)(https?:\\/\\/[^\s"]+?)(<\\/p>\s*|[\\n\\r][\\n\\r]|$)', 'gi' ); while ( shortcodeMatch = urlRegexp.exec( content ) ) { shortcodeInfo = { shortcodeName: 'url', showAsPlainText: false, startIndex: shortcodeMatch.index, endIndex: shortcodeMatch.index + shortcodeMatch[ 0 ].length, length: shortcodeMatch[ 0 ].length, urlAtStartOfContent: shortcodeMatch[ 1 ] === '', urlAtEndOfContent: shortcodeMatch[ 3 ] === '' }; shortcodesDetails.push( shortcodeInfo ); } return shortcodesDetails; } /** * Generate a cursor marker element to be inserted in the content. * * `span` seems to be the least destructive element that can be used. * * Using DomQuery syntax to create it, since it's used as both text and as a DOM element. * * @param {Object} domLib DOM library instance. * @param {string} content The content to insert into the cursor marker element. */ function getCursorMarkerSpan( domLib, content ) { return domLib( '' ).css( { display: 'inline-block', width: 0, overflow: 'hidden', 'line-height': 0 } ) .html( content ? content : '' ); } /** * Gets adjusted selection cursor positions according to HTML tags, comments, and shortcodes. * * Shortcodes and HTML codes are a bit of a special case when selecting, since they may render * content in Visual mode. If we insert selection markers somewhere inside them, it's really possible * to break the syntax and render the HTML tag or shortcode broken. * * @link getShortcodeWrapperInfo * * @param {string} content Textarea content that the cursors are in * @param {{cursorStart: number, cursorEnd: number}} cursorPositions Cursor start and end positions * * @return {{cursorStart: number, cursorEnd: number}} */ function adjustTextAreaSelectionCursors( content, cursorPositions ) { var voidElements = [ 'area', 'base', 'br', 'col', 'embed', 'hr', 'img', 'input', 'keygen', 'link', 'meta', 'param', 'source', 'track', 'wbr' ]; var cursorStart = cursorPositions.cursorStart, cursorEnd = cursorPositions.cursorEnd, // Check if the cursor is in a tag and if so, adjust it. isCursorStartInTag = getContainingTagInfo( content, cursorStart ); if ( isCursorStartInTag ) { /** * Only move to the start of the HTML tag (to select the whole element) if the tag * is part of the voidElements list above. * * This list includes tags that are self-contained and don't need a closing tag, according to the * HTML5 specification. * * This is done in order to make selection of text a bit more consistent when selecting text in * `` tags or such. * * In cases where the tag is not a void element, the cursor is put to the end of the tag, * so it's either between the opening and closing tag elements or after the closing tag. */ if ( voidElements.indexOf( isCursorStartInTag.tagType ) !== -1 ) { cursorStart = isCursorStartInTag.ltPos; } else { cursorStart = isCursorStartInTag.gtPos; } } var isCursorEndInTag = getContainingTagInfo( content, cursorEnd ); if ( isCursorEndInTag ) { cursorEnd = isCursorEndInTag.gtPos; } var isCursorStartInShortcode = getShortcodeWrapperInfo( content, cursorStart ); if ( isCursorStartInShortcode && ! isCursorStartInShortcode.showAsPlainText ) { /** * If a URL is at the start or the end of the content, * the selection doesn't work, because it inserts a marker in the text, * which breaks the embedURL detection. * * The best way to avoid that and not modify the user content is to * adjust the cursor to either after or before URL. */ if ( isCursorStartInShortcode.urlAtStartOfContent ) { cursorStart = isCursorStartInShortcode.endIndex; } else { cursorStart = isCursorStartInShortcode.startIndex; } } var isCursorEndInShortcode = getShortcodeWrapperInfo( content, cursorEnd ); if ( isCursorEndInShortcode && ! isCursorEndInShortcode.showAsPlainText ) { if ( isCursorEndInShortcode.urlAtEndOfContent ) { cursorEnd = isCursorEndInShortcode.startIndex; } else { cursorEnd = isCursorEndInShortcode.endIndex; } } return { cursorStart: cursorStart, cursorEnd: cursorEnd }; } /** * Adds text selection markers in the editor textarea. * * Adds selection markers in the content of the editor `textarea`. * The method directly manipulates the `textarea` content, to allow TinyMCE plugins * to run after the markers are added. * * @param {Object} $textarea TinyMCE's textarea wrapped as a DomQuery object */ function addHTMLBookmarkInTextAreaContent( $textarea ) { if ( ! $textarea || ! $textarea.length ) { // If no valid $textarea object is provided, there's nothing we can do. return; } var textArea = $textarea[0], textAreaContent = textArea.value, adjustedCursorPositions = adjustTextAreaSelectionCursors( textAreaContent, { cursorStart: textArea.selectionStart, cursorEnd: textArea.selectionEnd } ), htmlModeCursorStartPosition = adjustedCursorPositions.cursorStart, htmlModeCursorEndPosition = adjustedCursorPositions.cursorEnd, mode = htmlModeCursorStartPosition !== htmlModeCursorEndPosition ? 'range' : 'single', selectedText = null, cursorMarkerSkeleton = getCursorMarkerSpan( $$, '' ).attr( 'data-mce-type','bookmark' ); if ( mode === 'range' ) { var markedText = textArea.value.slice( htmlModeCursorStartPosition, htmlModeCursorEndPosition ), bookMarkEnd = cursorMarkerSkeleton.clone().addClass( 'mce_SELRES_end' ); selectedText = [ markedText, bookMarkEnd[0].outerHTML ].join( '' ); } textArea.value = [ textArea.value.slice( 0, htmlModeCursorStartPosition ), // Text until the cursor/selection position. cursorMarkerSkeleton.clone() // Cursor/selection start marker. .addClass( 'mce_SELRES_start' )[0].outerHTML, selectedText, // Selected text with end cursor/position marker. textArea.value.slice( htmlModeCursorEndPosition ) // Text from last cursor/selection position to end. ].join( '' ); } /** * Focuses the selection markers in Visual mode. * * The method checks for existing selection markers inside the editor DOM (Visual mode) * and create a selection between the two nodes using the DOM `createRange` selection API. * * If there is only a single node, select only the single node through TinyMCE's selection API * * @param {Object} editor TinyMCE editor instance. */ function focusHTMLBookmarkInVisualEditor( editor ) { var startNode = editor.$( '.mce_SELRES_start' ).attr( 'data-mce-bogus', 1 ), endNode = editor.$( '.mce_SELRES_end' ).attr( 'data-mce-bogus', 1 ); if ( startNode.length ) { editor.focus(); if ( ! endNode.length ) { editor.selection.select( startNode[0] ); } else { var selection = editor.getDoc().createRange(); selection.setStartAfter( startNode[0] ); selection.setEndBefore( endNode[0] ); editor.selection.setRng( selection ); } } scrollVisualModeToStartElement( editor, startNode ); removeSelectionMarker( startNode ); removeSelectionMarker( endNode ); editor.save(); } /** * Removes selection marker and the parent node if it is an empty paragraph. * * By default TinyMCE wraps loose inline tags in a ``. * When removing selection markers an empty `` may be left behind, remove it. * * @param {Object} $marker The marker to be removed from the editor DOM, wrapped in an instance of `editor.$` */ function removeSelectionMarker( $marker ) { var $markerParent = $marker.parent(); $marker.remove(); //Remove empty paragraph left over after removing the marker. if ( $markerParent.is( 'p' ) && ! $markerParent.children().length && ! $markerParent.text() ) { $markerParent.remove(); } } /** * Scrolls the content to place the selected element in the center of the screen. * * Takes an element, that is usually the selection start element, selected in * `focusHTMLBookmarkInVisualEditor()` and scrolls the screen so the element appears roughly * in the middle of the screen. * * I order to achieve the proper positioning, the editor media bar and toolbar are subtracted * from the window height, to get the proper viewport window, that the user sees. * * @param {Object} editor TinyMCE editor instance. * @param {Object} element HTMLElement that should be scrolled into view. */ function scrollVisualModeToStartElement( editor, element ) { var elementTop = editor.$( element ).offset().top, TinyMCEContentAreaTop = editor.$( editor.getContentAreaContainer() ).offset().top, toolbarHeight = getToolbarHeight( editor ), edTools = $( '#wp-content-editor-tools' ), edToolsHeight = 0, edToolsOffsetTop = 0, $scrollArea; if ( edTools.length ) { edToolsHeight = edTools.height(); edToolsOffsetTop = edTools.offset().top; } var windowHeight = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight, selectionPosition = TinyMCEContentAreaTop + elementTop, visibleAreaHeight = windowHeight - ( edToolsHeight + toolbarHeight ); // There's no need to scroll if the selection is inside the visible area. if ( selectionPosition < visibleAreaHeight ) { return; } /** * The minimum scroll height should be to the top of the editor, to offer a consistent * experience. * * In order to find the top of the editor, we calculate the offset of `#wp-content-editor-tools` and * subtracting the height. This gives the scroll position where the top of the editor tools aligns with * the top of the viewport (under the Master Bar) */ var adjustedScroll; if ( editor.settings.wp_autoresize_on ) { $scrollArea = $( 'html,body' ); adjustedScroll = Math.max( selectionPosition - visibleAreaHeight / 2, edToolsOffsetTop - edToolsHeight ); } else { $scrollArea = $( editor.contentDocument ).find( 'html,body' ); adjustedScroll = elementTop; } $scrollArea.animate( { scrollTop: parseInt( adjustedScroll, 10 ) }, 100 ); } /** * This method was extracted from the `SaveContent` hook in * `wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wordpress/plugin.js`. * * It's needed here, since the method changes the content a bit, which confuses the cursor position. * * @param {Object} event TinyMCE event object. */ function fixTextAreaContent( event ) { // Keep empty paragraphs :( event.content = event.content.replace( /(?:|\u00a0|\uFEFF| )*<\/p>/g, ' ' ); } /** * Finds the current selection position in the Visual editor. * * Find the current selection in the Visual editor by inserting marker elements at the start * and end of the selection. * * Uses the standard DOM selection API to achieve that goal. * * Check the notes in the comments in the code below for more information on some gotchas * and why this solution was chosen. * * @param {Object} editor The editor where we must find the selection. * @return {(null|Object)} The selection range position in the editor. */ function findBookmarkedPosition( editor ) { // Get the TinyMCE `window` reference, since we need to access the raw selection. var TinyMCEWindow = editor.getWin(), selection = TinyMCEWindow.getSelection(); if ( ! selection || selection.rangeCount < 1 ) { // no selection, no need to continue. return; } /** * The ID is used to avoid replacing user generated content, that may coincide with the * format specified below. * @type {string} */ var selectionID = 'SELRES_' + Math.random(); /** * Create two marker elements that will be used to mark the start and the end of the range. * * The elements have hardcoded style that makes them invisible. This is done to avoid seeing * random content flickering in the editor when switching between modes. */ var spanSkeleton = getCursorMarkerSpan( editor.$, selectionID ), startElement = spanSkeleton.clone().addClass( 'mce_SELRES_start' ), endElement = spanSkeleton.clone().addClass( 'mce_SELRES_end' ); /** * Inspired by: * @link https://stackoverflow.com/a/17497803/153310 * * Why do it this way and not with TinyMCE's bookmarks? * * TinyMCE's bookmarks are very nice when working with selections and positions, BUT * there is no way to determine the precise position of the bookmark when switching modes, since * TinyMCE does some serialization of the content, to fix things like shortcodes, run plugins, prettify * HTML code and so on. In this process, the bookmark markup gets lost. * * If we decide to hook right after the bookmark is added, we can see where the bookmark is in the raw HTML * in TinyMCE. Unfortunately this state is before the serialization, so any visual markup in the content will * throw off the positioning. * * To avoid this, we insert two custom `span`s that will serve as the markers at the beginning and end of the * selection. * * Why not use TinyMCE's selection API or the DOM API to wrap the contents? Because if we do that, this creates * a new node, which is inserted in the dom. Now this will be fine, if we worked with fixed selections to * full nodes. Unfortunately in our case, the user can select whatever they like, which means that the * selection may start in the middle of one node and end in the middle of a completely different one. If we * wrap the selection in another node, this will create artifacts in the content. * * Using the method below, we insert the custom `span` nodes at the start and at the end of the selection. * This helps us not break the content and also gives us the option to work with multi-node selections without * breaking the markup. */ var range = selection.getRangeAt( 0 ), startNode = range.startContainer, startOffset = range.startOffset, boundaryRange = range.cloneRange(); /** * If the selection is on a shortcode with Live View, TinyMCE creates a bogus markup, * which we have to account for. */ if ( editor.$( startNode ).parents( '.mce-offscreen-selection' ).length > 0 ) { startNode = editor.$( '[data-mce-selected]' )[0]; /** * Marking the start and end element with `data-mce-object-selection` helps * discern when the selected object is a Live Preview selection. * * This way we can adjust the selection to properly select only the content, ignoring * whitespace inserted around the selected object by the Editor. */ startElement.attr( 'data-mce-object-selection', 'true' ); endElement.attr( 'data-mce-object-selection', 'true' ); editor.$( startNode ).before( startElement[0] ); editor.$( startNode ).after( endElement[0] ); } else { boundaryRange.collapse( false ); boundaryRange.insertNode( endElement[0] ); boundaryRange.setStart( startNode, startOffset ); boundaryRange.collapse( true ); boundaryRange.insertNode( startElement[0] ); range.setStartAfter( startElement[0] ); range.setEndBefore( endElement[0] ); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange( range ); } /** * Now the editor's content has the start/end nodes. * * Unfortunately the content goes through some more changes after this step, before it gets inserted * in the `textarea`. This means that we have to do some minor cleanup on our own here. */ editor.on( 'GetContent', fixTextAreaContent ); var content = removep( editor.getContent() ); editor.off( 'GetContent', fixTextAreaContent ); startElement.remove(); endElement.remove(); var startRegex = new RegExp( ']*\\s*class="mce_SELRES_start"[^>]+>\\s*' + selectionID + '[^<]*<\\/span>(\\s*)' ); var endRegex = new RegExp( '(\\s*)]*\\s*class="mce_SELRES_end"[^>]+>\\s*' + selectionID + '[^<]*<\\/span>' ); var startMatch = content.match( startRegex ), endMatch = content.match( endRegex ); if ( ! startMatch ) { return null; } var startIndex = startMatch.index, startMatchLength = startMatch[0].length, endIndex = null; if (endMatch) { /** * Adjust the selection index, if the selection contains a Live Preview object or not. * * Check where the `data-mce-object-selection` attribute is set above for more context. */ if ( startMatch[0].indexOf( 'data-mce-object-selection' ) !== -1 ) { startMatchLength -= startMatch[1].length; } var endMatchIndex = endMatch.index; if ( endMatch[0].indexOf( 'data-mce-object-selection' ) !== -1 ) { endMatchIndex -= endMatch[1].length; } // We need to adjust the end position to discard the length of the range start marker. endIndex = endMatchIndex - startMatchLength; } return { start: startIndex, end: endIndex }; } /** * Selects text in the TinyMCE `textarea`. * * Selects the text in TinyMCE's textarea that's between `selection.start` and `selection.end`. * * For `selection` parameter: * @link findBookmarkedPosition * * @param {Object} editor TinyMCE's editor instance. * @param {Object} selection Selection data. */ function selectTextInTextArea( editor, selection ) { // Only valid in the text area mode and if we have selection. if ( ! selection ) { return; } var textArea = editor.getElement(), start = selection.start, end = selection.end || selection.start; if ( textArea.focus ) { // Wait for the Visual editor to be hidden, then focus and scroll to the position. setTimeout( function() { textArea.setSelectionRange( start, end ); if ( textArea.blur ) { // Defocus before focusing. textArea.blur(); } textArea.focus(); }, 100 ); } } // Restore the selection when the editor is initialized. Needed when the Text editor is the default. $( document ).on( 'tinymce-editor-init.keep-scroll-position', function( event, editor ) { if ( editor.$( '.mce_SELRES_start' ).length ) { focusHTMLBookmarkInVisualEditor( editor ); } } ); /** * Replaces tags with two line breaks. "Opposite" of wpautop(). * * Replaces tags with two line breaks except where the has attributes. * Unifies whitespace. * Indents , and for better readability. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @memberof switchEditors * * @param {string} html The content from the editor. * @return {string} The content with stripped paragraph tags. */ function removep( html ) { var blocklist = 'blockquote|ul|ol|li|dl|dt|dd|table|thead|tbody|tfoot|tr|th|td|h[1-6]|fieldset|figure', blocklist1 = blocklist + '|div|p', blocklist2 = blocklist + '|pre', preserve_linebreaks = false, preserve_br = false, preserve = []; if ( ! html ) { return ''; } // Protect script and style tags. if ( html.indexOf( ' WordPress › Lỗi Đã xảy ra lỗi nghiêm trọng trên trang web này. Vui lòng kiểm tra hộp thư email của quản trị viên trang web để biết hướng dẫn. Nếu bạn vẫn gặp sự cố, vui lòng thử diễn đàn hỗ trợ.Tìm hiểu thêm về gỡ lỗi trong WordPress.
` tags or such. * * In cases where the tag is not a void element, the cursor is put to the end of the tag, * so it's either between the opening and closing tag elements or after the closing tag. */ if ( voidElements.indexOf( isCursorStartInTag.tagType ) !== -1 ) { cursorStart = isCursorStartInTag.ltPos; } else { cursorStart = isCursorStartInTag.gtPos; } } var isCursorEndInTag = getContainingTagInfo( content, cursorEnd ); if ( isCursorEndInTag ) { cursorEnd = isCursorEndInTag.gtPos; } var isCursorStartInShortcode = getShortcodeWrapperInfo( content, cursorStart ); if ( isCursorStartInShortcode && ! isCursorStartInShortcode.showAsPlainText ) { /** * If a URL is at the start or the end of the content, * the selection doesn't work, because it inserts a marker in the text, * which breaks the embedURL detection. * * The best way to avoid that and not modify the user content is to * adjust the cursor to either after or before URL. */ if ( isCursorStartInShortcode.urlAtStartOfContent ) { cursorStart = isCursorStartInShortcode.endIndex; } else { cursorStart = isCursorStartInShortcode.startIndex; } } var isCursorEndInShortcode = getShortcodeWrapperInfo( content, cursorEnd ); if ( isCursorEndInShortcode && ! isCursorEndInShortcode.showAsPlainText ) { if ( isCursorEndInShortcode.urlAtEndOfContent ) { cursorEnd = isCursorEndInShortcode.startIndex; } else { cursorEnd = isCursorEndInShortcode.endIndex; } } return { cursorStart: cursorStart, cursorEnd: cursorEnd }; } /** * Adds text selection markers in the editor textarea. * * Adds selection markers in the content of the editor `textarea`. * The method directly manipulates the `textarea` content, to allow TinyMCE plugins * to run after the markers are added. * * @param {Object} $textarea TinyMCE's textarea wrapped as a DomQuery object */ function addHTMLBookmarkInTextAreaContent( $textarea ) { if ( ! $textarea || ! $textarea.length ) { // If no valid $textarea object is provided, there's nothing we can do. return; } var textArea = $textarea[0], textAreaContent = textArea.value, adjustedCursorPositions = adjustTextAreaSelectionCursors( textAreaContent, { cursorStart: textArea.selectionStart, cursorEnd: textArea.selectionEnd } ), htmlModeCursorStartPosition = adjustedCursorPositions.cursorStart, htmlModeCursorEndPosition = adjustedCursorPositions.cursorEnd, mode = htmlModeCursorStartPosition !== htmlModeCursorEndPosition ? 'range' : 'single', selectedText = null, cursorMarkerSkeleton = getCursorMarkerSpan( $$, '' ).attr( 'data-mce-type','bookmark' ); if ( mode === 'range' ) { var markedText = textArea.value.slice( htmlModeCursorStartPosition, htmlModeCursorEndPosition ), bookMarkEnd = cursorMarkerSkeleton.clone().addClass( 'mce_SELRES_end' ); selectedText = [ markedText, bookMarkEnd[0].outerHTML ].join( '' ); } textArea.value = [ textArea.value.slice( 0, htmlModeCursorStartPosition ), // Text until the cursor/selection position. cursorMarkerSkeleton.clone() // Cursor/selection start marker. .addClass( 'mce_SELRES_start' )[0].outerHTML, selectedText, // Selected text with end cursor/position marker. textArea.value.slice( htmlModeCursorEndPosition ) // Text from last cursor/selection position to end. ].join( '' ); } /** * Focuses the selection markers in Visual mode. * * The method checks for existing selection markers inside the editor DOM (Visual mode) * and create a selection between the two nodes using the DOM `createRange` selection API. * * If there is only a single node, select only the single node through TinyMCE's selection API * * @param {Object} editor TinyMCE editor instance. */ function focusHTMLBookmarkInVisualEditor( editor ) { var startNode = editor.$( '.mce_SELRES_start' ).attr( 'data-mce-bogus', 1 ), endNode = editor.$( '.mce_SELRES_end' ).attr( 'data-mce-bogus', 1 ); if ( startNode.length ) { editor.focus(); if ( ! endNode.length ) { editor.selection.select( startNode[0] ); } else { var selection = editor.getDoc().createRange(); selection.setStartAfter( startNode[0] ); selection.setEndBefore( endNode[0] ); editor.selection.setRng( selection ); } } scrollVisualModeToStartElement( editor, startNode ); removeSelectionMarker( startNode ); removeSelectionMarker( endNode ); editor.save(); } /** * Removes selection marker and the parent node if it is an empty paragraph. * * By default TinyMCE wraps loose inline tags in a `
`. * When removing selection markers an empty `
` may be left behind, remove it. * * @param {Object} $marker The marker to be removed from the editor DOM, wrapped in an instance of `editor.$` */ function removeSelectionMarker( $marker ) { var $markerParent = $marker.parent(); $marker.remove(); //Remove empty paragraph left over after removing the marker. if ( $markerParent.is( 'p' ) && ! $markerParent.children().length && ! $markerParent.text() ) { $markerParent.remove(); } } /** * Scrolls the content to place the selected element in the center of the screen. * * Takes an element, that is usually the selection start element, selected in * `focusHTMLBookmarkInVisualEditor()` and scrolls the screen so the element appears roughly * in the middle of the screen. * * I order to achieve the proper positioning, the editor media bar and toolbar are subtracted * from the window height, to get the proper viewport window, that the user sees. * * @param {Object} editor TinyMCE editor instance. * @param {Object} element HTMLElement that should be scrolled into view. */ function scrollVisualModeToStartElement( editor, element ) { var elementTop = editor.$( element ).offset().top, TinyMCEContentAreaTop = editor.$( editor.getContentAreaContainer() ).offset().top, toolbarHeight = getToolbarHeight( editor ), edTools = $( '#wp-content-editor-tools' ), edToolsHeight = 0, edToolsOffsetTop = 0, $scrollArea; if ( edTools.length ) { edToolsHeight = edTools.height(); edToolsOffsetTop = edTools.offset().top; } var windowHeight = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight, selectionPosition = TinyMCEContentAreaTop + elementTop, visibleAreaHeight = windowHeight - ( edToolsHeight + toolbarHeight ); // There's no need to scroll if the selection is inside the visible area. if ( selectionPosition < visibleAreaHeight ) { return; } /** * The minimum scroll height should be to the top of the editor, to offer a consistent * experience. * * In order to find the top of the editor, we calculate the offset of `#wp-content-editor-tools` and * subtracting the height. This gives the scroll position where the top of the editor tools aligns with * the top of the viewport (under the Master Bar) */ var adjustedScroll; if ( editor.settings.wp_autoresize_on ) { $scrollArea = $( 'html,body' ); adjustedScroll = Math.max( selectionPosition - visibleAreaHeight / 2, edToolsOffsetTop - edToolsHeight ); } else { $scrollArea = $( editor.contentDocument ).find( 'html,body' ); adjustedScroll = elementTop; } $scrollArea.animate( { scrollTop: parseInt( adjustedScroll, 10 ) }, 100 ); } /** * This method was extracted from the `SaveContent` hook in * `wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wordpress/plugin.js`. * * It's needed here, since the method changes the content a bit, which confuses the cursor position. * * @param {Object} event TinyMCE event object. */ function fixTextAreaContent( event ) { // Keep empty paragraphs :( event.content = event.content.replace( /
(?:|\u00a0|\uFEFF| )*<\/p>/g, '
tags with two line breaks. "Opposite" of wpautop(). * * Replaces
tags with two line breaks except where the
has attributes. * Unifies whitespace. * Indents
Đã xảy ra lỗi nghiêm trọng trên trang web này. Vui lòng kiểm tra hộp thư email của quản trị viên trang web để biết hướng dẫn. Nếu bạn vẫn gặp sự cố, vui lòng thử diễn đàn hỗ trợ.
Tìm hiểu thêm về gỡ lỗi trong WordPress.