]*)(href|src|action)=[\"'])https?:\\/\\//i"; $subst = '$1//'; $return = preg_replace( $re, $subst, $buffer ); if ( $return ) { $buffer = $return; } return $buffer; } /** * Remove HTTP protocol on srcset attribute generated by WordPress * * @since 2.7 * @deprecated 3.14 * * @param array $sources an Array of images sources for srcset. * @return array Updated array of images sources */ function rocket_protocol_rewrite_srcset( $sources ) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '3.14' ); if ( (bool) $sources ) { foreach ( $sources as $i => $source ) { $sources[ $i ]['url'] = str_replace( [ 'http:', 'https:' ], '', $source['url'] ); } } return $sources; } /** * Check if request is from Cloudflare * * @since 3.4.1 * @author Soponar Cristina * * @return bool */ function rocket_is_cloudflare() { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '3.14' ); if ( ! isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP'] ) ) { return false; } // Check if original ip has already been restored, e.g. by nginx - assume it was from cloudflare then. if ( isset( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ) && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] === $_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP'] ) { return true; } return rocket_is_cf_ip(); } /** * Check if a request comes from a CloudFlare IP. * * @since 3.4.1 * @author Soponar Cristina * * @return bool */ function rocket_is_cf_ip() { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '3.14' ); // Store original remote address in $original_ip. $original_ip = filter_input( INPUT_SERVER, 'REMOTE_ADDR', FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ); if ( ! isset( $original_ip ) ) { return false; } $cf_ips_values = get_transient( 'rocket_cloudflare_ips' ); // Cloudflare IPS should always be populated because the code runs before loading Cloudflare addon. if ( false === $cf_ips_values ) { $cf_ips_values = (object) [ 'success' => true, 'result' => (object) [], ]; $cf_ips_values->result->ipv4_cidrs = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ]; $cf_ips_values->result->ipv6_cidrs = [ '2400:cb00::/32', '2405:8100::/32', '2405:b500::/32', '2606:4700::/32', '2803:f800::/32', '2c0f:f248::/32', '2a06:98c0::/29', ]; } if ( strpos( $original_ip, ':' ) === false ) { $cf_ip_ranges = $cf_ips_values->result->ipv4_cidrs; foreach ( $cf_ip_ranges as $range ) { if ( rocket_ipv4_in_range( $original_ip, $range ) ) { return true; } } } else { $cf_ip_ranges = $cf_ips_values->result->ipv6_cidrs; $ipv6 = get_rocket_ipv6_full( $original_ip ); foreach ( $cf_ip_ranges as $range ) { if ( rocket_ipv6_in_range( $ipv6, $range ) ) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Fixes Cloudflare Flexible SSL redirect loop * * @since 3.4.1 * @author Soponar Cristina */ function rocket_fix_cf_flexible_ssl() { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '3.14' ); $is_cf = rocket_is_cloudflare(); if ( $is_cf ) { // Fixes Flexible SSL. if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] ) && 'https' === $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] ) { $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on'; } } } /* * ip_in_range.php - Function to determine if an IP is located in a * specific range as specified via several alternative * formats. * * Network ranges can be specified as: * 1. Wildcard format: 1.2.3.* * 2. CIDR format: 1.2.3/24 OR * 3. Start-End IP format: * * Return value BOOLEAN : ip_in_range($ip, $range); * * Copyright 2008: Paul Gregg
* 10 January 2008 * Version: 1.2 * * Source website: http://www.pgregg.com/projects/php/ip_in_range/ * Version 1.2 * * This software is Donationware - if you feel you have benefited from * the use of this tool then please consider a donation. The value of * which is entirely left up to your discretion. * http://www.pgregg.com/donate/ * * Please do not remove this header, or source attibution from this file. */ /* * Modified by James Greene
to include IPV6 support * (original version only supported IPV4). * 21 May 2012 */ // In order to simplify working with IP addresses (in binary) and their // netmasks, it is easier to ensure that the binary strings are padded // with zeros out to 32 characters - IP addresses are 32 bit numbers function rocket_decbin32($dec) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '3.14' ); return str_pad(decbin($dec), 32, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } // This function takes 2 arguments, an IP address and a "range" in several // different formats. // Network ranges can be specified as: // 1. Wildcard format: 1.2.3.* // 2. CIDR format: 1.2.3/24 OR // 3. Start-End IP format: // The function will return true if the supplied IP is within the range. // Note little validation is done on the range inputs - it expects you to // use one of the above 3 formats. function rocket_ipv4_in_range($ip, $range) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '3.14' ); if (strpos($range, '/') !== false) { // $range is in IP/NETMASK format list($range, $netmask) = explode('/', $range, 2); if (strpos($netmask, '.') !== false) { // $netmask is a format $netmask = str_replace('*', '0', $netmask); $netmask_dec = ip2long($netmask); return ( (ip2long($ip) & $netmask_dec) == (ip2long($range) & $netmask_dec) ); } else { // $netmask is a CIDR size block // fix the range argument $x = explode('.', $range); while(count($x)<4) $x[] = '0'; list($a,$b,$c,$d) = $x; $range = sprintf("%u.%u.%u.%u", empty($a)?'0':$a, empty($b)?'0':$b,empty($c)?'0':$c,empty($d)?'0':$d); $range_dec = ip2long($range); $ip_dec = ip2long($ip); # Strategy 1 - Create the netmask with 'netmask' 1s and then fill it to 32 with 0s #$netmask_dec = bindec(str_pad('', $netmask, '1') . str_pad('', 32-$netmask, '0')); # Strategy 2 - Use math to create it $wildcard_dec = pow(2, (32-$netmask)) - 1; $netmask_dec = ~ $wildcard_dec; return (($ip_dec & $netmask_dec) == ($range_dec & $netmask_dec)); } } else { // range might be 255.255.*.* or if (strpos($range, '*') !==false) { // a.b.*.* format // Just convert to A-B format by setting * to 0 for A and 255 for B $lower = str_replace('*', '0', $range); $upper = str_replace('*', '255', $range); $range = "$lower-$upper"; } if (strpos($range, '-')!==false) { // A-B format list($lower, $upper) = explode('-', $range, 2); $lower_dec = (float)sprintf("%u",ip2long($lower)); $upper_dec = (float)sprintf("%u",ip2long($upper)); $ip_dec = (float)sprintf("%u",ip2long($ip)); return ( ($ip_dec>=$lower_dec) && ($ip_dec<=$upper_dec) ); } return false; } } function rocket_ip2long6($ip) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '3.14' ); if (substr_count($ip, '::')) { $ip = str_replace('::', str_repeat(':0000', 8 - substr_count($ip, ':')) . ':', $ip); } $ip = explode(':', $ip); $r_ip = ''; foreach ($ip as $v) { $r_ip .= str_pad( base_convert( preg_replace("/[^0-9a-fA-F]/", "", $v ), 16, 2 ), 16, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT ); } return base_convert($r_ip, 2, 10); } // Get the ipv6 full format and return it as a decimal value. function get_rocket_ipv6_full($ip) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '3.14' ); $pieces = explode ("/", $ip, 2); $left_piece = $pieces[0]; $right_piece = null; if (count($pieces) > 1) $right_piece = $pieces[1]; // Extract out the main IP pieces $ip_pieces = explode("::", $left_piece, 2); $main_ip_piece = $ip_pieces[0]; $last_ip_piece = ""; if (count($ip_pieces) > 1) $last_ip_piece = $ip_pieces[1]; // Pad out the shorthand entries. $main_ip_pieces = explode(":", $main_ip_piece); foreach($main_ip_pieces as $key=>$val) { $main_ip_pieces[$key] = str_pad($main_ip_pieces[$key], 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } // Check to see if the last IP block (part after ::) is set $last_piece = ""; $size = count($main_ip_pieces); if (trim($last_ip_piece) != "") { $last_piece = str_pad($last_ip_piece, 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); // Build the full form of the IPV6 address considering the last IP block set for ($i = $size; $i < 7; $i++) { $main_ip_pieces[$i] = "0000"; } $main_ip_pieces[7] = $last_piece; } else { // Build the full form of the IPV6 address for ($i = $size; $i < 8; $i++) { $main_ip_pieces[$i] = "0000"; } } // Rebuild the final long form IPV6 address $final_ip = implode(":", $main_ip_pieces); return rocket_ip2long6($final_ip); } // Determine whether the IPV6 address is within range. // $ip is the IPV6 address in decimal format to check if its within the IP range created by the cloudflare IPV6 address, $range_ip. // $ip and $range_ip are converted to full IPV6 format. // Returns true if the IPV6 address, $ip, is within the range from $range_ip. False otherwise. function rocket_ipv6_in_range($ip, $range_ip) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '3.14' ); $pieces = explode ("/", $range_ip, 2); $left_piece = $pieces[0]; $right_piece = $pieces[1]; // Extract out the main IP pieces $ip_pieces = explode("::", $left_piece, 2); $main_ip_piece = $ip_pieces[0]; $last_ip_piece = $ip_pieces[1]; // Pad out the shorthand entries. $main_ip_pieces = explode(":", $main_ip_piece); foreach($main_ip_pieces as $key=>$val) { $main_ip_pieces[$key] = str_pad($main_ip_pieces[$key], 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } // Create the first and last pieces that will denote the IPV6 range. $first = $main_ip_pieces; $last = $main_ip_pieces; // Check to see if the last IP block (part after ::) is set $last_piece = ""; $size = count($main_ip_pieces); if (trim($last_ip_piece) != "") { $last_piece = str_pad($last_ip_piece, 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); // Build the full form of the IPV6 address considering the last IP block set for ($i = $size; $i < 7; $i++) { $first[$i] = "0000"; $last[$i] = "ffff"; } $main_ip_pieces[7] = $last_piece; } else { // Build the full form of the IPV6 address for ($i = $size; $i < 8; $i++) { $first[$i] = "0000"; $last[$i] = "ffff"; } } // Rebuild the final long form IPV6 address $first = rocket_ip2long6(implode(":", $first)); $last = rocket_ip2long6(implode(":", $last)); $in_range = ($ip >= $first && $ip <= $last); return $in_range; } /** * Filter plugin fetching API results to inject Imagify * * @since 2.10.7 * @since 3.14.2 deprecated * @author Remy Perona * * @param object|WP_Error $result Response object or WP_Error. * @param string $action The type of information being requested from the Plugin Install API. * @param object $args Plugin API arguments. * * @return array Updated array of results */ function rocket_add_imagify_api_result( $result, $action, $args ) { if ( empty( $args->browse ) ) { return $result; } if ( 'featured' !== $args->browse && 'recommended' !== $args->browse && 'popular' !== $args->browse ) { return $result; } if ( ! isset( $result->info['page'] ) || 1 < $result->info['page'] ) { return $result; } if ( is_plugin_active( 'imagify/imagify.php' ) || is_plugin_active_for_network( 'imagify/imagify.php' ) ) { return $result; } // grab all slugs from the api results. $result_slugs = wp_list_pluck( $result->plugins, 'slug' ); if ( in_array( 'imagify', $result_slugs, true ) ) { return $result; } $query_args = [ 'slug' => 'imagify', 'fields' => [ 'icons' => true, 'active_installs' => true, 'short_description' => true, 'group' => true, ], ]; $imagify_data = plugins_api( 'plugin_information', $query_args ); if ( is_wp_error( $imagify_data ) ) { return $result; } if ( 'featured' === $args->browse ) { array_push( $result->plugins, $imagify_data ); } else { array_unshift( $result->plugins, $imagify_data ); } return $result; }