var el = wp.element.createElement; const irpIcon = el( 'svg', {height: "24", width: "40"}, el( 'text', {x: '0', y: '15', fill: 'red'}, "[irp]" ) ); wp.blocks.registerBlockType("data443/irp-shortcode", { title: "Inline Related Posts", // Block name visible to the user within the editor icon: irpIcon, // Toolbar icon displayed beneath the name of the block category: "data443-category", // The category under which the block will appear in the Add block menu attributes: { // The data this block will be storing id: {type: "string", default: 'Inline Related Posts'}, shortcode: {type: "string", default: '[irp]'}, items: { type: 'array', default: [], items: { type: 'object', properties: { stringValue: { type: 'string', default: 'Default String' }, intValue: { type: 'integer', default: 0 } } } } }, edit: function (props) { // Defines how the block will render in the editor var ajaxurl = 'admin-ajax.php'; const clientId = props.clientId; var selectBoxSelector = `.irp-post-select-${clientId}`; const selectBox = document.querySelector(selectBoxSelector); var data = { 'action' : 'irp_list_posts', 'irp_post_type' : 'post' }; function isNumeric(value) { return /^\d+$/.test(value); } console.log('edit'); console.log('selected attribute value: ', props.attributes.id); console.log('shortcode: ', props.attributes.shortcode); if (selectBox != null) { var availableOptionsCount = props.attributes.items.length; console.log('Number of available options: ', availableOptionsCount); if (availableOptionsCount > 0) { jQuery(selectBox).empty(); props.attributes.items.forEach(option => { const optionElement = new Option(option.text, option.id); jQuery(selectBox).append(optionElement); }); } const selectedValue = jQuery(selectBox).val(); console.log("selected dropdown value: ", selectedValue); if (selectedValue != undefined) { if (isNumeric(props.attributes.id)) { if (selectedValue != props.attributes.id) { console.log('trigger change: ', props.attributes.id); jQuery(selectBox).val(props.attributes.id).trigger('change'); } } else { console.log('trigger change 0'); jQuery(selectBox).val(0).trigger('change'); } } jQuery(selectBox).on('change', function () { const selectedValue = jQuery(this).val(); console.log('onChange selected value: ', selectedValue); if (selectedValue != null) { var shortcode = '[irp posts="' + selectedValue +'"]'; if (selectedValue == '[irp]' || selectedValue == 0) { shortcode = '[irp]'; } props.attributes.id = selectedValue; if (props.attributes.shortcode != shortcode) { props.setAttributes({shortcode: shortcode}); } } }); // Initialize select2 first jQuery(selectBox).select2(); // Then, initialize the ajax configuration jQuery(selectBox).select2({ ajax: { url: ajaxurl, dataType: 'json', delay: 250, data: function (params) { console.log('do ajax call'); return { action: 'irp_list_posts', irp_post_type: 'post', q: params.term, page: params.page }; }, processResults: function (data) { data.page = data.page || 1; console.log("new results"); data.items.unshift({text: 'Inline Related Posts', id: 0}); props.attributes.items = data.items; return { results: data.items, more: false }; }, cache: true }, placeholder: "Type here to search an item...", width: '100%' }); } else { console.log('selectBox is null'); } // build the JSX return el( "div", { className: "irp-shortcode-edit", style: {'border' : '2px black solid', 'padding' : '10px'}, }, el("h3", {style: {'margin' : '0', 'padding' : '0'}}, "Inline Related Posts"), el("details", {style: {'margin' : '0', 'padding' : '4'}}, el('summary', null, "Tips (click to expand)"), el("ul", {style: {'margin' : '0', 'padding' : '0'}}, null), el("li", {style: {'margin' : '0', 'padding' : '0'}}, "When first placing the gutenberg block, click outside of the block in order to fill the select box with posts."), el("li", {style: {'margin' : '0', 'padding' : '0'}}, "Click on the dropdown to display the search box"), el("li", {style: {'margin' : '0', 'padding' : '0'}}, "Use the search box to narrow down the number of posts displayed in the dropdown since at most 100 posts will be displayed."), ), el('p', {style: {'margin' : '0', 'padding' : '0'}}, "Select post:"), el( "select", { className: `irp-post-select-${props.clientId}`, value: props.attributes.id, }, el("option", {value: "[irp]"}, 'Inline Related Posts') ), ); // End return }, // End edit() save: function (props) { // Defines how the block will render on the frontend return el( "div", { className: "irp-shortcode", }, props.attributes.shortcode ); } });