component.modelConstructors = {};
component.PersistentDisplaySettingsLibrary = wp.media.controller.Library.extend(/** @lends wp.mediaWidgets.PersistentDisplaySettingsLibrary.prototype */{
* Library which persists the customized display settings across selections.
* @constructs wp.mediaWidgets.PersistentDisplaySettingsLibrary
* @augments wp.media.controller.Library
* @param {Object} options - Options.
* @return {void}
initialize: function initialize( options ) {
_.bindAll( this, 'handleDisplaySettingChange' );
wp.media.controller.Library.prototype.initialize.call( this, options );
* Sync changes to the current display settings back into the current customized.
* @param {Backbone.Model} displaySettings - Modified display settings.
* @return {void}
handleDisplaySettingChange: function handleDisplaySettingChange( displaySettings ) {
this.get( 'selectedDisplaySettings' ).set( displaySettings.attributes );
* Get the display settings model.
* Model returned is updated with the current customized display settings,
* and an event listener is added so that changes made to the settings
* will sync back into the model storing the session's customized display
* settings.
* @param {Backbone.Model} model - Display settings model.
* @return {Backbone.Model} Display settings model.
display: function getDisplaySettingsModel( model ) {
var display, selectedDisplaySettings = this.get( 'selectedDisplaySettings' );
display = wp.media.controller.Library.prototype.display.call( this, model );
display.off( 'change', this.handleDisplaySettingChange ); // Prevent duplicated event handlers.
display.set( selectedDisplaySettings.attributes );
if ( 'custom' === selectedDisplaySettings.get( 'link_type' ) ) {
display.linkUrl = selectedDisplaySettings.get( 'link_url' );
display.on( 'change', this.handleDisplaySettingChange );
return display;
* Extended view for managing the embed UI.
* @class wp.mediaWidgets.MediaEmbedView
* @augments wp.media.view.Embed
component.MediaEmbedView = wp.media.view.Embed.extend(/** @lends wp.mediaWidgets.MediaEmbedView.prototype */{
* Initialize.
* @since 4.9.0
* @param {Object} options - Options.
* @return {void}
initialize: function( options ) {
var view = this, embedController; // eslint-disable-line consistent-this
wp.media.view.Embed.prototype.initialize.call( view, options );
if ( 'image' !== view.controller.options.mimeType ) {
embedController = view.controller.states.get( 'embed' );
embedController.off( 'scan', embedController.scanImage, embedController );
* Refresh embed view.
* Forked override of {wp.media.view.Embed#refresh()} to suppress irrelevant "link text" field.
* @return {void}
refresh: function refresh() {
* @class wp.mediaWidgets~Constructor
var Constructor;
if ( 'image' === this.controller.options.mimeType ) {
Constructor = wp.media.view.EmbedImage;
} else {
// This should be eliminated once #40450 lands of when this is merged into core.
Constructor = wp.media.view.EmbedLink.extend(/** @lends wp.mediaWidgets~Constructor.prototype */{
* Set the disabled state on the Add to Widget button.
* @param {boolean} disabled - Disabled.
* @return {void}
setAddToWidgetButtonDisabled: function setAddToWidgetButtonDisabled( disabled ) {
this.views.parent.views.parent.views.get( '.media-frame-toolbar' )[0].$el.find( '.media-button-select' ).prop( 'disabled', disabled );
* Set or clear an error notice.
* @param {string} notice - Notice.
* @return {void}
setErrorNotice: function setErrorNotice( notice ) {
var embedLinkView = this, noticeContainer; // eslint-disable-line consistent-this
noticeContainer = embedLinkView.views.parent.$el.find( '> .notice:first-child' );
if ( ! notice ) {
if ( noticeContainer.length ) {
noticeContainer.slideUp( 'fast' );
} else {
if ( ! noticeContainer.length ) {
noticeContainer = $( '' );
embedLinkView.views.parent.$el.prepend( noticeContainer );
noticeContainer.append( $( '', {
html: notice
noticeContainer.slideDown( 'fast' );
* Update oEmbed.
* @since 4.9.0
* @return {void}
updateoEmbed: function() {
var embedLinkView = this, url; // eslint-disable-line consistent-this
url = embedLinkView.model.get( 'url' );
// Abort if the URL field was emptied out.
if ( ! url ) {
embedLinkView.setErrorNotice( '' );
embedLinkView.setAddToWidgetButtonDisabled( true );
if ( ! url.match( /^(http|https):\/\/.+\// ) ) {
embedLinkView.controller.$el.find( '#embed-url-field' ).addClass( 'invalid' );
embedLinkView.setAddToWidgetButtonDisabled( true );
wp.media.view.EmbedLink.prototype.updateoEmbed.call( embedLinkView );
* Fetch media.
* @return {void}
fetch: function() {
var embedLinkView = this, fetchSuccess, matches, fileExt, urlParser, url, re, youTubeEmbedMatch; // eslint-disable-line consistent-this
url = embedLinkView.model.get( 'url' );
if ( embedLinkView.dfd && 'pending' === embedLinkView.dfd.state() ) {
fetchSuccess = function( response ) {
data: {
body: response
embedLinkView.controller.$el.find( '#embed-url-field' ).removeClass( 'invalid' );
embedLinkView.setErrorNotice( '' );
embedLinkView.setAddToWidgetButtonDisabled( false );
urlParser = document.createElement( 'a' );
urlParser.href = url;
matches = urlParser.pathname.toLowerCase().match( /\.(\w+)$/ );
if ( matches ) {
fileExt = matches[1];
if ( ! wp.media.view.settings.embedMimes[ fileExt ] ) {
} else if ( 0 !== wp.media.view.settings.embedMimes[ fileExt ].indexOf( embedLinkView.controller.options.mimeType ) ) {
} else {
fetchSuccess( '' );
// Support YouTube embed links.
re = /https?:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/embed\/([^/]+)/;
youTubeEmbedMatch = re.exec( url );
if ( youTubeEmbedMatch ) {
url = 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=' + youTubeEmbedMatch[ 1 ];
// silently change url to proper oembed-able version.
embedLinkView.model.attributes.url = url;
embedLinkView.dfd = wp.apiRequest({
url: wp.media.view.settings.oEmbedProxyUrl,
data: {
url: url,
maxwidth: embedLinkView.model.get( 'width' ),
maxheight: embedLinkView.model.get( 'height' ),
discover: false
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
context: embedLinkView
embedLinkView.dfd.done( function( response ) {
if ( embedLinkView.controller.options.mimeType !== response.type ) {
fetchSuccess( response.html );
embedLinkView.dfd.fail( _.bind( embedLinkView.renderFail, embedLinkView ) );
* Handle render failure.
* Overrides the {EmbedLink#renderFail()} method to prevent showing the "Link Text" field.
* The element is getting display:none in the stylesheet, but the underlying method uses
* uses {jQuery.fn.show()} which adds an inline style. This avoids the need for !important.
* @return {void}
renderFail: function renderFail() {
var embedLinkView = this; // eslint-disable-line consistent-this
embedLinkView.controller.$el.find( '#embed-url-field' ).addClass( 'invalid' );
embedLinkView.setErrorNotice( embedLinkView.controller.options.invalidEmbedTypeError || 'ERROR' );
embedLinkView.setAddToWidgetButtonDisabled( true );
this.settings( new Constructor({
controller: this.controller,
model: this.model.props,
priority: 40
* Custom media frame for selecting uploaded media or providing media by URL.
* @class wp.mediaWidgets.MediaFrameSelect
* @augments wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Post
component.MediaFrameSelect = wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Post.extend(/** @lends wp.mediaWidgets.MediaFrameSelect.prototype */{
* Create the default states.
* @return {void}
createStates: function createStates() {
var mime = this.options.mimeType, specificMimes = [];
_.each( wp.media.view.settings.embedMimes, function( embedMime ) {
if ( 0 === embedMime.indexOf( mime ) ) {
specificMimes.push( embedMime );
if ( specificMimes.length > 0 ) {
mime = specificMimes;
// Main states.
new component.PersistentDisplaySettingsLibrary({
id: 'insert',
title: this.options.title,
selection: this.options.selection,
priority: 20,
toolbar: 'main-insert',
filterable: 'dates',
library: wp.media.query({
type: mime
multiple: false,
editable: true,
selectedDisplaySettings: this.options.selectedDisplaySettings,
displaySettings: _.isUndefined( this.options.showDisplaySettings ) ? true : this.options.showDisplaySettings,
displayUserSettings: false // We use the display settings from the current/default widget instance props.
new wp.media.controller.EditImage({ model: this.options.editImage }),
// Embed states.
new wp.media.controller.Embed({
metadata: this.options.metadata,
type: 'image' === this.options.mimeType ? 'image' : 'link',
invalidEmbedTypeError: this.options.invalidEmbedTypeError
* Main insert toolbar.
* Forked override of {wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Post#mainInsertToolbar()} to override text.
* @param {wp.Backbone.View} view - Toolbar view.
* @this {wp.media.controller.Library}
* @return {void}
mainInsertToolbar: function mainInsertToolbar( view ) {
var controller = this; // eslint-disable-line consistent-this
view.set( 'insert', {
style: 'primary',
priority: 80,
text: controller.options.text, // The whole reason for the fork.
requires: { selection: true },
* Handle click.
* @ignore
* @fires wp.media.controller.State#insert()
* @return {void}
click: function onClick() {
var state = controller.state(),
selection = state.get( 'selection' );
state.trigger( 'insert', selection ).reset();
* Main embed toolbar.
* Forked override of {wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Post#mainEmbedToolbar()} to override text.
* @param {wp.Backbone.View} toolbar - Toolbar view.
* @this {wp.media.controller.Library}
* @return {void}
mainEmbedToolbar: function mainEmbedToolbar( toolbar ) {
toolbar.view = new wp.media.view.Toolbar.Embed({
controller: this,
text: this.options.text,
event: 'insert'
* Embed content.
* Forked override of {wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Post#embedContent()} to suppress irrelevant "link text" field.
* @return {void}
embedContent: function embedContent() {
var view = new component.MediaEmbedView({
controller: this,
model: this.state()
this.content.set( view );
component.MediaWidgetControl = Backbone.View.extend(/** @lends wp.mediaWidgets.MediaWidgetControl.prototype */{
* Translation strings.
* The mapping of translation strings is handled by media widget subclasses,
* exported from PHP to JS such as is done in WP_Widget_Media_Image::enqueue_admin_scripts().
* @type {Object}
l10n: {
add_to_widget: '{{add_to_widget}}',
add_media: '{{add_media}}'
* Widget ID base.
* This may be defined by the subclass. It may be exported from PHP to JS
* such as is done in WP_Widget_Media_Image::enqueue_admin_scripts(). If not,
* it will attempt to be discovered by looking to see if this control
* instance extends each member of component.controlConstructors, and if
* it does extend one, will use the key as the id_base.
* @type {string}
id_base: '',
* Mime type.
* This must be defined by the subclass. It may be exported from PHP to JS
* such as is done in WP_Widget_Media_Image::enqueue_admin_scripts().
* @type {string}
mime_type: '',
* View events.
* @type {Object}
events: {
'click .notice-missing-attachment a': 'handleMediaLibraryLinkClick',
'click .select-media': 'selectMedia',
'click .placeholder': 'selectMedia',
'click .edit-media': 'editMedia'
* Show display settings.
* @type {boolean}
showDisplaySettings: true,
* Media Widget Control.
* @constructs wp.mediaWidgets.MediaWidgetControl
* @augments Backbone.View
* @abstract
* @param {Object} options - Options.
* @param {Backbone.Model} options.model - Model.
* @param {jQuery} options.el - Control field container element.
* @param {jQuery} options.syncContainer - Container element where fields are synced for the server.
* @return {void}
initialize: function initialize( options ) {
var control = this;
Backbone.View.prototype.initialize.call( control, options );
if ( ! ( control.model instanceof component.MediaWidgetModel ) ) {
throw new Error( 'Missing options.model' );
if ( ! options.el ) {
throw new Error( 'Missing options.el' );
if ( ! options.syncContainer ) {
throw new Error( 'Missing options.syncContainer' );
control.syncContainer = options.syncContainer;
control.$el.addClass( 'media-widget-control' );
// Allow methods to be passed in with control context preserved.
_.bindAll( control, 'syncModelToInputs', 'render', 'updateSelectedAttachment', 'renderPreview' );
if ( ! control.id_base ) {
_.find( component.controlConstructors, function( Constructor, idBase ) {
if ( control instanceof Constructor ) {
control.id_base = idBase;
return true;
return false;
if ( ! control.id_base ) {
throw new Error( 'Missing id_base.' );
// Track attributes needed to renderPreview in it's own model.
control.previewTemplateProps = new Backbone.Model( control.mapModelToPreviewTemplateProps() );
// Re-render the preview when the attachment changes.
control.selectedAttachment = new wp.media.model.Attachment();
control.renderPreview = _.debounce( control.renderPreview );
control.listenTo( control.previewTemplateProps, 'change', control.renderPreview );
// Make sure a copy of the selected attachment is always fetched.
control.model.on( 'change:attachment_id', control.updateSelectedAttachment );
control.model.on( 'change:url', control.updateSelectedAttachment );
* Sync the widget instance model attributes onto the hidden inputs that widgets currently use to store the state.
* In the future, when widgets are JS-driven, the underlying widget instance data should be exposed as a model
* from the start, without having to sync with hidden fields. See .
control.listenTo( control.model, 'change', control.syncModelToInputs );
control.listenTo( control.model, 'change', control.syncModelToPreviewProps );
control.listenTo( control.model, 'change', control.render );
// Update the title.
control.$el.on( 'input change', '.title', function updateTitle() {
title: $( this ).val().trim()
// Update link_url attribute.
control.$el.on( 'input change', '.link', function updateLinkUrl() {
var linkUrl = $( this ).val().trim(), linkType = 'custom';
if ( control.selectedAttachment.get( 'linkUrl' ) === linkUrl || control.selectedAttachment.get( 'link' ) === linkUrl ) {
linkType = 'post';
} else if ( control.selectedAttachment.get( 'url' ) === linkUrl ) {
linkType = 'file';
control.model.set( {
link_url: linkUrl,
link_type: linkType
// Update display settings for the next time the user opens to select from the media library.
control.displaySettings.set( {
link: linkType,
linkUrl: linkUrl
* Copy current display settings from the widget model to serve as basis
* of customized display settings for the current media frame session.
* Changes to display settings will be synced into this model, and
* when a new selection is made, the settings from this will be synced
* into that AttachmentDisplay's model to persist the setting changes.
control.displaySettings = new Backbone.Model( _.pick(
_.extend( control.model.defaults(), control.model.toJSON() )
_.keys( wp.media.view.settings.defaultProps )
) );
* Update the selected attachment if necessary.
* @return {void}
updateSelectedAttachment: function updateSelectedAttachment() {
var control = this, attachment;
if ( 0 === control.model.get( 'attachment_id' ) ) {
control.model.set( 'error', false );
} else if ( control.model.get( 'attachment_id' ) !== control.selectedAttachment.get( 'id' ) ) {
attachment = new wp.media.model.Attachment({
id: control.model.get( 'attachment_id' )
.done( function done() {
control.model.set( 'error', false );
control.selectedAttachment.set( attachment.toJSON() );
.fail( function fail() {
control.model.set( 'error', 'missing_attachment' );
* Sync the model attributes to the hidden inputs, and update previewTemplateProps.
* @return {void}
syncModelToPreviewProps: function syncModelToPreviewProps() {
var control = this;
control.previewTemplateProps.set( control.mapModelToPreviewTemplateProps() );
* Sync the model attributes to the hidden inputs, and update previewTemplateProps.
* @return {void}
syncModelToInputs: function syncModelToInputs() {
var control = this;
control.syncContainer.find( '.media-widget-instance-property' ).each( function() {
var input = $( this ), value, propertyName;
propertyName = input.data( 'property' );
value = control.model.get( propertyName );
if ( _.isUndefined( value ) ) {
if ( 'array' === control.model.schema[ propertyName ].type && _.isArray( value ) ) {
value = value.join( ',' );
} else if ( 'boolean' === control.model.schema[ propertyName ].type ) {
value = value ? '1' : ''; // Because in PHP, strval( true ) === '1' && strval( false ) === ''.
} else {
value = String( value );
if ( input.val() !== value ) {
input.val( value );
input.trigger( 'change' );
* Get template.
* @return {Function} Template.
template: function template() {
var control = this;
if ( ! $( '#tmpl-widget-media-' + control.id_base + '-control' ).length ) {
throw new Error( 'Missing widget control template for ' + control.id_base );
return wp.template( 'widget-media-' + control.id_base + '-control' );
* Render template.
* @return {void}
render: function render() {
var control = this, titleInput;
if ( ! control.templateRendered ) {
control.$el.html( control.template()( control.model.toJSON() ) );
control.renderPreview(); // Hereafter it will re-render when control.selectedAttachment changes.
control.templateRendered = true;
titleInput = control.$el.find( '.title' );
if ( ! titleInput.is( document.activeElement ) ) {
titleInput.val( control.model.get( 'title' ) );
control.$el.toggleClass( 'selected', control.isSelected() );
* Render media preview.
* @abstract
* @return {void}
renderPreview: function renderPreview() {
throw new Error( 'renderPreview must be implemented' );
* Whether a media item is selected.
* @return {boolean} Whether selected and no error.
isSelected: function isSelected() {
var control = this;
if ( control.model.get( 'error' ) ) {
return false;
return Boolean( control.model.get( 'attachment_id' ) || control.model.get( 'url' ) );
* Handle click on link to Media Library to open modal, such as the link that appears when in the missing attachment error notice.
* @param {jQuery.Event} event - Event.
* @return {void}
handleMediaLibraryLinkClick: function handleMediaLibraryLinkClick( event ) {
var control = this;
* Open the media select frame to chose an item.
* @return {void}
selectMedia: function selectMedia() {
var control = this, selection, mediaFrame, defaultSync, mediaFrameProps, selectionModels = [];
if ( control.isSelected() && 0 !== control.model.get( 'attachment_id' ) ) {
selectionModels.push( control.selectedAttachment );
selection = new wp.media.model.Selection( selectionModels, { multiple: false } );
mediaFrameProps = control.mapModelToMediaFrameProps( control.model.toJSON() );
if ( mediaFrameProps.size ) {
control.displaySettings.set( 'size', mediaFrameProps.size );
mediaFrame = new component.MediaFrameSelect({
title: control.l10n.add_media,
frame: 'post',
text: control.l10n.add_to_widget,
selection: selection,
mimeType: control.mime_type,
selectedDisplaySettings: control.displaySettings,
showDisplaySettings: control.showDisplaySettings,
metadata: mediaFrameProps,
state: control.isSelected() && 0 === control.model.get( 'attachment_id' ) ? 'embed' : 'insert',
invalidEmbedTypeError: control.l10n.unsupported_file_type
wp.media.frame = mediaFrame; // See wp.media().
// Handle selection of a media item.
mediaFrame.on( 'insert', function onInsert() {
var attachment = {}, state = mediaFrame.state();
// Update cached attachment object to avoid having to re-fetch. This also triggers re-rendering of preview.
if ( 'embed' === state.get( 'id' ) ) {
_.extend( attachment, { id: 0 }, state.props.toJSON() );
} else {
_.extend( attachment, state.get( 'selection' ).first().toJSON() );
control.selectedAttachment.set( attachment );
control.model.set( 'error', false );
// Update widget instance.
control.model.set( control.getModelPropsFromMediaFrame( mediaFrame ) );
// Disable syncing of attachment changes back to server (except for deletions). See .
defaultSync = wp.media.model.Attachment.prototype.sync;
wp.media.model.Attachment.prototype.sync = function( method ) {
if ( 'delete' === method ) {
return defaultSync.apply( this, arguments );
} else {
return $.Deferred().rejectWith( this ).promise();
mediaFrame.on( 'close', function onClose() {
wp.media.model.Attachment.prototype.sync = defaultSync;
mediaFrame.$el.addClass( 'media-widget' );
// Clear the selected attachment when it is deleted in the media select frame.
if ( selection ) {
selection.on( 'destroy', function onDestroy( attachment ) {
if ( control.model.get( 'attachment_id' ) === attachment.get( 'id' ) ) {
attachment_id: 0,
url: ''
* Make sure focus is set inside of modal so that hitting Esc will close
* the modal and not inadvertently cause the widget to collapse in the customizer.
mediaFrame.$el.find( '.media-frame-menu .media-menu-item.active' ).focus();
* Get the instance props from the media selection frame.
* @param {wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Select} mediaFrame - Select frame.
* @return {Object} Props.
getModelPropsFromMediaFrame: function getModelPropsFromMediaFrame( mediaFrame ) {
var control = this, state, mediaFrameProps, modelProps;
state = mediaFrame.state();
if ( 'insert' === state.get( 'id' ) ) {
mediaFrameProps = state.get( 'selection' ).first().toJSON();
mediaFrameProps.postUrl = mediaFrameProps.link;
if ( control.showDisplaySettings ) {
mediaFrame.content.get( '.attachments-browser' ).sidebar.get( 'display' ).model.toJSON()
if ( mediaFrameProps.sizes && mediaFrameProps.size && mediaFrameProps.sizes[ mediaFrameProps.size ] ) {
mediaFrameProps.url = mediaFrameProps.sizes[ mediaFrameProps.size ].url;
} else if ( 'embed' === state.get( 'id' ) ) {
mediaFrameProps = _.extend(
{ attachment_id: 0 }, // Because some media frames use `attachment_id` not `id`.
} else {
throw new Error( 'Unexpected state: ' + state.get( 'id' ) );
if ( mediaFrameProps.id ) {
mediaFrameProps.attachment_id = mediaFrameProps.id;
modelProps = control.mapMediaToModelProps( mediaFrameProps );
// Clear the extension prop so sources will be reset for video and audio media.
_.each( wp.media.view.settings.embedExts, function( ext ) {
if ( ext in control.model.schema && modelProps.url !== modelProps[ ext ] ) {
modelProps[ ext ] = '';
return modelProps;
* Map media frame props to model props.
* @param {Object} mediaFrameProps - Media frame props.
* @return {Object} Model props.
mapMediaToModelProps: function mapMediaToModelProps( mediaFrameProps ) {
var control = this, mediaFramePropToModelPropMap = {}, modelProps = {}, extension;
_.each( control.model.schema, function( fieldSchema, modelProp ) {
// Ignore widget title attribute.
if ( 'title' === modelProp ) {
mediaFramePropToModelPropMap[ fieldSchema.media_prop || modelProp ] = modelProp;
_.each( mediaFrameProps, function( value, mediaProp ) {
var propName = mediaFramePropToModelPropMap[ mediaProp ] || mediaProp;
if ( control.model.schema[ propName ] ) {
modelProps[ propName ] = value;
if ( 'custom' === mediaFrameProps.size ) {
modelProps.width = mediaFrameProps.customWidth;
modelProps.height = mediaFrameProps.customHeight;
if ( 'post' === mediaFrameProps.link ) {
modelProps.link_url = mediaFrameProps.postUrl || mediaFrameProps.linkUrl;
} else if ( 'file' === mediaFrameProps.link ) {
modelProps.link_url = mediaFrameProps.url;
// Because some media frames use `id` instead of `attachment_id`.
if ( ! mediaFrameProps.attachment_id && mediaFrameProps.id ) {
modelProps.attachment_id = mediaFrameProps.id;
if ( mediaFrameProps.url ) {
extension = mediaFrameProps.url.replace( /#.*$/, '' ).replace( /\?.*$/, '' ).split( '.' ).pop().toLowerCase();
if ( extension in control.model.schema ) {
modelProps[ extension ] = mediaFrameProps.url;
// Always omit the titles derived from mediaFrameProps.
return _.omit( modelProps, 'title' );
* Map model props to media frame props.
* @param {Object} modelProps - Model props.
* @return {Object} Media frame props.
mapModelToMediaFrameProps: function mapModelToMediaFrameProps( modelProps ) {
var control = this, mediaFrameProps = {};
_.each( modelProps, function( value, modelProp ) {
var fieldSchema = control.model.schema[ modelProp ] || {};
mediaFrameProps[ fieldSchema.media_prop || modelProp ] = value;
// Some media frames use attachment_id.
mediaFrameProps.attachment_id = mediaFrameProps.id;
if ( 'custom' === mediaFrameProps.size ) {
mediaFrameProps.customWidth = control.model.get( 'width' );
mediaFrameProps.customHeight = control.model.get( 'height' );
return mediaFrameProps;
* Map model props to previewTemplateProps.
* @return {Object} Preview Template Props.
mapModelToPreviewTemplateProps: function mapModelToPreviewTemplateProps() {
var control = this, previewTemplateProps = {};
_.each( control.model.schema, function( value, prop ) {
if ( ! value.hasOwnProperty( 'should_preview_update' ) || value.should_preview_update ) {
previewTemplateProps[ prop ] = control.model.get( prop );
// Templates need to be aware of the error.
previewTemplateProps.error = control.model.get( 'error' );
return previewTemplateProps;
* Open the media frame to modify the selected item.
* @abstract
* @return {void}
editMedia: function editMedia() {
throw new Error( 'editMedia not implemented' );
* Media widget model.
* @class wp.mediaWidgets.MediaWidgetModel
* @augments Backbone.Model
component.MediaWidgetModel = Backbone.Model.extend(/** @lends wp.mediaWidgets.MediaWidgetModel.prototype */{
* Id attribute.
* @type {string}
idAttribute: 'widget_id',
* Instance schema.
* This adheres to JSON Schema and subclasses should have their schema
* exported from PHP to JS such as is done in WP_Widget_Media_Image::enqueue_admin_scripts().
* @type {Object.}
schema: {
title: {
type: 'string',
'default': ''
attachment_id: {
type: 'integer',
'default': 0
url: {
type: 'string',
'default': ''
* Get default attribute values.
* @return {Object} Mapping of property names to their default values.
defaults: function() {
var defaults = {};
_.each( this.schema, function( fieldSchema, field ) {
defaults[ field ] = fieldSchema['default'];
return defaults;
* Set attribute value(s).
* This is a wrapped version of Backbone.Model#set() which allows us to
* cast the attribute values from the hidden inputs' string values into
* the appropriate data types (integers or booleans).
* @param {string|Object} key - Attribute name or attribute pairs.
* @param {mixed|Object} [val] - Attribute value or options object.
* @param {Object} [options] - Options when attribute name and value are passed separately.
* @return {wp.mediaWidgets.MediaWidgetModel} This model.
set: function set( key, val, options ) {
var model = this, attrs, opts, castedAttrs; // eslint-disable-line consistent-this
if ( null === key ) {
return model;
if ( 'object' === typeof key ) {
attrs = key;
opts = val;
} else {
attrs = {};
attrs[ key ] = val;
opts = options;
castedAttrs = {};
_.each( attrs, function( value, name ) {
var type;
if ( ! model.schema[ name ] ) {
castedAttrs[ name ] = value;
type = model.schema[ name ].type;
if ( 'array' === type ) {
castedAttrs[ name ] = value;
if ( ! _.isArray( castedAttrs[ name ] ) ) {
castedAttrs[ name ] = castedAttrs[ name ].split( /,/ ); // Good enough for parsing an ID list.
if ( model.schema[ name ].items && 'integer' === model.schema[ name ].items.type ) {
castedAttrs[ name ] = _.filter(
_.map( castedAttrs[ name ], function( id ) {
return parseInt( id, 10 );
function( id ) {
return 'number' === typeof id;
) );
} else if ( 'integer' === type ) {
castedAttrs[ name ] = parseInt( value, 10 );
} else if ( 'boolean' === type ) {
castedAttrs[ name ] = ! ( ! value || '0' === value || 'false' === value );
} else {
castedAttrs[ name ] = value;
return Backbone.Model.prototype.set.call( this, castedAttrs, opts );
* Get props which are merged on top of the model when an embed is chosen (as opposed to an attachment).
* @return {Object} Reset/override props.
getEmbedResetProps: function getEmbedResetProps() {
return {
id: 0
* Collection of all widget model instances.
* @memberOf wp.mediaWidgets
* @type {Backbone.Collection}
component.modelCollection = new ( Backbone.Collection.extend( {
model: component.MediaWidgetModel
}) )();
* Mapping of widget ID to instances of MediaWidgetControl subclasses.
* @memberOf wp.mediaWidgets
* @type {Object.}
component.widgetControls = {};
* Handle widget being added or initialized for the first time at the widget-added event.
* @memberOf wp.mediaWidgets
* @param {jQuery.Event} event - Event.
* @param {jQuery} widgetContainer - Widget container element.
* @return {void}
component.handleWidgetAdded = function handleWidgetAdded( event, widgetContainer ) {
var fieldContainer, syncContainer, widgetForm, idBase, ControlConstructor, ModelConstructor, modelAttributes, widgetControl, widgetModel, widgetId, animatedCheckDelay = 50, renderWhenAnimationDone;
widgetForm = widgetContainer.find( '> .widget-inside > .form, > .widget-inside > form' ); // Note: '.form' appears in the customizer, whereas 'form' on the widgets admin screen.
idBase = widgetForm.find( '> .id_base' ).val();
widgetId = widgetForm.find( '> .widget-id' ).val();
// Prevent initializing already-added widgets.
if ( component.widgetControls[ widgetId ] ) {
ControlConstructor = component.controlConstructors[ idBase ];
if ( ! ControlConstructor ) {
ModelConstructor = component.modelConstructors[ idBase ] || component.MediaWidgetModel;
* Create a container element for the widget control (Backbone.View).
* This is inserted into the DOM immediately before the .widget-content
* element because the contents of this element are essentially "managed"
* by PHP, where each widget update cause the entire element to be emptied
* and replaced with the rendered output of WP_Widget::form() which is
* sent back in Ajax request made to save/update the widget instance.
* To prevent a "flash of replaced DOM elements and re-initialized JS
* components", the JS template is rendered outside of the normal form
* container.
fieldContainer = $( '' );
syncContainer = widgetContainer.find( '.widget-content:first' );
syncContainer.before( fieldContainer );
* Sync the widget instance model attributes onto the hidden inputs that widgets currently use to store the state.
* In the future, when widgets are JS-driven, the underlying widget instance data should be exposed as a model
* from the start, without having to sync with hidden fields. See .
modelAttributes = {};
syncContainer.find( '.media-widget-instance-property' ).each( function() {
var input = $( this );
modelAttributes[ input.data( 'property' ) ] = input.val();
modelAttributes.widget_id = widgetId;
widgetModel = new ModelConstructor( modelAttributes );
widgetControl = new ControlConstructor({
el: fieldContainer,
syncContainer: syncContainer,
model: widgetModel
* Render the widget once the widget parent's container finishes animating,
* as the widget-added event fires with a slideDown of the container.
* This ensures that the container's dimensions are fixed so that ME.js
* can initialize with the proper dimensions.
renderWhenAnimationDone = function() {
if ( ! widgetContainer.hasClass( 'open' ) ) {
setTimeout( renderWhenAnimationDone, animatedCheckDelay );
} else {
* Note that the model and control currently won't ever get garbage-collected
* when a widget gets removed/deleted because there is no widget-removed event.
component.modelCollection.add( [ widgetModel ] );
component.widgetControls[ widgetModel.get( 'widget_id' ) ] = widgetControl;
* Setup widget in accessibility mode.
* @memberOf wp.mediaWidgets
* @return {void}
component.setupAccessibleMode = function setupAccessibleMode() {
var widgetForm, widgetId, idBase, widgetControl, ControlConstructor, ModelConstructor, modelAttributes, fieldContainer, syncContainer;
widgetForm = $( '.editwidget > form' );
if ( 0 === widgetForm.length ) {
idBase = widgetForm.find( '.id_base' ).val();
ControlConstructor = component.controlConstructors[ idBase ];
if ( ! ControlConstructor ) {
widgetId = widgetForm.find( '> .widget-control-actions > .widget-id' ).val();
ModelConstructor = component.modelConstructors[ idBase ] || component.MediaWidgetModel;
fieldContainer = $( '' );
syncContainer = widgetForm.find( '> .widget-inside' );
syncContainer.before( fieldContainer );
modelAttributes = {};
syncContainer.find( '.media-widget-instance-property' ).each( function() {
var input = $( this );
modelAttributes[ input.data( 'property' ) ] = input.val();
modelAttributes.widget_id = widgetId;
widgetControl = new ControlConstructor({
el: fieldContainer,
syncContainer: syncContainer,
model: new ModelConstructor( modelAttributes )
component.modelCollection.add( [ widgetControl.model ] );
component.widgetControls[ widgetControl.model.get( 'widget_id' ) ] = widgetControl;
* Sync widget instance data sanitized from server back onto widget model.
* This gets called via the 'widget-updated' event when saving a widget from
* the widgets admin screen and also via the 'widget-synced' event when making
* a change to a widget in the customizer.
* @memberOf wp.mediaWidgets
* @param {jQuery.Event} event - Event.
* @param {jQuery} widgetContainer - Widget container element.
* @return {void}
component.handleWidgetUpdated = function handleWidgetUpdated( event, widgetContainer ) {
var widgetForm, widgetContent, widgetId, widgetControl, attributes = {};
widgetForm = widgetContainer.find( '> .widget-inside > .form, > .widget-inside > form' );
widgetId = widgetForm.find( '> .widget-id' ).val();
widgetControl = component.widgetControls[ widgetId ];
if ( ! widgetControl ) {
// Make sure the server-sanitized values get synced back into the model.
widgetContent = widgetForm.find( '> .widget-content' );
widgetContent.find( '.media-widget-instance-property' ).each( function() {
var property = $( this ).data( 'property' );
attributes[ property ] = $( this ).val();
// Suspend syncing model back to inputs when syncing from inputs to model, preventing infinite loop.
widgetControl.stopListening( widgetControl.model, 'change', widgetControl.syncModelToInputs );
widgetControl.model.set( attributes );
widgetControl.listenTo( widgetControl.model, 'change', widgetControl.syncModelToInputs );
* Initialize functionality.
* This function exists to prevent the JS file from having to boot itself.
* When WordPress enqueues this script, it should have an inline script
* attached which calls wp.mediaWidgets.init().
* @memberOf wp.mediaWidgets
* @return {void}
component.init = function init() {
var $document = $( document );
$document.on( 'widget-added', component.handleWidgetAdded );
$document.on( 'widget-synced widget-updated', component.handleWidgetUpdated );
* Manually trigger widget-added events for media widgets on the admin
* screen once they are expanded. The widget-added event is not triggered
* for each pre-existing widget on the widgets admin screen like it is
* on the customizer. Likewise, the customizer only triggers widget-added
* when the widget is expanded to just-in-time construct the widget form
* when it is actually going to be displayed. So the following implements
* the same for the widgets admin screen, to invoke the widget-added
* handler when a pre-existing media widget is expanded.
$( function initializeExistingWidgetContainers() {
var widgetContainers;
if ( 'widgets' !== window.pagenow ) {
widgetContainers = $( '.widgets-holder-wrap:not(#available-widgets)' ).find( 'div.widget' );
widgetContainers.one( 'click.toggle-widget-expanded', function toggleWidgetExpanded() {
var widgetContainer = $( this );
component.handleWidgetAdded( new jQuery.Event( 'widget-added' ), widgetContainer );
// Accessibility mode.
if ( document.readyState === 'complete' ) {
// Page is fully loaded.
} else {
// Page is still loading.
$( window ).on( 'load', function() {
return component;
})( jQuery );
PK #kZ�JIr( r( widgets/media-gallery-widget.jsnu ȯ�� /**
* @output wp-admin/js/widgets/media-gallery-widget.js
/* eslint consistent-this: [ "error", "control" ] */
(function( component ) {
'use strict';
var GalleryWidgetModel, GalleryWidgetControl, GalleryDetailsMediaFrame;
* Custom gallery details frame.
* @since 4.9.0
* @class wp.mediaWidgets~GalleryDetailsMediaFrame
* @augments wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Post
GalleryDetailsMediaFrame = wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Post.extend(/** @lends wp.mediaWidgets~GalleryDetailsMediaFrame.prototype */{
* Create the default states.
* @since 4.9.0
* @return {void}
createStates: function createStates() {
new wp.media.controller.Library({
id: 'gallery',
title: wp.media.view.l10n.createGalleryTitle,
priority: 40,
toolbar: 'main-gallery',
filterable: 'uploaded',
multiple: 'add',
editable: true,
library: wp.media.query( _.defaults({
type: 'image'
}, this.options.library ) )
// Gallery states.
new wp.media.controller.GalleryEdit({
library: this.options.selection,
editing: this.options.editing,
menu: 'gallery'
new wp.media.controller.GalleryAdd()
} );
* Gallery widget model.
* See WP_Widget_Gallery::enqueue_admin_scripts() for amending prototype from PHP exports.
* @since 4.9.0
* @class wp.mediaWidgets.modelConstructors.media_gallery
* @augments wp.mediaWidgets.MediaWidgetModel
GalleryWidgetModel = component.MediaWidgetModel.extend(/** @lends wp.mediaWidgets.modelConstructors.media_gallery.prototype */{} );
GalleryWidgetControl = component.MediaWidgetControl.extend(/** @lends wp.mediaWidgets.controlConstructors.media_gallery.prototype */{
* View events.
* @since 4.9.0
* @type {object}
events: _.extend( {}, component.MediaWidgetControl.prototype.events, {
'click .media-widget-gallery-preview': 'editMedia'
} ),
* Gallery widget control.
* See WP_Widget_Gallery::enqueue_admin_scripts() for amending prototype from PHP exports.
* @constructs wp.mediaWidgets.controlConstructors.media_gallery
* @augments wp.mediaWidgets.MediaWidgetControl
* @since 4.9.0
* @param {Object} options - Options.
* @param {Backbone.Model} options.model - Model.
* @param {jQuery} options.el - Control field container element.
* @param {jQuery} options.syncContainer - Container element where fields are synced for the server.
* @return {void}
initialize: function initialize( options ) {
var control = this;
component.MediaWidgetControl.prototype.initialize.call( control, options );
_.bindAll( control, 'updateSelectedAttachments', 'handleAttachmentDestroy' );
control.selectedAttachments = new wp.media.model.Attachments();
control.model.on( 'change:ids', control.updateSelectedAttachments );
control.selectedAttachments.on( 'change', control.renderPreview );
control.selectedAttachments.on( 'reset', control.renderPreview );
* Refresh a Gallery widget partial when the user modifies one of the selected attachments.
* This ensures that when an attachment's caption is updated in the media modal the Gallery
* widget in the preview will then be refreshed to show the change. Normally doing this
* would not be necessary because all of the state should be contained inside the changeset,
* as everything done in the Customizer should not make a change to the site unless the
* changeset itself is published. Attachments are a current exception to this rule.
* For a proposal to include attachments in the customized state, see #37887.
if ( wp.customize && wp.customize.previewer ) {
control.selectedAttachments.on( 'change', function() {
wp.customize.previewer.send( 'refresh-widget-partial', control.model.get( 'widget_id' ) );
} );
* Update the selected attachments if necessary.
* @since 4.9.0
* @return {void}
updateSelectedAttachments: function updateSelectedAttachments() {
var control = this, newIds, oldIds, removedIds, addedIds, addedQuery;
newIds = control.model.get( 'ids' );
oldIds = _.pluck( control.selectedAttachments.models, 'id' );
removedIds = _.difference( oldIds, newIds );
_.each( removedIds, function( removedId ) {
control.selectedAttachments.remove( control.selectedAttachments.get( removedId ) );
addedIds = _.difference( newIds, oldIds );
if ( addedIds.length ) {
addedQuery = wp.media.query({
order: 'ASC',
orderby: 'post__in',
perPage: -1,
post__in: newIds,
query: true,
type: 'image'
addedQuery.more().done( function() {
control.selectedAttachments.reset( addedQuery.models );
* Render preview.
* @since 4.9.0
* @return {void}
renderPreview: function renderPreview() {
var control = this, previewContainer, previewTemplate, data;
previewContainer = control.$el.find( '.media-widget-preview' );
previewTemplate = wp.template( 'wp-media-widget-gallery-preview' );
data = control.previewTemplateProps.toJSON();
data.attachments = {};
control.selectedAttachments.each( function( attachment ) {
data.attachments[ attachment.id ] = attachment.toJSON();
} );
previewContainer.html( previewTemplate( data ) );
* Determine whether there are selected attachments.
* @since 4.9.0
* @return {boolean} Selected.
isSelected: function isSelected() {
var control = this;
if ( control.model.get( 'error' ) ) {
return false;
return control.model.get( 'ids' ).length > 0;
* Open the media select frame to edit images.
* @since 4.9.0
* @return {void}
editMedia: function editMedia() {
var control = this, selection, mediaFrame, mediaFrameProps;
selection = new wp.media.model.Selection( control.selectedAttachments.models, {
multiple: true
mediaFrameProps = control.mapModelToMediaFrameProps( control.model.toJSON() );
selection.gallery = new Backbone.Model( mediaFrameProps );
if ( mediaFrameProps.size ) {
control.displaySettings.set( 'size', mediaFrameProps.size );
mediaFrame = new GalleryDetailsMediaFrame({
frame: 'manage',
text: control.l10n.add_to_widget,
selection: selection,
mimeType: control.mime_type,
selectedDisplaySettings: control.displaySettings,
showDisplaySettings: control.showDisplaySettings,
metadata: mediaFrameProps,
editing: true,
multiple: true,
state: 'gallery-edit'
wp.media.frame = mediaFrame; // See wp.media().
// Handle selection of a media item.
mediaFrame.on( 'update', function onUpdate( newSelection ) {
var state = mediaFrame.state(), resultSelection;
resultSelection = newSelection || state.get( 'selection' );
if ( ! resultSelection ) {
// Copy orderby_random from gallery state.
if ( resultSelection.gallery ) {
control.model.set( control.mapMediaToModelProps( resultSelection.gallery.toJSON() ) );
// Directly update selectedAttachments to prevent needing to do additional request.
control.selectedAttachments.reset( resultSelection.models );
// Update models in the widget instance.
control.model.set( {
ids: _.pluck( resultSelection.models, 'id' )
} );
} );
mediaFrame.$el.addClass( 'media-widget' );
if ( selection ) {
selection.on( 'destroy', control.handleAttachmentDestroy );
* Open the media select frame to chose an item.
* @since 4.9.0
* @return {void}
selectMedia: function selectMedia() {
var control = this, selection, mediaFrame, mediaFrameProps;
selection = new wp.media.model.Selection( control.selectedAttachments.models, {
multiple: true
mediaFrameProps = control.mapModelToMediaFrameProps( control.model.toJSON() );
if ( mediaFrameProps.size ) {
control.displaySettings.set( 'size', mediaFrameProps.size );
mediaFrame = new GalleryDetailsMediaFrame({
frame: 'select',
text: control.l10n.add_to_widget,
selection: selection,
mimeType: control.mime_type,
selectedDisplaySettings: control.displaySettings,
showDisplaySettings: control.showDisplaySettings,
metadata: mediaFrameProps,
state: 'gallery'
wp.media.frame = mediaFrame; // See wp.media().
// Handle selection of a media item.
mediaFrame.on( 'update', function onUpdate( newSelection ) {
var state = mediaFrame.state(), resultSelection;
resultSelection = newSelection || state.get( 'selection' );
if ( ! resultSelection ) {
// Copy orderby_random from gallery state.
if ( resultSelection.gallery ) {
control.model.set( control.mapMediaToModelProps( resultSelection.gallery.toJSON() ) );
// Directly update selectedAttachments to prevent needing to do additional request.
control.selectedAttachments.reset( resultSelection.models );
// Update widget instance.
control.model.set( {
ids: _.pluck( resultSelection.models, 'id' )
} );
} );
mediaFrame.$el.addClass( 'media-widget' );
if ( selection ) {
selection.on( 'destroy', control.handleAttachmentDestroy );
* Make sure focus is set inside of modal so that hitting Esc will close
* the modal and not inadvertently cause the widget to collapse in the customizer.
mediaFrame.$el.find( ':focusable:first' ).focus();
* Clear the selected attachment when it is deleted in the media select frame.
* @since 4.9.0
* @param {wp.media.models.Attachment} attachment - Attachment.
* @return {void}
handleAttachmentDestroy: function handleAttachmentDestroy( attachment ) {
var control = this;
control.model.set( {
ids: _.difference(
control.model.get( 'ids' ),
[ attachment.id ]
} );
} );
// Exports.
component.controlConstructors.media_gallery = GalleryWidgetControl;
component.modelConstructors.media_gallery = GalleryWidgetModel;
})( wp.mediaWidgets );
PK #kZ�r�
! widgets/media-video-widget.min.jsnu ȯ�� /*! This file is auto-generated */
!function(t){"use strict";var i=wp.media.view.MediaFrame.VideoDetails.extend({createStates:function(){this.states.add([new wp.media.controller.VideoDetails({media:this.media}),new wp.media.controller.MediaLibrary({type:"video",id:"add-video-source",title:wp.media.view.l10n.videoAddSourceTitle,toolbar:"add-video-source",media:this.media,menu:!1}),new wp.media.controller.MediaLibrary({type:"text",id:"add-track",title:wp.media.view.l10n.videoAddTrackTitle,toolbar:"add-track",media:this.media,menu:"video-details"})])}}),e=t.MediaWidgetModel.extend({}),d=t.MediaWidgetControl.extend({showDisplaySettings:!1,oembedResponses:{},mapModelToMediaFrameProps:function(e){e=t.MediaWidgetControl.prototype.mapModelToMediaFrameProps.call(this,e);return e.link="embed",e},fetchEmbed:function(){var t=this,d=t.model.get("url");t.oembedResponses[d]||(t.fetchEmbedDfd&&"pending"===t.fetchEmbedDfd.state()&&t.fetchEmbedDfd.abort(),t.fetchEmbedDfd=wp.apiRequest({url:wp.media.view.settings.oEmbedProxyUrl,data:{url:t.model.get("url"),maxwidth:t.model.get("width"),maxheight:t.model.get("height"),discover:!1},type:"GET",dataType:"json",context:t}),t.fetchEmbedDfd.done(function(e){t.oembedResponses[d]=e,t.renderPreview()}),t.fetchEmbedDfd.fail(function(){t.oembedResponses[d]=null}))},isHostedVideo:function(){return!0},renderPreview:function(){var e,t,d=this,i="",o=!1,a=d.model.get("attachment_id"),s=d.model.get("url"),m=d.model.get("error");(a||s)&&((t=d.selectedAttachment.get("mime"))&&a?_.contains(_.values(wp.media.view.settings.embedMimes),t)||(m="unsupported_file_type"):a||((t=document.createElement("a")).href=s,(t=t.pathname.toLowerCase().match(/\.(\w+)$/))?_.contains(_.keys(wp.media.view.settings.embedMimes),t[1])||(m="unsupported_file_type"):o=!0),o&&(d.fetchEmbed(),d.oembedResponses[s])&&(e=d.oembedResponses[s].thumbnail_url,i=d.oembedResponses[s].html.replace(/\swidth="\d+"/,' width="100%"').replace(/\sheight="\d+"/,"")),t=d.$el.find(".media-widget-preview"),d=wp.template("wp-media-widget-video-preview"),t.html(d({model:{attachment_id:a,html:i,src:s,poster:e},is_oembed:o,error:m})),wp.mediaelement.initialize())},editMedia:function(){var t=this,e=t.mapModelToMediaFrameProps(t.model.toJSON()),d=new i({frame:"video",state:"video-details",metadata:e});(wp.media.frame=d).$el.addClass("media-widget"),e=function(e){t.selectedAttachment.set(e),t.model.set(_.extend(_.omit(t.model.defaults(),"title"),t.mapMediaToModelProps(e),{error:!1}))},d.state("video-details").on("update",e),d.state("replace-video").on("replace",e),d.on("close",function(){d.detach()}),d.open()}});t.controlConstructors.media_video=d,t.modelConstructors.media_video=e}(wp.mediaWidgets);PK #kZ�i��� � " widgets/custom-html-widgets.min.jsnu ȯ�� /*! This file is auto-generated */
wp.customHtmlWidgets=function(a){"use strict";var s={idBases:["custom_html"],codeEditorSettings:{},l10n:{errorNotice:{singular:"",plural:""}}};return s.CustomHtmlWidgetControl=Backbone.View.extend({events:{},initialize:function(e){var n=this;if(!e.el)throw new Error("Missing options.el");if(!e.syncContainer)throw new Error("Missing options.syncContainer");Backbone.View.prototype.initialize.call(n,e),n.syncContainer=e.syncContainer,n.widgetIdBase=n.syncContainer.parent().find(".id_base").val(),n.widgetNumber=n.syncContainer.parent().find(".widget_number").val(),n.customizeSettingId="widget_"+n.widgetIdBase+"["+String(n.widgetNumber)+"]",n.$el.addClass("custom-html-widget-fields"),n.$el.html(wp.template("widget-custom-html-control-fields")({codeEditorDisabled:s.codeEditorSettings.disabled})),n.errorNoticeContainer=n.$el.find(".code-editor-error-container"),n.currentErrorAnnotations=[],n.saveButton=n.syncContainer.add(n.syncContainer.parent().find(".widget-control-actions")).find(".widget-control-save, #savewidget"),n.saveButton.addClass("custom-html-widget-save-button"),n.fields={title:n.$el.find(".title"),content:n.$el.find(".content")},_.each(n.fields,function(t,i){t.on("input change",function(){var e=n.syncContainer.find(".sync-input."+i);e.val()!==t.val()&&(e.val(t.val()),e.trigger("change"))}),t.val(n.syncContainer.find(".sync-input."+i).val())})},updateFields:function(){var e,t=this;t.fields.title.is(document.activeElement)||(e=t.syncContainer.find(".sync-input.title"),t.fields.title.val(e.val())),t.contentUpdateBypassed=t.fields.content.is(document.activeElement)||t.editor&&t.editor.codemirror.state.focused||0!==t.currentErrorAnnotations.length,t.contentUpdateBypassed||(e=t.syncContainer.find(".sync-input.content"),t.fields.content.val(e.val()))},updateErrorNotice:function(e){var t,i=this,n="";1===e.length?n=s.l10n.errorNotice.singular.replace("%d","1"):1')).append(a("",{text:n})),i.errorNoticeContainer.empty(),i.errorNoticeContainer.append(t),i.errorNoticeContainer.slideDown("fast"),wp.a11y.speak(n)):i.errorNoticeContainer.slideUp("fast")},initializeEditor:function(){var e,t=this;s.codeEditorSettings.disabled||(e=_.extend({},s.codeEditorSettings,{onTabPrevious:function(){t.fields.title.focus()},onTabNext:function(){t.syncContainer.add(t.syncContainer.parent().find(".widget-position, .widget-control-actions")).find(":tabbable").first().focus()},onChangeLintingErrors:function(e){t.currentErrorAnnotations=e},onUpdateErrorNotice:function(e){t.saveButton.toggleClass("validation-blocked disabled",0 .widget-inside > .form, > .widget-inside > form"),r=d.find("> .id_base").val();-1===s.idBases.indexOf(r)||(r=d.find(".widget-id").val(),s.widgetControls[r])||(d=a(""),(o=t.find(".widget-content:first")).before(d),i=new s.CustomHtmlWidgetControl({el:d,syncContainer:o}),s.widgetControls[r]=i,(n=function(){(wp.customize?t.parent().hasClass("expanded"):t.hasClass("open"))?i.initializeEditor():setTimeout(n,50)})())},s.setupAccessibleMode=function(){var e,t=a(".editwidget > form");0!==t.length&&(e=t.find(".id_base").val(),-1!==s.idBases.indexOf(e))&&(e=a(""),(t=t.find("> .widget-inside")).before(e),new s.CustomHtmlWidgetControl({el:e,syncContainer:t}).initializeEditor())},s.handleWidgetUpdated=function(e,t){var t=t.find("> .widget-inside > .form, > .widget-inside > form"),i=t.find("> .id_base").val();-1!==s.idBases.indexOf(i)&&(i=t.find("> .widget-id").val(),t=s.widgetControls[i])&&t.updateFields()},s.init=function(e){var t=a(document);_.extend(s.codeEditorSettings,e),t.on("widget-added",s.handleWidgetAdded),t.on("widget-synced widget-updated",s.handleWidgetUpdated),a(function(){"widgets"===window.pagenow&&(a(".widgets-holder-wrap:not(#available-widgets)").find("div.widget").one("click.toggle-widget-expanded",function(){var e=a(this);s.handleWidgetAdded(new jQuery.Event("widget-added"),e)}),"complete"===document.readyState?s.setupAccessibleMode():a(window).on("load",function(){s.setupAccessibleMode()}))})},s}(jQuery);PK #kZ�!�� � ! widgets/media-audio-widget.min.jsnu ȯ�� /*! This file is auto-generated */
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* @output wp-admin/js/widgets/media-video-widget.js
/* eslint consistent-this: [ "error", "control" ] */
(function( component ) {
'use strict';
var VideoWidgetModel, VideoWidgetControl, VideoDetailsMediaFrame;
* Custom video details frame that removes the replace-video state.
* @class wp.mediaWidgets.controlConstructors~VideoDetailsMediaFrame
* @augments wp.media.view.MediaFrame.VideoDetails
* @private
VideoDetailsMediaFrame = wp.media.view.MediaFrame.VideoDetails.extend(/** @lends wp.mediaWidgets.controlConstructors~VideoDetailsMediaFrame.prototype */{
* Create the default states.
* @return {void}
createStates: function createStates() {
new wp.media.controller.VideoDetails({
media: this.media
new wp.media.controller.MediaLibrary({
type: 'video',
id: 'add-video-source',
title: wp.media.view.l10n.videoAddSourceTitle,
toolbar: 'add-video-source',
media: this.media,
menu: false
new wp.media.controller.MediaLibrary({
type: 'text',
id: 'add-track',
title: wp.media.view.l10n.videoAddTrackTitle,
toolbar: 'add-track',
media: this.media,
menu: 'video-details'
* Video widget model.
* See WP_Widget_Video::enqueue_admin_scripts() for amending prototype from PHP exports.
* @class wp.mediaWidgets.modelConstructors.media_video
* @augments wp.mediaWidgets.MediaWidgetModel
VideoWidgetModel = component.MediaWidgetModel.extend({});
* Video widget control.
* See WP_Widget_Video::enqueue_admin_scripts() for amending prototype from PHP exports.
* @class wp.mediaWidgets.controlConstructors.media_video
* @augments wp.mediaWidgets.MediaWidgetControl
VideoWidgetControl = component.MediaWidgetControl.extend(/** @lends wp.mediaWidgets.controlConstructors.media_video.prototype */{
* Show display settings.
* @type {boolean}
showDisplaySettings: false,
* Cache of oembed responses.
* @type {Object}
oembedResponses: {},
* Map model props to media frame props.
* @param {Object} modelProps - Model props.
* @return {Object} Media frame props.
mapModelToMediaFrameProps: function mapModelToMediaFrameProps( modelProps ) {
var control = this, mediaFrameProps;
mediaFrameProps = component.MediaWidgetControl.prototype.mapModelToMediaFrameProps.call( control, modelProps );
mediaFrameProps.link = 'embed';
return mediaFrameProps;
* Fetches embed data for external videos.
* @return {void}
fetchEmbed: function fetchEmbed() {
var control = this, url;
url = control.model.get( 'url' );
// If we already have a local cache of the embed response, return.
if ( control.oembedResponses[ url ] ) {
// If there is an in-flight embed request, abort it.
if ( control.fetchEmbedDfd && 'pending' === control.fetchEmbedDfd.state() ) {
control.fetchEmbedDfd = wp.apiRequest({
url: wp.media.view.settings.oEmbedProxyUrl,
data: {
url: control.model.get( 'url' ),
maxwidth: control.model.get( 'width' ),
maxheight: control.model.get( 'height' ),
discover: false
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
context: control
control.fetchEmbedDfd.done( function( response ) {
control.oembedResponses[ url ] = response;
control.fetchEmbedDfd.fail( function() {
control.oembedResponses[ url ] = null;
* Whether a url is a supported external host.
* @deprecated since 4.9.
* @return {boolean} Whether url is a supported video host.
isHostedVideo: function isHostedVideo() {
return true;
* Render preview.
* @return {void}
renderPreview: function renderPreview() {
var control = this, previewContainer, previewTemplate, attachmentId, attachmentUrl, poster, html = '', isOEmbed = false, mime, error, urlParser, matches;
attachmentId = control.model.get( 'attachment_id' );
attachmentUrl = control.model.get( 'url' );
error = control.model.get( 'error' );
if ( ! attachmentId && ! attachmentUrl ) {
// Verify the selected attachment mime is supported.
mime = control.selectedAttachment.get( 'mime' );
if ( mime && attachmentId ) {
if ( ! _.contains( _.values( wp.media.view.settings.embedMimes ), mime ) ) {
error = 'unsupported_file_type';
} else if ( ! attachmentId ) {
urlParser = document.createElement( 'a' );
urlParser.href = attachmentUrl;
matches = urlParser.pathname.toLowerCase().match( /\.(\w+)$/ );
if ( matches ) {
if ( ! _.contains( _.keys( wp.media.view.settings.embedMimes ), matches[1] ) ) {
error = 'unsupported_file_type';
} else {
isOEmbed = true;
if ( isOEmbed ) {
if ( control.oembedResponses[ attachmentUrl ] ) {
poster = control.oembedResponses[ attachmentUrl ].thumbnail_url;
html = control.oembedResponses[ attachmentUrl ].html.replace( /\swidth="\d+"/, ' width="100%"' ).replace( /\sheight="\d+"/, '' );
previewContainer = control.$el.find( '.media-widget-preview' );
previewTemplate = wp.template( 'wp-media-widget-video-preview' );
previewContainer.html( previewTemplate({
model: {
attachment_id: attachmentId,
html: html,
src: attachmentUrl,
poster: poster
is_oembed: isOEmbed,
error: error
* Open the media image-edit frame to modify the selected item.
* @return {void}
editMedia: function editMedia() {
var control = this, mediaFrame, metadata, updateCallback;
metadata = control.mapModelToMediaFrameProps( control.model.toJSON() );
// Set up the media frame.
mediaFrame = new VideoDetailsMediaFrame({
frame: 'video',
state: 'video-details',
metadata: metadata
wp.media.frame = mediaFrame;
mediaFrame.$el.addClass( 'media-widget' );
updateCallback = function( mediaFrameProps ) {
// Update cached attachment object to avoid having to re-fetch. This also triggers re-rendering of preview.
control.selectedAttachment.set( mediaFrameProps );
control.model.set( _.extend(
_.omit( control.model.defaults(), 'title' ),
control.mapMediaToModelProps( mediaFrameProps ),
{ error: false }
) );
mediaFrame.state( 'video-details' ).on( 'update', updateCallback );
mediaFrame.state( 'replace-video' ).on( 'replace', updateCallback );
mediaFrame.on( 'close', function() {
// Exports.
component.controlConstructors.media_video = VideoWidgetControl;
component.modelConstructors.media_video = VideoWidgetModel;
})( wp.mediaWidgets );
PK #kZ�Y� � � # widgets/media-gallery-widget.min.jsnu ȯ�� /*! This file is auto-generated */
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