); } setFixedHeight(); setFixedOffsetTop(); if (conditionObj.supportInPost()) { containerOuterHeight.set(); setInPostRangeY(); } setHeadingOffset(); setPostRect(); setFtocRangeY(); if (conditionObj.inWidget()) { setInWidgetMinWidth(); } if (conditionObj.fixedWidget()) { setFixedWidgetRangeY(); ftocRectInWidget.set(); } setHeadingsTop(); consoleLog(this.data); }, // Update data on resize window updateOnResize: updateOnResize, // Update data on scroll updateOnScroll: updateOnScroll, // Update data in post updateInPost: function() { containerOuterHeight.update(); setInPostRangeY(); setHeadingOffset(); setHeadingsTop(); setPostRect(); setFtocRangeY(); }, // Update on document height change. updateOnDocumentHeightChange: updateOnDocumentHeightChange, // Update document height. setDocumentHeight: setDocumentHeight }; })(); /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Location * * @since 3.0.0 */ var locationObj = (function() { // Display in widget. var inWidget = function() { // if (conditionObj.inWidget() && dataObj.data.window.width >= dataObj.data.inWidgetMinWidth) { return conditionObj.inWidget() && !conditionObj.isMobile(); }; // Fixed to widget. var fixedWidget = function() { if (!conditionObj.fixedWidget()) { return false; } if (!inWidget()) { return false; } return dataObj.data.fixedWidgetRangeY.top <= dataObj.data.scrollTop && dataObj.data.fixedWidgetRangeY.bottom > dataObj.data.scrollTop; }; // Display in post. var inPost = function() { if (!conditionObj.supportInPost()) { return false; } return dataObj.data.inPostRangeY.bottom > dataObj.data.scrollTop; }; // Fixed to post var fixedToPost = function() { return dataObj.data.ftocRangeY.top <= dataObj.data.scrollTop && dataObj.data.ftocRangeY.bottom > dataObj.data.scrollTop; }; return { fixedWidget: fixedWidget, inWidget: inWidget, inPost: inPost, fixedToPost: fixedToPost }; })(); /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Actions. * * @since 3.0.0 */ var actionObj = (function() { var location = { fixedWidget: false, inWidget: false, inPost: false, fixedToPost: false, hidden: false }; var events = [ 'common', 'hidden', 'fixedToPost', 'inPost', 'inWidget', 'fixedWidget']; // Register an action with event and handler. var register = function(event, handler) { if (-1 == $.inArray(event, events)) { consoleLog('Not support this event: ' + event); return; } if (undefined !== handler._construct) { $e.container.on('ftoc_' + event, handler._construct); } if ('common' != event && undefined !== handler._destruct) { $e.container.on('_ftoc_' + event, handler._destruct); } }; // Active actions by location var activeByLocation = function(eventType) { if (locationObj.fixedWidget()) { if (!location.fixedWidget) { setLocation('fixedWidget'); activeThe('fixedWidget'); consoleLog(location); } } else if (locationObj.inWidget()) { if (!location.inWidget) { setLocation('inWidget'); activeThe('inWidget'); consoleLog(location); } } else if (locationObj.inPost()) { if (!location.inPost) { setLocation('inPost'); activeThe('inPost'); consoleLog(location); } } else if (locationObj.fixedToPost()) { if (!location.fixedToPost) { setLocation('fixedToPost'); activeThe('fixedToPost'); consoleLog(location); } } else { if (!location.hidden) { setLocation('hidden'); activeThe('hidden'); consoleLog(location); } } // Active the event function activeThe(event) { var len = events.length; var eventParam = { location: event, eventType: eventType }; // Deactivate other events. for (var j = 1; j < len; j++) { if (event == events[j]) { continue; } $e.container.trigger('_ftoc_' + events[j], eventParam); } // Active the event. $e.container.trigger('ftoc_' + event, eventParam); } // Set location variable. function setLocation(event) { for (var i = 1, len = events.length; i < len; i++) { if (undefined !== event && event == events[i]) { location[event] = true; } else { location[events[i]] = false; } } } }; // Public API return { // Location location: location, // Register custom event. register: register, // Update events on resize. updateOnResize: function() { activeByLocation('resize'); }, // Update events on scroll updateOnScroll: function() { activeByLocation('scroll'); }, // Initial events. init: function() { $e.container.trigger('ftoc_common'); activeByLocation('init'); } }; })(); /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Set list height. * * @since 3.0.0 */ var listHeight = (function() { var set = function(h) { var contentsHeight; if (undefined !== h) { contentsHeight = h; } else { contentsHeight = $e.contents.height(); } $e.list.css('height', (contentsHeight - $e.header.outerHeight()) + 'px'); }; var setAuto = function() { $e.list.css('height', 'auto'); }; var unset = function() { $e.list.css('height', ''); }; // Public API return { set: set, setAuto: setAuto, unset: unset }; })(); if (conditionObj.isColExpList()) { /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Collapse/expand sub list. * * @since 3.0.0 */ var colExpSubList = (function() { // Constructor var _construct = function() { if (conditionObj.showColExpIcon() && conditionObj.isAccordionList()) { $e.colExpIcons.on('click', accordionHandler); $e.container.on('ftocAfterScrollToTarget', accordionHandler); } else if (conditionObj.showColExpIcon()) { $e.colExpIcons.on('click', toggleHandler); $e.container.on('ftocAfterScrollToTarget', toggleHandler); } else { $e.container.on('ftocAfterScrollToTarget', accordionHandler); } if (conditionObj.showColExpIcon()) { $e.colExpIcons.on('mousedown', preventDefaultEvt); } $e.container.on('ftocAfterTargetIndicated', function(evt, $anchor) { expandSubListOnIndicator($anchor); }); consoleLog('Activated colExpSubList().'); }; // Toggle handler. var toggleHandler = function(evt, $anchor) { var $currentTarget = undefined === $anchor ? $(this) : $anchor; var $hasSubItem = $currentTarget.parent('.ftwp-has-sub'); if (!$hasSubItem.length) { return; } if ($currentTarget.hasClass('ftwp-anchor')) { expand($hasSubItem, $currentTarget.prev('button')); } else { toggle($hasSubItem, $currentTarget); } }; // Accordion handler. var accordionHandler = function(evt, $anchor) { var $currentTarget = undefined === $anchor ? $(this) : $anchor; var $item = $currentTarget.parent('.ftwp-item'); if (!$item.length) { return; } if ($currentTarget.hasClass('ftwp-anchor')) { accordion($item, $currentTarget.prev('button')); } else { toggle($item, $currentTarget); collapseOther($item); } }; // Toggle var toggle = function($hasSubItem, $icon) { if ($hasSubItem.hasClass('ftwp-collapse')) { expand($hasSubItem, $icon); } else if ($hasSubItem.hasClass('ftwp-expand')) { collapse($hasSubItem, $icon); } }; // Accordion var accordion = function($item, $icon) { collapseOther($item); if ($item.hasClass('ftwp-has-sub')) { expand($item, $icon); } }; // Collapse var collapse = function($hasSubItem, $icon) { $hasSubItem.removeClass('ftwp-expand').addClass('ftwp-collapse'); if ($icon.length) { $icon.removeClass('ftwp-icon-expand').addClass('ftwp-icon-collapse'); } }; // Expand var expand = function($hasSubItem, $icon) { $hasSubItem.removeClass('ftwp-collapse').addClass('ftwp-expand'); if ($icon.length) { $icon.removeClass('ftwp-icon-collapse').addClass('ftwp-icon-expand'); } }; // Collapse other var collapseOther = function($item) { $e.hasSubItems.each(function() { var $thisItem = $(this); if ($thisItem.get(0) == $item.get(0)) { return; } if ($thisItem.find($item).length) { return; } collapse($thisItem, $thisItem.children('button')); }); }; // Get icon element. // noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols var getIconEle = function($this) { var $icon; if ($this.hasClass('ftwp-anchor')) { $icon = $this.prev('button'); } else if ('button' == $this.prop('tagName').toLowerCase()) { $icon = $this; } return $icon; }; // Expand sub list on targetIndicator var expandSubListOnIndicator = function($anchor) { // Collapse other if (conditionObj.isAccordionList()) { collapseOther($anchor.parent('.ftwp-item')); } // Expand var $hasSubItems = $anchor.parents('.ftwp-has-sub'); if ($hasSubItems) { $hasSubItems.each(function() { var $hasSubItem = $(this); var $icon = $hasSubItem.children('button'); expand($hasSubItem, $icon); }); } }; // Public API return { _construct: _construct }; })(); } /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Scroll to target. * * @since 3.0.0 */ var scrollToTarget = (function() { // Constructor var _construct = function() { if (!conditionObj.isSmoothScroll()) { return; } $e.anchors.on('click', function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); var $anchor = $(evt.currentTarget); animateScroll($anchor); }); $e.anchors.on('mousedown', preventDefaultEvt); consoleLog('Activated scrollToTarget().'); }; var animateScrolling = false; // Animated scroll var animateScroll = function($anchor) { var hash = $anchor.attr('href'); var $targetObj = $(hash); // var $target = $targetObj.target; var index = $anchor.data('index'); var headingsTop = dataObj.data.headingsTop[index]; if (undefined === headingsTop) { return; } var top = headingsTop.headingTop; // Adding hash without scrolling by browser default behaviour. var headingID = hash.substr(1); $e.headings.removeClass('ftwp-heading-target'); $targetObj.attr('id', ''); window.location.hash = hash; $targetObj.attr('id', headingID); $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: top}, { duration: parseToInt(fixedtocOption.scrollDuration), start: function() { animateScrolling = true; } }).promise().then(function() { animateScrolling = false; // Fixing scroll to incorrectly position as the document height is changed. var curHeadingTop = dataObj.data.headingsTop[index].headingTop; if (top != curHeadingTop) { $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: curHeadingTop}, 100, function() { var curHeadingTop2 = dataObj.data.headingsTop[index].headingTop; if (curHeadingTop != curHeadingTop2) { $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: curHeadingTop2}, 1, function() { }); } }); } // consoleLog( 'Fixed scrolling to target!!!' ); activeCurrent($anchor); $targetObj.addClass('ftwp-heading-target'); // After scroll to heading target. $e.container.trigger('ftocAfterScrollToTarget', [$anchor, top]); }); }; // Defined activated element. var activedEle; // Active the current elements. var activeCurrent = function($anchor) { // Deactivate the previous elements. deactivatePrev(); // Active anchor. activedEle = $anchor; $anchor.addClass('ftwp-active'); if (actionObj.location.fixedToPost || actionObj.location.fixedWidget) { if (!$anchor.is(':focus') && !animateScrolling) { $anchor.trigger('focus'); } } // Active icon if (conditionObj.showColExpIcon()) { var $icon = $anchor.prev(); if ($icon.length) { $icon.addClass('ftwp-active'); } } }; // Deactivate the prev elements. var deactivatePrev = function() { if (activedEle) { activedEle.removeClass('ftwp-active').trigger('blur'); if (conditionObj.showColExpIcon()) { var $icon = activedEle.prev(); if ($icon.length) { $icon.removeClass('ftwp-active'); } } } }; // Deactivate all elements. var deactivateAll = function() { activedEle = undefined; $e.anchors.removeClass('ftwp-active').trigger('blur'); if (conditionObj.showColExpIcon()) { $e.colExpIcons.removeClass('ftwp-active'); } }; // Public API return { _construct: _construct, activeCurrent: activeCurrent, deactivateAll: deactivateAll, deactivatePrev: deactivatePrev }; })(); /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * target indicator. * * @since 3.0.0 */ var targetIndicator = (function() { // Constructor var _construct = function() { $e.window.on('ftocScroll', hint).on('ftocResize', hint); consoleLog('Actived targetIndicator().'); }; var start = function() { $e.window.on('ftocScroll', hint).on('ftocResize', hint); }; var stop = function() { $e.window.off('ftocScroll', hint).off('ftocResize', hint); }; // Present previous heading. var prevHeading; var preDocumentHeight; // Hint var hint = function() { var headingsTop = dataObj.data.headingsTop; var scrollTop = dataObj.data.scrollTop; if (headingsTop[0].headingTop > scrollTop || dataObj.data.ftocRangeY.bottom < scrollTop) { if (undefined !== prevHeading) { scrollToTarget.deactivateAll(); } prevHeading = undefined; return; } if (undefined !== preDocumentHeight && preDocumentHeight != dataObj.data.document.height) { activeCurrentAnchor(); consoleLog('Fixed target indicator!!'); return; } // if (undefined !== prevHeading && prevHeading[0].headingTop <= scrollTop && prevHeading[1].headingTop > scrollTop) { return; } activeCurrentAnchor(); function activeCurrentAnchor() { $.each(headingsTop, function(i) { if (undefined === headingsTop[i + 1] && this.headingTop <= dataObj.data.ftocRangeY.bottom) { prevHeading = [this, headingsTop[i], i]; preDocumentHeight = dataObj.data.document.height; // After target indicated. scrollToTarget.activeCurrent(this.anchorEle); $e.container.trigger('ftocAfterTargetIndicated', [this.anchorEle, scrollTop]); return false; } if (this.headingTop <= scrollTop && headingsTop[i + 1].headingTop > scrollTop) { prevHeading = [this, headingsTop[i + 1], i]; if (undefined === dataObj.data.document) { dataObj.setDocumentHeight(); } preDocumentHeight = dataObj.data.document.height; // After target indicated. scrollToTarget.activeCurrent(this.anchorEle); $e.container.trigger('ftocAfterTargetIndicated', [this.anchorEle, scrollTop]); return false; } }); } }; // Public API return { _construct: _construct, start: start, stop: stop }; })(); // noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Only scrolling the list prevent scrolling the window. * * @since 3.0.0 */ var noScrollWindow = (function() { // Constructor var _construct = function(evt, eventParam) { init(); if ('fixedToPost' == eventParam.location) { $e.container.on('ftocAfterMaximize', on); $e.container.on('ftocAfterMinimize', off); } consoleLog('Actived noScrollWindow().'); }; // Destruct var _destruct = function() { off(); $e.container.off('ftocAfterMaximize', on); $e.container.off('ftocAfterMinimize', off); consoleLog('Deactivated noScrollWindow().'); }; // Init var init = function() { on(); }; // On var on = function() { $e.list.on('scroll', start); $e.list.on('mouseleave', stop); $e.document.on('click', clickDocumentHandler); $e.window.on('scroll', stop); }; // Off var off = function() { $e.body.removeClass('ftwp-no-scroll'); $e.list.off('scroll', start); $e.list.off('mouseleave', stop); $e.document.off('click', clickDocumentHandler); $e.window.off('scroll', stop); }; // Start var start = function() { $e.body.addClass('ftwp-no-scroll'); }; // Stop var stop = function() { if ($e.body.hasClass('ftwp-no-scroll')) { $e.list.off('scroll', start); $e.body.removeClass('ftwp-no-scroll'); setTimeout(function() { $e.list.on('scroll', start); }, 100); } }; // Click document handler. var clickDocumentHandler = function(evt) { if (!($.contains($e.list.get(0), evt.target))) { stop(); } }; // Public API return { _construct: _construct, _destruct: _destruct, on: on, off: off }; })(); /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Hide TOC. * * @since 3.0.0 */ var hideToc = (function() { // Constructor var _construct = function() { $e.container.addClass('ftwp-hidden-state'); consoleLog('Actived hideToc().'); }; // Destructor var _destruct = function() { $e.container.removeClass('ftwp-hidden-state'); consoleLog('Deactivated hideToc().'); }; // Public API return { _construct: _construct, _destruct: _destruct }; })(); /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed TOC show in. * * @since 3.0.0 */ var ftocInOut = (function() { // Constructor var _construct = function() { init(); // Set location location.set(); $e.window.on('ftocResize', location.set); // Effect effect.in(); $e.container.on('ftocAfterMinMax', effect.inOut); consoleLog('Actived ftocInOut().'); }; // Destructor var _destruct = function() { uninit(); location.unset(); $e.window.off('ftocResize', location.set); contentsHeight.unset(); listHeight.unset(); effect.out(); $e.container.off('ftocAfterMinMax', effect.inOut); consoleLog('Deactivated ftocInOut().'); }; // Initialize var init = function() { $e.container.addClass('ftwp-fixed-to-post'); if (!$e.container.parent().is($e.body)) { $e.container.appendTo($e.body); } // Append to body. $e.minIcon.addClass('ftwp-icon-minimize'); // Make sure minimize the TOC on mobile if (conditionObj.isMobile()) { if ($e.container.hasClass('ftwp-maximize')) { $e.container.removeClass('ftwp-maximize').addClass('ftwp-minimize'); } } }; // Uninitialized var uninit = function() { $e.container.removeClass('ftwp-fixed-to-post'); $e.minIcon.removeClass('ftwp-icon-minimize'); }; // Set location var location = (function() { var setPosition = function() { effect.setTransformOrigin(); // Set transform origin. if (conditionObj.isPositionAtFixed('left')) { var right = dataObj.data.window.width - dataObj.data.postRect.left + fixedtocOption.fixedOffsetX; var leftSpace = dataObj.data.postRect.left - fixedtocOption.fixedOffsetX; setLeftStyle($e.trigger, right, leftSpace); setLeftStyle($e.contents, right, leftSpace); } else { var left = dataObj.data.postRect.right + fixedtocOption.fixedOffsetX; var rightSpace = dataObj.data.window.width - left; setRightStyle($e.trigger, left, rightSpace); setRightStyle($e.contents, left, rightSpace); } resetTopStyle(); // After set fixed location. contentsHeight.reset(); }; var isEdge = function(ele, space) { var eleWidth = ele.outerWidth(); return space <= eleWidth; }; var setLeftStyle = function(ele, right, space) { if (isEdge(ele, space)) { ele.css({ left: '0px', right: 'auto' }); effect.reverseTransformOrigin(ele); // reverse transform origin. } else { ele.css({ right: right + 'px', left: 'auto' }); } }; var setRightStyle = function(ele, left, space) { if (isEdge(ele, space)) { ele.css({ right: '0px', left: 'auto' }); effect.reverseTransformOrigin(ele); // Reverse transform origin. } else { ele.css({ left: left + 'px', right: 'auto' }); } }; var resetTopStyle = function() { if (conditionObj.isPositionAtFixed('top')) { $e.trigger.css('top', dataObj.data.fixedOffsetTop + 'px'); $e.contents.css('top', dataObj.data.fixedOffsetTop + 'px'); } else if (conditionObj.isPositionAtFixed('middle')) { $e.contents.css('top', dataObj.data.fixedHeight + 'px'); } else { $e.trigger.css('top', ''); $e.contents.css('top', ''); } }; var unsetPosition = function() { $e.trigger.css({ left: '', right: '', top: '' }); $e.contents.css({ left: '', right: '', top: '' }); effect.removeTransformOrigin(); // Remove transform origin. }; return { set: setPosition, unset: unsetPosition }; })(); // Reset height of contents. var contentsHeight = (function() { // Reset var reset = function() { // Get contents original height. var originalHeight = getOriginal(); // Reset to fit the window. var newHeight; if (conditionObj.isPositionAtFixed('middle')) { newHeight = dataObj.data.window.height - dataObj.data.fixedHeight; } else { newHeight = dataObj.data.window.height - dataObj.data.fixedOffsetTop; } var height; if (newHeight < originalHeight) { height = newHeight; } else { height = originalHeight; } $e.contents.css('height', height + 'px'); // After reset contents height. var contentsHeight = getContentsHeight(height); listHeight.set(contentsHeight); }; // Unset var unset = function() { $e.contents.css('height', ''); }; // Detect if is reset when top position. // noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols var isTopReset = function(originalHeight) { var top = dataObj.data.fixedOffsetTop; if (!top) { return false; } return (top + originalHeight) > dataObj.data.window.height; }; // Detect if is reset when bottom position. // noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols var isBottomReset = function(originalHeight) { if (!conditionObj.isPositionAtFixed('bottom')) { return false; } var offsetBottom = fixedtocOption.fixedOffsetY; if (0 == offsetBottom) { return false; } return (offsetBottom + originalHeight) > dataObj.data.window.height; }; // Get original contents height. var getOriginal = function() { var contentsHeight; if (conditionObj.isAutoHeightFixedToPost()) { if (conditionObj.isColExpList()) { contentsHeight = window.innerHeight; } else { listHeight.setAuto(); $e.contents.css('height', 'auto'); contentsHeight = $e.contents.outerHeight(); unset(); listHeight.unset(); } } else { contentsHeight = fixedtocOption.contentsFixedHeight; } return contentsHeight; }; // Public API return { reset: reset, unset: unset }; })(); // Animate in/out effect. var effect = (function() { var inCls = 'ftwp-animate-' + fixedtocOption.inOutEffect + '-in'; var inOutCls = 'ftwp-animate-' + fixedtocOption.inOutEffect + '-inOut'; // Show in var showIn = function() { $e.container.addClass(inCls); }; // Show/hide in out var showInOut = function() { $e.container.removeClass(inCls + ' ' + inOutCls); void $e.container.offsetWidth; $e.container.addClass(inOutCls); setTimeout(function() { $e.container.removeClass(inOutCls); }, 1000); }; // Hide out var hideOut = function() { $e.container.removeClass(inCls + ' ' + inOutCls); }; // Set transform origin var transformCls, newTransformCls; var setTransformOrigin = function() { var re = fixedtocOption.fixedPosition.match(/(\w+)-(\w+)/i); if (re) { var horizontal = re[2]; var vertical = re[1]; if ('left' == horizontal) { horizontal = 'right'; } else if ('right' == horizontal) { horizontal = 'left'; } if ('middle' == vertical) { vertical = 'center'; } transformCls = 'ftwp-transform-' + horizontal + '-' + vertical; $e.trigger.removeClass(newTransformCls).addClass(transformCls); $e.contents.removeClass(newTransformCls).addClass(transformCls); } }; var reverseTransformOrigin = function(ele) { if (transformCls.match(/left/i)) { newTransformCls = transformCls.replace('left', 'right'); } else { newTransformCls = transformCls.replace('right', 'left'); } ele.removeClass(transformCls).addClass(newTransformCls); }; var removeTransformOrigin = function() { $e.trigger.removeClass(transformCls + ' ' + newTransformCls); $e.contents.removeClass(transformCls + ' ' + newTransformCls); }; // Public API return { inCls: inCls, in: showIn, inOut: showInOut, out: hideOut, setTransformOrigin: setTransformOrigin, reverseTransformOrigin: reverseTransformOrigin, removeTransformOrigin: removeTransformOrigin }; })(); // Public API return { _construct: _construct, _destruct: _destruct, effectInCls: effect.inCls }; })(); /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Minimize/maximize the FTOC. * * @since 3.0.0 */ var minMaxFtoc = (function() { // Constructor var _construct = function() { var clickableElement = conditionObj.isClickableHeader() ? $e.header : $e.minIcon; $e.trigger.on('click', maximize); clickableElement.on('click', minimize); $e.trigger.on('mousedown', preventDefaultEvt); clickableElement.on('mousedown', preventDefaultEvt); if (conditionObj.isQuickMin()) { $e.document.on('click touchstart', quickMin); } if (conditionObj.isEscMin()) { $e.document.on('keyup', escMin); } if (conditionObj.isEnterMax()) { $e.document.on('keyup', enterMax); } consoleLog('Actived minMaxFtoc().'); }; // Destructor var _destruct = function() { var clickableElement = conditionObj.isClickableHeader() ? $e.header : $e.minIcon; $e.trigger.off('click', maximize); clickableElement.off('click', minimize); $e.trigger.off('mousedown', preventDefaultEvt); clickableElement.off('mousedown', preventDefaultEvt); if (conditionObj.isQuickMin()) { $e.document.off('click', quickMin); } if (conditionObj.isEscMin()) { $e.document.off('keyup', escMin); } if (conditionObj.isEnterMax()) { $e.document.off('keyup', enterMax); } consoleLog('Deactivated minMaxFtoc.'); }; // Maximize var maximize = function() { $e.container.removeClass('ftwp-minimize').addClass('ftwp-maximize'); $e.container.trigger('ftocAfterMinMax'); $e.container.trigger('ftocAfterMaximize'); consoleLog('Maximized FTOC.'); }; // Minimize var minimize = function() { $e.container.removeClass('ftwp-maximize').addClass('ftwp-minimize'); $e.container.trigger('ftocAfterMinMax'); $e.container.trigger('ftocAfterMinimize'); consoleLog('Minimized FTOC.'); }; // Click anywhere except the container. var quickMin = function(evt) { if ((evt.type == 'touchstart') && (dataObj.data.window.width > 768)) { return; } if ($e.container.hasClass('ftwp-maximize') && !($.contains($e.container.get(0), evt.target))) { minimize(); } }; // Press the esc keyboard to minimize the container. var escMin = function(evt) { if ($e.container.hasClass('ftwp-maximize') && 27 == evt.keyCode) { minimize(); } }; // Press the enter keyboard to maximize the container. var enterMax = function(evt) { if ($e.container.hasClass('ftwp-minimize') && 13 == evt.keyCode) { maximize(); } }; // Detect if it is maximized. var isMax = function() { return !!$e.container.hasClass('ftwp-maximize'); }; var isMin = function() { return !!$e.container.hasClass('ftwp-minimize'); }; // Public API return { _construct: _construct, _destruct: _destruct, isMax: isMax, isMin: isMin, minimize: minimize }; })(); /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fade trigger button. * * @since 3.0.0 */ var fadeTrigger = (function() { var fadeTimeoutId; var fadeCls = 'ftwp-fade-trigger'; var unfadeCls = 'ftwp-unfade-trigger'; // Constructor var _construct = function() { if ($e.container.hasClass('ftwp-minimize')) { start(); } $e.trigger.on('mouseenter', pause).on('mouseleave', restart); $e.container.on('ftocAfterMinimize', start).on('ftocAfterMaximize', stop); consoleLog('Actived fadeTrigger().'); }; // Destructor var _destruct = function() { stop(); $e.trigger.off('mouseenter', mouseEnter); $e.trigger.off('mouseleave', mouseLeave); $e.container.off('ftocAfterMinimize', start); $e.container.off('ftocAfterMaximize', stop); consoleLog('Deactivated fadeTrigger().'); }; // Start var start = function() { if (undefined === fadeTimeoutId) { setTimeout(function() { $e.container.removeClass(ftocInOut.effectInCls); }, 500); fadeTimeoutId = setTimeout(function() { $e.trigger.addClass(fadeCls); }, fixedtocOption.fadeTriggerDuration); } }; // Stop var stop = function() { if (undefined !== fadeTimeoutId) { clearTimeout(fadeTimeoutId); fadeTimeoutId = undefined; $e.trigger.removeClass(fadeCls + ' ' + unfadeCls); } }; // Pause var pause = function() { if (undefined !== fadeTimeoutId) { clearTimeout(fadeTimeoutId); $e.trigger.removeClass(fadeCls).addClass(unfadeCls); } }; // Restart var restart = function() { if (undefined !== fadeTimeoutId) { stop(); start(); } }; // Mouse enter var mouseEnter = function() { pause(); }; // Mouse leave var mouseLeave = function() { restart(); }; // Public API return { _construct: _construct, _destruct: _destruct, stop: stop, start: start, restart: restart, mouseLeave: mouseLeave }; })(); /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Blur background. * * @since 3.0.0 */ var blurBackground = (function() { // Start blur var start = function(ele) { if (conditionObj.isNotBlur()) { return; } if (ele && ele.length) { ele.removeClass('ftwp-unblur').addClass('ftwp-blur'); } }; // Stop blur var stop = function(ele) { if (ele && ele.length && ele.hasClass('ftwp-blur')) { ele.removeClass('ftwp-blur').addClass('ftwp-unblur'); setTimeout(function() { ele.removeClass('ftwp-unblur'); }, 500); } }; // Clear blur var clear = function(ele) { if (ele && ele.length) { ele.removeClass('ftwp-blur ftwp-unblur'); } }; // Public API return { start: start, stop: stop, clear: clear }; })(); /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Blur body. * * @since 3.0.0 */ var blurBody = (function() { var $targets; // Constructor var _construct = function() { init(); $e.window.on('ftocResize', initOnResize); $e.container.on('ftocAfterMaximize', afterMax); $e.container.on('ftocAfterMinimize', afterMin); $e.container.on('ftocAfterScrollToTarget', afterScrollToTarget); consoleLog('Actived blurBody().'); }; // Destructor var _destruct = function() { uninit(); $e.window.off('ftocResize', initOnResize); $e.container.off('ftocAfterMaximize', afterMax); $e.container.off('ftocAfterMinimize', afterMin); $e.container.off('ftocAfterScrollToTarget', afterScrollToTarget); consoleLog('Deactivated blurBody().'); }; var init = function() { $targets = $e.container.siblings(':not("script, style")'); if (minMaxFtoc.isMax() && isBlur()) { blurBackground.start($targets); } }; var initOnResize = function() { if (minMaxFtoc.isMax() && isBlur()) { blurBackground.start($targets); } else { blurBackground.stop($targets); } }; var afterMax = function() { if (isBlur()) { blurBackground.start($targets); } }; var afterMin = function() { blurBackground.stop($targets); }; var afterScrollToTarget = function(evt, $anchor) { if (isBlur() && $e.container.hasClass('ftwp-maximize')) { minMaxFtoc.minimize(); blurBackground.stop($targets); $anchor.trigger('blur'); } }; var uninit = function() { blurBackground.clear($targets); }; var isBlur = function() { return $e.window.width() * 0.6 <= $e.contents.outerWidth(); }; // Public API return { _construct: _construct, _destruct: _destruct }; })(); if (conditionObj.fixedWidget()) { /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Blur widgets. * * @since 3.0.0 */ var blurWidgets = (function() { var $targets; // Constructor var _construct = function() { $targets = $e.widget.siblings('.widget'); init(); $e.contents.on('ftocAfterExpandContents', startBlur); $e.contents.on('ftocAfterCollapseContents', stopBlur); consoleLog('Actived blurWidgets().'); }; // Destructor var _destruct = function() { uninit(); $e.contents.off('ftocAfterExpandContents', startBlur); $e.contents.off('ftocAfterCollapseContents', stopBlur); consoleLog('Deactivated blurWidgets().'); }; // Init var init = function() { if ('expand' == $e.contents.data('colexp')) { blurBackground.start($targets); } }; // Start blur var startBlur = function() { blurBackground.start($targets); }; // Stop blur var stopBlur = function() { blurBackground.stop($targets); }; // Uninit var uninit = function() { blurBackground.clear($targets); }; // Public API return { _construct: _construct, _destruct: _destruct }; })(); } if (conditionObj.inWidget() || conditionObj.supportInPost()) { /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Collapse/expand contents. * * @since 3.0.0 */ var colExpContents = (function() { var funcExp, funcCol, firstInit = true; // Constructor var construct = function(expFunc, colFunc) { funcExp = expFunc; funcCol = colFunc; init(); var clickableElement = conditionObj.isClickableHeader() ? $e.header : $e.minIcon; clickableElement.on('mousedown', preventDefaultEvt); clickableElement.on('click', toggle); }; // Destructor var destruct = function() { uninit(); var clickableElement = conditionObj.isClickableHeader() ? $e.header : $e.minIcon; clickableElement.off('mousedown', preventDefaultEvt); clickableElement.off('click', toggle); }; // Init var init = function() { if (conditionObj.isMobile() && firstInit) { console.log(conditionObj.isColExpInitMobile()); if (conditionObj.isColExpInitMobile()) { collapse(0, funcCol); } else { expand(0, funcExp); } controlObj.reload(); } else if (isExpand()) { expand(0, funcExp); } else { collapse(0, funcCol); } firstInit = false; }; // Uninit var uninit = function() { $e.list.show(0); $e.minIcon.removeClass('ftwp-icon-collapse ftwp-icon-expand'); }; // Toggle var toggle = function(evt) { if (isExpand()) { collapse(100, funcCol, evt); } else { expand(100, funcExp, evt); } }; // Detect if it is expand state. var isExpand = function() { var colExpData = $e.contents.data('colexp'); return 'expand' == colExpData || undefined === colExpData; }; // Collapse var collapse = function(duration, func, evt) { $e.list.hide(duration, function() { $e.minIcon.removeClass('ftwp-icon-expand'). addClass('ftwp-icon-collapse'); if (undefined !== func) func(evt); }); $e.contents.data('colexp', 'collapse'); $e.contents.trigger('ftocAfterCollapseContents'); consoleLog('Collapsed contents.'); }; // Expand var expand = function(duration, func, evt) { $e.list.show(duration, function() { $e.minIcon.removeClass('ftwp-icon-collapse'). addClass('ftwp-icon-expand'); if (undefined !== func) func(evt); }); $e.contents.data('colexp', 'expand'); $e.contents.trigger('ftocAfterExpandContents'); consoleLog('Expanded contents.'); }; return { construct: construct, destruct: destruct }; })(); } if (conditionObj.inWidget()) { /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Collapse/expand contents in widget. * * @since 3.0.0 */ var colExpConentsInWidget = (function() { // Constructor var _construct = function() { colExpContents.construct(); consoleLog('Actived colExpConentsInWidget().'); }; // Destructor var _destruct = function() { colExpContents.destruct(); consoleLog('Deactivated colExpConentsInWidget().'); }; // Public API return { _construct: _construct, _destruct: _destruct }; })(); } if (conditionObj.fixedWidget()) { /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Collapse/expand contents in fixed widget. * * @since 3.0.0 */ var colExpConentsInFixedWidget = (function() { // Constructor var _construct = function() { colExpContents.construct(funcExp, funcCol); consoleLog('Actived colExpConentsInFixedWidget().'); }; // Destructor var _destruct = function() { colExpContents.destruct(); consoleLog('Deactivated colExpConentsInFixedWidget().'); }; // Expend function. var funcExp = function() { dataObj.ftocRectInWidget.updateHeight(); fixedInWidget.setFixed(); // listHeight.set(); }; // Collapse function. var funcCol = function() { dataObj.ftocRectInWidget.updateHeight(); fixedInWidget.setFixed(); // listHeight.set(); }; // Public API return { _construct: _construct, _destruct: _destruct }; })(); } if (conditionObj.inWidget()) { /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Display in widget. * * @since 3.0.0 */ var displayInWidget = (function() { // Constructor var _construct = function() { init(); consoleLog('Actived displayInWidget().'); }; // Destruct var _destruct = function() { $e.contents.css('height', ''); consoleLog('Deactivated displayInWidget().'); }; var init = function() { if (!$e.container.parent().is($e.widgetContainer)) { $e.container.appendTo($e.widgetContainer); } $e.contents.css('height', 'auto'); }; // Public API return { _construct: _construct, _destruct: _destruct, init: init }; })(); } if (conditionObj.fixedWidget()) { /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed in widget. * * @since 3.0.0 */ var fixedInWidget = (function() { // Constructor var _construct = function() { init(); setFixed(); $e.window.on('ftocResize', setFixed); consoleLog('Actived fixedInWidget().'); }; // Destruct var _destruct = function() { init(); unsetFixed(); $e.window.off('ftocResize', setFixed); listHeight.unset(); consoleLog('Deactivated fixedInWidget().'); }; // Init var init = function() { displayInWidget.init(); }; // Uninit // var uninit = function() { // displayInWidget.uninit(); // }; // Set fixed position. var setFixed = function() { $e.widget.addClass('ftwp-widget-fixed'); var rect = dataObj.data.ftocRectInWidget; $e.contents.css({ left: rect.left, top: rect.top, width: rect.width + 'px', height: rect.height + 'px' }); // After set fixed position. var contentsHeight = getContentsHeight(rect.height); listHeight.set(contentsHeight); }; // Unset fixed position var unsetFixed = function() { $e.widget.removeClass('ftwp-widget-fixed'); $e.contents.css({ left: '', top: '', width: '', height: '' }); }; // Public API return { _construct: _construct, _destruct: _destruct, setFixed: setFixed }; })(); } if (conditionObj.supportInPost()) { /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Display in post * * @since 3.0.0 */ var displayInPost = (function() { // Constructor var _construct = function() { init(); $e.window.on('ftocResize', setSize); consoleLog('Actived displayInPost().'); }; // Destructor var _destruct = function() { uninit(); $e.window.off('ftocResize', setSize); // Keep the containerOuter height. if (conditionObj.isAutoHeightInPost()) { var height = $e.containerOuter.height(); $e.containerOuter.css('height', height + 'px'); } consoleLog('Deactivated displayInPost().'); }; // Init var init = function() { if (!$e.container.parent().is($e.containerOuter)) { $e.container.appendTo($e.containerOuter); } setSize(); }; // Uninit var uninit = function() { $e.contents.css('height', ''); listHeight.unset(); }; // Set width and height var containerOuterWidth; var setSize = function() { // Width if (0 == fixedtocOption.contentsWidthInPost && conditionObj.isFloat()) { $e.containerOuter.css('width', ''); // containerOuterWidth = $e.containerOuter.outerWidth() + 1; containerOuterWidth = $e.containerOuter.outerWidth(); $e.containerOuter.css('width', containerOuterWidth + 'px'); } else { $e.containerOuter.css('width', ''); // containerOuterWidth = undefined; } // Height if (conditionObj.isAutoHeightInPost()) { $e.containerOuter.css('height', 'auto'); $e.contents.css('height', 'auto'); listHeight.setAuto(); } else { $e.containerOuter.css('height', dataObj.data.containerOuterHeight + 'px'); $e.contents.css('height', dataObj.data.containerOuterHeight + 'px'); var contentsHeight = getContentsHeight( dataObj.data.containerOuterHeight); listHeight.set(contentsHeight); } }; // Public API return { _construct: _construct, _destruct: _destruct }; })(); /* Collapse/expand contents in post. * * @since 3.0.0 */ var colExpConentsInPost = (function() { // Constructor var _construct = function() { colExpContents.construct(funcExp, funcCol); consoleLog('Actived colExpConentsInFixedWidget().'); }; // Destructor var _destruct = function() { colExpContents.destruct(); consoleLog('Deactivated colExpConentsInFixedWidget().'); }; // Expend function. var funcExp = function(evt) { funcCol(evt); }; // Collapse function. var funcCol = function(evt) { if (undefined !== evt && 'click' == evt.type) { dataObj.updateInPost(); } // $e.containerOuter.css('height', dataObj.data.containerOuterHeight + 'px'); // $e.contents.css('height', dataObj.data.containerOuterHeight + 'px'); // listHeight.set(getContentsHeight(dataObj.data.containerOuterHeight)); }; // Public API return { _construct: _construct, _destruct: _destruct }; })(); } /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Control the whole. * * @since 3.0.0 */ var controlObj = (function() { // Handler for 'ready' event var onReady = function() { // Set extra options. option.init(); // Create elements. createElements(); // Set index data to anchors. setAnchorIndex(); // Trigger ftoc_ready event. $e.container.trigger('ftocReady'); // Bind load event. onLoad(); setTimeout(reload, 100); // Force to refresh data if the page isn't still loaded. // Output fixedtocOption in console. consoleLog(fixedtocOption); }; // Handler for 'load' event var onLoad = function() { // Create data. dataObj.createOnInit(); // Register actions. if (conditionObj.isColExpList()) { actionObj.register('common', colExpSubList); } actionObj.register('common', scrollToTarget); actionObj.register('common', targetIndicator); actionObj.register('hidden', hideToc); if (conditionObj.fixedWidget()) { actionObj.register('fixedWidget', colExpConentsInFixedWidget); actionObj.register('fixedWidget', fixedInWidget); actionObj.register('fixedWidget', blurWidgets); } if (conditionObj.inWidget()) { actionObj.register('inWidget', displayInWidget); actionObj.register('inWidget', colExpConentsInWidget); } if (conditionObj.supportInPost()) { actionObj.register('inPost', displayInPost); actionObj.register('inPost', colExpConentsInPost); } actionObj.register('fixedToPost', ftocInOut); actionObj.register('fixedToPost', minMaxFtoc); actionObj.register('fixedToPost', fadeTrigger); actionObj.register('fixedToPost', blurBody); // Initial actions. actionObj.init(); // Bind resize event. $e.window.on('resize', onResize); // Bind scroll event. $e.window.on('scroll', onScroll); }; // Handler for 'resize' event. var onResize = function() { // Update data and actions on resize. dataObj.updateOnResize(); actionObj.updateOnResize(); $e.window.trigger('ftocResize'); // $( '#ftwp-header-title' ).text( dataObj.data.window.height ); }; // handler for 'scroll' event. // var prevWindowHeight; var onScroll = function() { // Update data and actions on scroll. dataObj.updateOnDocumentHeightChange(); dataObj.updateOnScroll(); actionObj.updateOnScroll(); $e.window.trigger('ftocScroll'); }; // Reload var reload = function() { // Output fixedtocOption in console. consoleLog(fixedtocOption); dataObj.updateOnResize(); actionObj.updateOnResize(); $e.window.trigger('ftocResize'); }; // Public API return { option: option, onReady: onReady, reload: reload }; })(); // End controlObj // Bind ready event. $(document).ready(controlObj.onReady); $(document).on('load', conditionObj.reload); /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Public API. * * @since 3.0.0 */ return { option: controlObj.option, reload: controlObj.reload }; })(jQuery);