// *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // * Class Definitions // * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // .ftwp-icon-menu : The menu icon. // .ftwp-icon-number : The number list icon. // .ftwp-icon-bullet : The bullet list icon. // .ftwp-icon-ellipsis : The horizontal ellipsis icon. // .ftwp-icon-vellipsis : The vertical ellipsis icon. // .ftwp-icon-minus : The circle minus icon. // .ftwp-icon-expand : The arrow right icon. // .ftwp-icon-collapse : The arrow down icon. // .ftwp-icon-up : The arrow up icon. // .ftwp-icon-eye : The eye icon. // .ftwp-icon-circle : The circle icon. // .ftwp-icon-circle-o : The empty circle icon. // .ftwp-icon-square : The square icon. // .ftwp-icon-square-o : The empty square icon. // .ftwp-minimize : The state of the minimize. // .ftwp-maximize : The state of the maximize. // .ftwp-middle-right : Display in the middle right window. // .ftwp-middle-left : Display in the middle left window. // .ftwp-border-thin: With the thin border. // .ftwp-border-medium: With the medium border. // .ftwp-border-bold: With the bold border. // .ftwp-shape-square: Square shape. // .ftwp-shape-round: Round shape. // .ftwp-shape-circle: Circle shape. // .ftwp-liststyle-none: No list style type. // .ftwp-liststyle-circle: List style type is circle. // .ftwp-liststyle-circle-o: List style type is empty circle. // .ftwp-liststyle-square: List style type is square. // .ftwp-liststyle-square-o: List style type is empty square. // .ftwp-liststyle-decimal: List style type is decimal. // .ftwp-liststyle-decimal-circle: List style type is decimal in a circle for the Strong First. // .ftwp-list-nest: Display the nested list. // .ftwp-colexp: enable collapse/expand list. // .ftwp-expand: Expand the sub list of the current item. // .ftwp-collapse: Collapse the sub list of the current item. // .ftwp-strong-first: Strong the 1st level list item. // .ftwp-effect-fade: Fade. // .ftwp-effect-back-pulse: Back Pulse. // .ftwp-effect-sweep-to-right: Sweep To Right. // .ftwp-effect-sweep-to-left: Sweep To Left. // .ftwp-effect-bounce-to-right: Bounce To Right. // .ftwp-effect-bounce-to-left: Bounce To Left. // .ftwp-effect-radial-in: Radial In. // .ftwp-effect-radial-out: Radial Out. // .ftwp-effect-rectangle-in: Rectangle In. // .ftwp-effect-rectangle-out: Rectangle Out. // .ftwp-effect-shutter-in: Shutter In Horizontal. // .ftwp-effect-shutter-out: Shutter Out Horizontal. // .ftwp-effect-underline-from-right: Underline From Right. // .ftwp-effect-underline-from-left: Underline From Left. // .ftwp-effect-underline-from-center: Underline From Center. // .ftwp-effect-reveal-underline: Underline Reveal. // .ftwp-effect-reveal-rightline: Rightline Reveal. // .ftwp-effect-reveal-leftline: Leftline Reveal. // .ftwp-effect-round-corners: Round Corners. // .ftwp-effect-border-fade: Border Fade. // .ftwp-animate-fade: Fade In/Out. // .ftwp-animate-zoom-in: Zoom In. // .ftwp-animate-slide-in: Slide In. // .ftwp-effanimateect-drop-in: Drop In. // .ftwp-animate-flip-in: Flip In. // *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // * Define The Web Font // *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @font-face { src: url('../fonts/icons.eot?45335921'); src: url('../fonts/icons.eot?45335921#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), url('../fonts/icons.woff2?45335921') format('woff2'), url('../fonts/icons.woff?45335921') format('woff'), url('../fonts/icons.ttf?45335921') format('truetype'), url('../fonts/icons.svg?45335921#fontello') format('svg'); font-family: 'ftwp-icon'; } // *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // * Import Files // *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @import 'options'; @import 'functions'; @import 'mixins'; // *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // * Main style // *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ftwp-container { &.ftwp-wrap { @import 'reset'; @import 'default'; } // Components for special style @import 'components/_fixed_minmax'; @import 'components/fixed_position'; @import 'components/border'; @import 'components/shape'; @import 'components/list_style'; @import 'components/nested'; @import 'components/strong_first'; @import 'components/effects'; @import 'components/in_post'; @import 'components/in_widget'; @import 'components/hidden_state'; // Media queries @import 'components/media'; // Hacks @import 'hacks'; } @import 'rtl'; // *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // * Just a test, remember to delete the below code if finish // *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------