msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WP Rocket 3.4\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://wp-rocket.me/\n" "Last-Translator: wpmedia
, 2020\n" "Language-Team: Spanish (Spain) (https://www.transifex.com/wp-media/teams/18133/es_ES/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-08-17 15:20-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-26 15:14+0000\n" "Language: es_ES\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.11\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_n:1,2;_nx:1,2,4c;_n_noop:1,2;_nx_noop:1,2,3c;esc_attr__;esc_html__;esc_attr_e;esc_html_e;esc_attr_x:1,2c;esc_html_x:1,2c\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-0: assets\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-1: src\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-2: vendor\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-3: node_modules\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-4: tests\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" "X-Textdomain-Support: yes\n" #: inc/3rd-party/hosting/flywheel.php:18 #: inc/3rd-party/hosting/pressidium.php:18 #: inc/3rd-party/hosting/wp-serveur.php:27 #: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:90 #: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Dreampress.php:44 #: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Godaddy.php:63 #: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/O2Switch.php:49 #: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/OneCom.php:137 #: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/ProIsp.php:51 #: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Savvii.php:50 #: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/WPEngine.php:47 #: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/WPXCloud.php:51 #: inc/deprecated/3.6.php:697 #: inc/deprecated/3.6.php:997 #: inc/deprecated/3.9.php:22 #, php-format msgid "Your site is hosted on %s, we have enabled Varnish auto-purge for compatibility." msgstr "Tu sitio está hospedado en %s, y para garantizar la compatibilidad hemos habilitado la opción para la purga automática de la caché Varnish." #: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:332 msgid "Jetpack XML Sitemaps" msgstr "Mapas del sitio XML de Jetpack" #: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:334 msgid "Preload the sitemap from the Jetpack plugin" msgstr "Precargar el mapa del sitio del plugin Jetpack" #: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:83 #: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:58 #: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:87 #: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:186 #: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:253 #: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:342 #, php-format msgid "We automatically detected the sitemap generated by the %s plugin. You can check the option to preload it." msgstr "Hemos detectado automáticamente el mapa del sitio generado por el plugin %s. Puedes marcar la opción para precargarlo." #: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:56 msgid "All in One SEO XML sitemap" msgstr "Mapa del sitio XML de All in One SEO" #: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:85 msgid "Rank Math XML sitemap" msgstr "Mapa del sitio XML de Rank Math" #: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:184 msgid "SEOPress XML sitemap" msgstr "Mapa del sitio XML de SEOPress" #: inc/deprecated/3.12.php:251 msgid "The SEO Framework XML sitemap" msgstr "Mapa del sitio XML de The SEO Framework" #: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:81 msgid "Yoast SEO XML sitemap" msgstr "Mapa del sitio XML de Yoast SEO" #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:186 #: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:112 #: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:169 msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare email address or API key." msgstr "Email de Cloudflare o clave de API incorrectos." #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:190 #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:204 #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:74 #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:109 #: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:157 #: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:92 #: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:116 #: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:129 #: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:157 #: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:173 #, php-format msgid "Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance." msgstr "Lee %1$sesta documentación%2$s para más información." #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:192 #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:206 #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:63 #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:76 #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:111 #: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:81 #: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:94 #: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:118 #: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:131 #: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:159 #: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:175 #: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:208 msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#add-on" msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#add-on" #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:200 #: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:125 msgid "Incorrect Cloudflare Zone ID." msgstr "Zona ID de Cloudflare incorrecta." #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Auth/APIKey.php:61 #, php-format msgid "Cloudflare email and/or API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance." msgstr "El email de la cuenta de Cloudflare y/o la clave de API no están establecidas. Lee %1$sdocumentación%2$s para más instrucciones." #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:70 #: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:88 msgid "Missing Cloudflare Zone ID." msgstr "Zona ID de Cloudfare faltante." #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:105 #: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:153 msgid "It looks like your domain is not set up on Cloudflare." msgstr "Parece que tu dominio no está configurado en Cloudflare." #: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:587 #, php-format msgid "
WP Rocket:
%s" msgstr "
WP Rocket:1
%s" #: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:592 msgid "
WP Rocket:
Cloudflare cache successfully purged." msgstr "
WP Rocket:
caché de Cloudflare limpiada con éxito." #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:632 #: inc/admin/options.php:184 #: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:148 msgid "WP Rocket: " msgstr "WP Rocket:" #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:297 #, php-format msgid "Cloudflare development mode error: %s" msgstr "Error del modo desarrollo de Cloudflare: %s" #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:304 #, php-format msgid "Cloudflare development mode %s" msgstr "Modo desarrollo de Cloudflare %s" #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:321 #, php-format msgid "Cloudflare cache level error: %s" msgstr "Error del nivel de caché de Cloudflare: %s" #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:334 #, php-format msgid "Cloudflare cache level set to %s" msgstr "El nivel de caché de Cloudflare se ha ajustado a %s" #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:350 #, php-format msgid "Cloudflare minification error: %s" msgstr "Error de minificación de Cloudflare: %s" #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:357 #, php-format msgid "Cloudflare minification %s" msgstr "Minificación de Cloudflare %s" #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:373 #, php-format msgid "Cloudflare rocket loader error: %s" msgstr "Error del Rocket Loader de Cloudflare: %s" #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:380 #, php-format msgid "Cloudflare rocket loader %s" msgstr "Rocket Loader de Cloudflare %s" #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:396 #, php-format msgid "Cloudflare browser cache error: %s" msgstr "Error de la caché del navegador de Cloudflare: %s" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:79 #: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/FacebookTracking/Subscriber.php:92 #: inc/deprecated/Engine/Addon/GoogleTracking/Subscriber.php:137 msgid "weekly" msgstr "semanal" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201 msgid "Save Changes" msgstr "Guardar cambios" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:201 msgid "Validate License" msgstr "Validar licencia." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:257 #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:258 msgid "Unavailable" msgstr "No disponible" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:352 #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1789 #: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:80 msgid "License" msgstr "Licencia" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:369 msgid "API key" msgstr "Clave de API" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:384 msgid "Email address" msgstr "Dirección de correo electrónico" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:410 msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "Escritorio" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:411 msgid "Get help, account info" msgstr "Ayuda e info de la cuenta" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:420 msgid "My Status" msgstr "Mi estado" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:430 #: views/settings/page.php:75 msgid "Rocket Analytics" msgstr "Analíticas de Rocket" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:432 #, php-format msgid "I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve WP Rocket. %1$sWhat info will we collect?%2$s" msgstr "Estoy de acuerdo en compartir datos anónimos con el equipo de desarrollo para ayudar a mejorar WP Rocket. %1$s¿Qué info recopilamos?%2$s" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:456 #: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:354 msgid "Cache" msgstr "Caché" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:457 msgid "Basic cache options" msgstr "Opciones básicas de la caché" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:464 msgid "Mobile Cache" msgstr "Caché móvil" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:466 msgid "Speed up your site for mobile visitors." msgstr "Acelera tu sitio web para los visitantes desde móvil." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:471 msgid "We detected you use a plugin that requires a separate cache for mobile, and automatically enabled this option for compatibility." msgstr "Hemos detectado que estás usando un plugin que requiere una caché distinta para los dispositivos móviles: para garantizar la compatibilidad, hemos activado automáticamente esta opción." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:475 msgid "User Cache" msgstr "Caché de usuario" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:478 #, php-format msgid "%1$sUser cache%2$s is great when you have user-specific or restricted content on your website." msgstr "La %1$scaché usuario%2$s es muy útil cuando tu sitio incluye contenido destinado exclusivamente a los usuarios registrados." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:486 msgid "Cache Lifespan" msgstr "Vida útil de la caché" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:489 #, php-format msgid "Cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted.
Enable %1$spreloading%2$s for the cache to be rebuilt automatically after lifespan expiration." msgstr "Los archivos de caché más viejos que la vida útil especificada serán borrados.
Habilita la %1$sprecarga%2$s para que la caché sea regenerada automáticamente después de su expiración." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:503 msgid "Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users" msgstr "Habilitar la caché para los usuarios conectados a WordPress" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:511 msgid "Enable caching for mobile devices" msgstr "Habilitar la caché para dispositivos móviles" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:526 msgid "Separate cache files for mobile devices" msgstr "Guardar separadamente los archivos para dispositivos móviles" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:528 #, php-format msgid "Most modern themes are responsive and should work without a separate cache. Enable this only if you have a dedicated mobile theme or plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s" msgstr "La mayoría de los temas modernos son responsivos y deberían funcionar sin una caché separada. Habilita esto sólo si tienes un tema o un plugin dedicado para móviles. %1$s Más información%2$s" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:544 msgid "Specify time after which the global cache is cleared
(0 = unlimited )" msgstr "Especifica el tiempo tras del cual quieres borrar la caché global
(0 = ilimitado)" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:546 #, php-format msgid "Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear periodically. %1$sWhy?%2$s" msgstr "Aconsejamos reducir la vida útil de la caché a 10 horas o menos, si se verifican problemas con más frecuencia. %1$s¿Por qué?%2$s" #: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:31 #: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:14 msgid "Minutes" msgstr "Minutos" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:552 #: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:30 #: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:13 msgid "Hours" msgstr "Horas" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:553 #: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:29 #: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:12 msgid "Days" msgstr "Días" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:602 msgid "File Optimization" msgstr "Optimizar archivos" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:603 msgid "Optimize CSS & JS" msgstr "Optimizar CSS&JS" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:621 msgid "CSS Files" msgstr "Archivos CSS" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:611 #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:637 #, php-format msgid "%1$s Minification is currently activated in
. If you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in Autoptimize." msgstr "Actualmente la minificación %1$s está activada a través de
. Si quieres usar la minificación de %2$s, desmarca esas opciones en Autoptimize." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:630 msgid "JavaScript Files" msgstr "Archivos JavaScript" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:663 msgid "Minify CSS files" msgstr "Minificar archivos CSS" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:664 msgid "Minify CSS removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size." msgstr "Minificar el CSS elimina los espacios blancos y los comentarios para reducir el tamaño de archivo." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:677 #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:701 #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:765 #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:831 #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:855 msgid "This could break things!" msgstr "¡Esto podría romper unas funcionalidades!" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:678 #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:702 #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:766 #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:832 #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:856 msgid "If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal." msgstr "Si notas cualquier error en tu sitio web después de la activación de esta opción, desactívala: todo volverá a su estado normal." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:679 msgid "Activate minify CSS" msgstr "Activar minificación CSS" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:684 msgid "Combine CSS files
(Enable Minify CSS files to select)
" msgstr "Combinar archivos CSS
(es necesario activar antes la minificación CSS)
" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:686 #, php-format msgid "Combine CSS merges all your files into 1, reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s" msgstr "Combinar el CSS junta todos los archivos en uno solo, reduciendo las peticiones HTTP. No lo recomendamos si tu sitio web usa HTTP/2. %1$sMás info%2$s" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:703 msgid "Activate combine CSS" msgstr "Activar combinación CSS" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:708 #: inc/admin/options.php:124 msgid "Excluded CSS Files" msgstr "Excluir los archivos CSS" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:709 msgid "Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)." msgstr "Especificar los URLs de los archivos CSS que quieres excluir de la minificación y concatenación (uno por línea)." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:710 msgid "
The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).css wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path." msgstr "
Archivos internos:
la parte del URL relativa al dominio se eliminará automáticamente. Usa los caracteres comodines (.*).css para excluir todos los archivos JS de una ruta específica." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:712 #, php-format msgid "
3rd Party:
Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s" msgstr "
Archivos de terceros:
Utiliza la ruta del URL completa o solo el nombre de dominio, para excluir el CSS externo. %1$sMás información%2$s" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:725 #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:747 msgid "Optimize CSS delivery" msgstr "Optimizar la entrega del CSS" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:800 msgid "Fallback critical CSS" msgstr "Ruta crítica CSS alternativa" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:802 #, php-format msgid "Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete. %1$sMore info%2$s" msgstr "Proporciona una ruta alternativa si la ruta crítica del CSS que se ha auto-generado no está completa. %1$sMás info%2$s" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:817 msgid "Minify JavaScript files" msgstr "Minificar archivos JavaScript" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:818 msgid "Minify JavaScript removes whitespace and comments to reduce the file size." msgstr "Minificar el JavaScript elimina los espacios blancos y los comentarios para reducir el tamaño de archivo." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:833 msgid "Activate minify JavaScript" msgstr "Activar minificación JavaScript" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:838 msgid "Combine JavaScript files
(Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)
" msgstr "Combinar los archivos JavaScript
(es necesario activar antes la minificación JS)
" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:840 #, php-format msgid "Combine JavaScript files combines your site’s internal, 3rd party and inline JS reducing HTTP requests. Not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2. %1$sMore info%2$s" msgstr "Esta opción combina los archivos JavaScript internos, los de terceras partes y el JS integrado, reduciendo las peticiones HTTPS. No la recomendamos si tu sitio usa HTTP/2. %1$sMás info%2$s" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:857 msgid "Activate combine JavaScript" msgstr "Activar combinación JavaScript" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:862 #: inc/admin/options.php:125 msgid "Excluded Inline JavaScript" msgstr "El JavaScript integrado está excluído" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:864 #, php-format msgid "Specify patterns of inline JavaScript to be excluded from concatenation (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s" msgstr "Especificar patrones de JavaScript integrado que quieres excluir de la concatenación (uno por línea). %1$sMás info%2$s" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:880 #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:913 #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:960 #: inc/admin/options.php:126 msgid "Excluded JavaScript Files" msgstr "Excluir archivos JavaScript" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:881 msgid "Specify URLs of JavaScript files to be excluded from minification and concatenation (one per line)." msgstr "Especificar los URLs de archivos JavaScript que quieres excluir de la minificación y de la concatenación (uno por línea)." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:882 msgid "
The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically. Use (.*).js wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a specific path." msgstr "
Archivos internos:
la parte del URL relativa al dominio se eliminará automáticamente. Usa los caracteres comodines para excluir todos los archivos JS de una ruta específica." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:884 #, php-format msgid "
3rd Party:
Use either the full URL path or only the domain name, to exclude external JS. %1$sMore info%2$s" msgstr "
Para excluir los JS externos, usa la ruta URL completa o solo el nombre de dominio. %1$sMás info%2$s" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:900 msgid "Load JavaScript deferred" msgstr "Cargar archivos JavaScript de manera diferida" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:902 #, php-format msgid "Load JavaScript deferred eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can improve load time. %1$sMore info%2$s" msgstr "Cargar el JavaScript de manera diferida elimina el JS que bloquea la visualización en tu sitio web y puede mejorar el tiempo de carga. %1$sMás info%2$s" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:931 #: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:111 msgid "Delay JavaScript execution" msgstr "Retrasar la ejecución de JavaScript" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:933 #, php-format msgid "Improves performance by delaying the loading of JavaScript files until user interaction (e.g. scroll, click). %1$sMore info%2$s" msgstr "Mejora el rendimiento retrasando la carga de los archivos JavaScript hasta la interacción con el usuario (por ejemplo, desplazamiento, clic). %1$sMás información%2$s" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:993 msgid "Media" msgstr "Medios" #: inc/ThirdParty/Themes/Avada.php:116 msgid "Avada" msgstr "Avada" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1003 msgid "Autoptimize" msgstr "Autoptimize" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1048 msgid "LazyLoad" msgstr "LazyLoad" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1051 #, php-format msgid "It can improve actual and perceived loading time as images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or about to enter) the viewport and reduces the number of HTTP requests. %1$sMore Info%2$s" msgstr "Puede mejorar ya sea el tiempo de carga real como el tiempo percibido, ya que imágenes, iframes y videos se cargarán al entrar (o cuando están por entrar) en la ventana gráfica. Esto reduce también el número de peticiones HTTP. %1$sMás info%2$s" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1058 #, php-format msgid "LazyLoad is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s." msgstr "LazyLoad está actualmente activada en %2$s. Si deseas usar la característica LazyLoad de WP Rocket, desactiva esta opción en %2$s." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1928 #, php-format msgid "Enable this option if you would like WP Rocket to serve WebP images to compatible browsers. Please note that WP Rocket cannot create WebP images for you. To create WebP images we recommend %1$sImagify%2$s. %3$sMore info%2$s" msgstr "Habilita esta opción si deseas que WP Rocket sirva imágenes WebP a navegadores compatibles. Ten en cuenta que WP Rocket no puede crear imágenes WebP por ti. Para crear imágenes WebP recomendamos %1$sImagify%2$s.%3$s Más información%2$s" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1083 msgid "Enable for images" msgstr "Habilitar para las imágenes" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1095 #, php-format msgid "LazyLoad for images is currently activated in %2$s. If you want to use %1$s’s LazyLoad, disable this option in %2$s." msgstr "LazyLoad para imágenes está actualmente activada en %2$s. Si deseas usar la opción LazyLoad de %1$s, desactiva esta opción en %2$s." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1103 msgid "Enable for iframes and videos" msgstr "Habilitar para iframes y vídeos" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1118 msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image" msgstr "Remplaza el iframe de YouTube con una imagen en vista previa" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120 msgid "This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of YouTube videos on a page." msgstr "Esto puede mejorar considerablemente tu tiempo de carga si tienes muchos vídeo en una página." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1120 #, php-format msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image is not compatible with %2$s." msgstr "Sustituir el iframe de YouTube por una imagen de previsualización no es compatible con %2$s." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1164 #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1776 msgid "Preload" msgstr "Precargar" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1165 msgid "Generate cache files, preload fonts" msgstr "Generar archivos de caché, precargar fonts" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1177 msgid "Preload Cache" msgstr "Precargar Caché" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1199 msgid "Prefetch DNS Requests" msgstr "Precarga de peticiones DNS" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1201 msgid "DNS prefetching can make external files load faster, especially on mobile networks" msgstr "La precarga de los DNS favorece una carga más rápida de los archivos externos, especialmente en las redes móviles" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1206 msgid "Preload Fonts" msgstr "Precargar Fonts" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1209 #, php-format msgid "Improves performance by helping browsers discover fonts in CSS files. %1$sMore info%2$s" msgstr "Mejora el rendimiento al ayudar a los navegadores a encontrar fonts en archivos CSS. %1$sMás información%2$s" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1188 msgid "Preload Links" msgstr "Precargar Enlaces" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1191 #, php-format msgid "Link preloading improves the perceived load time by downloading a page when a user hovers over the link. %1$sMore info%2$s" msgstr "La precarga de enlaces mejora el tiempo de carga percibido al descargar una página cuando el usuario pasa el puntero del ratón por encima del enlace. %1$sMás información%2$s" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1223 msgid "Activate Preloading" msgstr "Activar la precarga" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1250 msgid "URLs to prefetch" msgstr "URLs para precargar" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1251 msgid "Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no
, one per line)" msgstr "Especificar los servidores externos que quieres precargar (sin
, uno por línea)" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1260 msgid "Fonts to preload" msgstr "Fonts a precargar" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1261 msgid "Specify urls of the font files to be preloaded (one per line). Fonts must be hosted on your own domain, or the domain you have specified on the CDN tab." msgstr "Especificar las direcciones URL de los archivos de fuentes que se van a precargar (una por línea). Las fuentes deben estar alojadas en su propio dominio o en el dominio que haya especificado en la pestaña CDN." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1262 msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Allowed font extensions: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2." msgstr "La parte del dominio de la URL será removida automáticamente.
Extensiones de font permitidas: otf, ttf, svg, woff, woff2." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1271 msgid "Enable link preloading" msgstr "Habilitar la precarga de enlaces" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1290 msgid "Advanced Rules" msgstr "Reglas avanzadas" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1291 msgid "Fine-tune cache rules" msgstr "Ajusta las reglas de caché" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1302 msgid "Sensitive pages like custom login/logout URLs should be excluded from cache." msgstr "Las páginas confidenciales como los URLs de inicio/cerrar sesión deberían ser excluidas de la caché." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1305 msgctxt "plugin name" msgid "WooCommerce" msgstr "WooCommerce" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1307 msgctxt "plugin name" msgid "Easy Digital Downloads" msgstr "Easy Digital Downloads" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1309 msgctxt "plugin name" msgid "iThemes Exchange" msgstr "iThemes Exchange" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1311 msgctxt "plugin name" msgid "Jigoshop" msgstr "Jigoshop" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1313 msgctxt "plugin name" msgid "WP-Shop" msgstr "WP-Shop" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1319 #, php-format msgid "
Cart, checkout and \"my account\" pages set in
will be detected and never cached by default." msgstr "
Las páginas del carrito, pago y ”mi cuenta” establecidas por
serán detectadas automáticamente y excluidas de la caché." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1329 #: inc/admin/options.php:129 msgid "Never Cache URL(s)" msgstr "Nunca poner en caché estos URLs" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1337 msgid "Never Cache Cookies" msgstr "Nunca poner en caché estas Cookies" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1343 #: inc/admin/options.php:130 msgid "Never Cache User Agent(s)" msgstr "Nunca poner en caché estos agentes de usuario" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1349 #: inc/admin/options.php:131 msgid "Always Purge URL(s)" msgstr "Purgar siempre estos URLs" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1355 msgid "Cache Query String(s)" msgstr "Poner en caché estos query strings" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1358 #, php-format msgid "%1$sCache for query strings%2$s enables you to force caching for specific GET parameters." msgstr "La %1$scaché para los query strings%2$s te permite forzar la creación de una caché para uno parámetros GET específicos." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1369 msgid "Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never be cached (one per line)" msgstr "Especificar los URLs de las páginas o de las entradas que no deberían ser copiadas en la caché (uno por línea)" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1370 #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1398 msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path." msgstr "La porción de URL que contiene el dominio será eliminada automáticamente.
Puedes usar los caracteres comodines (.*) para gestionar todos los URLs que se encuentran bajo una ruta específica." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1387 msgid "Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)" msgstr "Especificar los agentes de usuario que nunca deberían acceder a las páginas en caché (una cadena por línea)" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1388 msgid "Use (.*) wildcards to detect parts of UA strings." msgstr "Usar los caracteres comodines (.*) para identificar partes del nombre del agente de usuario." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1397 msgid "Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post or page (one per line)" msgstr "Especificar los URLs que quieres purgar de la caché cada vez que actualices una entrada o una página (un URL por línea)" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1406 msgid "Specify query strings for caching (one per line)" msgstr "Especificar los query strings que quieres poner en caché (uno por línea):" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1431 #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1775 msgid "Database" msgstr "Base de datos" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1432 msgid "Optimize, reduce bloat" msgstr "Optimiza, reduce lo sobrante" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1439 msgid "Post Cleanup" msgstr "Limpieza de Entradas" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1441 msgid "Post revisions and drafts will be permanently deleted. Do not use this option if you need to retain revisions or drafts." msgstr "Las revisiones de entradas y los borradores se eliminarán permanentemente. No usar esta opción si necesitas guardar las revisiones o los borradores." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1446 msgid "Comments Cleanup" msgstr "Limpieza de Comentarios" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1448 msgid "Spam and trashed comments will be permanently deleted." msgstr "Los comentarios spam y los descartados se eliminarán permanentemente." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1452 msgid "Transients Cleanup" msgstr "Limpieza de Transients" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1454 msgid "Transients are temporary options; they are safe to remove. They will be automatically regenerated as your plugins require them." msgstr "Los transients son opciones temporales; puedes eliminarlas sin problemas. Se volverán a regenerar en cuanto tus plugins las necesiten." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1458 msgid "Database Cleanup" msgstr "Limpieza de la Base de Datos" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1460 msgid "Reduces overhead of database tables" msgstr "Reduce el residuo a depurar de la tablas de la base de datos" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:30 #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1475 msgid "Revisions" msgstr "Revisiones" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1477 #, php-format msgid "%s revision in your database." msgid_plural "%s revisions in your database." msgstr[0] "%s revisión en tu base de datos." msgstr[1] "%s revisiones en tu base de datos." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:31 #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1485 msgid "Auto Drafts" msgstr "Borradores automáticos" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1487 #, php-format msgid "%s draft in your database." msgid_plural "%s drafts in your database." msgstr[0] "%s borrador en tu base de datos." msgstr[1] "%s borradores en tu base de datos." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:32 #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1495 msgid "Trashed Posts" msgstr "Entradas descartadas" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1497 #, php-format msgid "%s trashed post in your database." msgid_plural "%s trashed posts in your database." msgstr[0] "%sentradas descartadas en tu base de datos." msgstr[1] "%s entradas descartadas en tu base de datos." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:33 #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1505 msgid "Spam Comments" msgstr "Comentarios spam" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1507 #, php-format msgid "%s spam comment in your database." msgid_plural "%s spam comments in your database." msgstr[0] "%s comentario spam en tu base de datos." msgstr[1] "%s comentarios spam en tu base de datos." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:34 #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1515 msgid "Trashed Comments" msgstr "Comentarios descartados" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1517 #, php-format msgid "%s trashed comment in your database." msgid_plural "%s trashed comments in your database." msgstr[0] "%s comentario descartado en tu base de datos." msgstr[1] "%s comentarios descartados en tu base de datos." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1525 msgid "All transients" msgstr "Todos los transients" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1527 #, php-format msgid "%s transient in your database." msgid_plural "%s transients in your database." msgstr[0] "%s dato transitorio en tu base de datos" msgstr[1] "%s datos transitorios en tu base de datos." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1535 msgid "Optimize Tables" msgstr "Optimizar Tablas" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1537 #, php-format msgid "%s table to optimize in your database." msgid_plural "%s tables to optimize in your database." msgstr[0] "%s tabla para optimizar en tu base de datos." msgstr[1] "%s tablas para optimizar en tu base de datos." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1548 msgid "Schedule Automatic Cleanup" msgstr "Programar Limpieza Automática" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1560 msgid "Frequency" msgstr "Frecuencia" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1568 msgid "Daily" msgstr "Diaria" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1569 msgid "Weekly" msgstr "Semanal" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1570 msgid "Monthly" msgstr "Mensual" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1586 #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1597 #: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:108 #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1773 msgid "CDN" msgstr "CDN" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1587 msgid "Integrate your CDN" msgstr "Integrar tu CDN" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1599 msgid "All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s) you provide." msgstr "Todos los URLs de los archivos estáticos (CSS, JS, imágenes) serán reescritos por el CNAME(s) que indicarás." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1601 #, php-format msgid "Not required for services like Cloudflare and Sucuri. Please see our available %1$sAdd-ons%2$s." msgstr "No es necesario para servicios como Cloudflare y Sucuri. Verifica los %1$sAdd-ons%2$s disponibles." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1616 #: inc/admin/options.php:132 msgid "Exclude files from CDN" msgstr "Excluir archivos del CDN" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1667 msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network" msgstr "Habilitar el Content Delivery Network" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1676 #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:159 msgid "CDN CNAME(s)" msgstr "CNAME(S) del CDN" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1677 #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:160 msgid "Specify the CNAME(s) below" msgstr "Especificar el CNAME(s) aquí abajo" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1684 msgid "Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)." msgstr "Especificar los URLs de los archivos que no tienen que servirse a través del CDN (uno por línea)." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1685 msgid "The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.
Use (.*) wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific path." msgstr "La porción de URL que contiene el dominio será eliminada automáticamente.
Puedes usar los caracteres comodines (.*) para excluir todos los archivos que se encuentran bajo una ruta específica." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1708 #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1716 msgid "Heartbeat" msgstr "Heartbeat" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1709 msgid "Control WordPress Heartbeat API" msgstr "Controla el API Heartbeat de WordPress" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1717 msgid "Reducing or disabling the Heartbeat API’s activity can help save some of your server’s resources." msgstr "Reducir o desactivar la actividad de la API Heartbeat puede ayudarte a ahorrar unos recursos de tu servidor." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1723 msgid "Reduce or disable Heartbeat activity" msgstr "Reduce o desactiva la actividad de Heartbeat" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724 msgid "Reducing activity will change Heartbeat frequency from one hit each minute to one hit every 2 minutes." msgstr "Reducir la actividad cambiará la frecuencia de Heartbeat de una visita por minuto a una visita cada 2 minutos." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1724 msgid "Disabling Heartbeat entirely may break plugins and themes using this API." msgstr "Desactivar completamente el Heartbeat puede comprometer funcionalidades de los temas y plugins que usan esta API." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1738 msgid "Do not limit" msgstr "No limitar" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1739 msgid "Reduce activity" msgstr "Reducir actividad" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1740 msgid "Disable" msgstr "Desactivar" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1748 msgid "Control Heartbeat" msgstr "Controlar Heartbeat" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1757 msgid "Behavior in backend" msgstr "Comportamiento en backend" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1764 msgid "Behavior in post editor" msgstr "Comportamiento en el editor de entradas" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1770 msgid "Behavior in frontend" msgstr "Comportamiento en frontend" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1787 #: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:39 msgid "Add-ons" msgstr "Add-on" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1788 msgid "Add more features" msgstr "Añadir más opciones" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1795 msgid "One-click Rocket Add-ons" msgstr "One-click Rocket Add-ons" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1796 msgid "One-Click Add-ons are features extending available options without configuration needed. Switch the option \"on\" to enable from this screen." msgstr "Los One-Click Add-ons son complementos extra que se añaden a las opciones ya disponibles. No es necesaria ninguna configuración. Cambia la opción a ”on” para activarla desde aquí." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1806 msgid "Rocket Add-ons" msgstr "Rocket Add-on" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1807 msgid "Rocket Add-ons are complementary features extending available options." msgstr "Los Rocket Add-on son complementos extra que se añaden a las opciones ya disponibles." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1817 #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1986 msgid "Cloudflare" msgstr "Cloudflare" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1823 msgid "Integrate your Cloudflare account with this add-on." msgstr "Este complemento sirve para integrar tu cuenta de Cloudflare." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1824 msgid "Provide your account email, global API key, and domain to use options such as clearing the Cloudflare cache and enabling optimal settings with WP Rocket." msgstr "Proporciona tu dirección de correo electrónico, la clave de API global y el dominio: así aprovecharás de opciones como borrar la caché de Cloudflare y activar los ajustes óptimos para trabajar con WP Rocket." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1875 msgid "Varnish" msgstr "Varnish" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1881 msgid "If Varnish runs on your server, you must activate this add-on." msgstr "Si tu servidor usa Varnish tienes que activar este complemento." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1883 #, php-format msgid "Varnish cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date.
%1$sLearn more%2$s" msgstr "La caché Varnish se borrará al mismo tiempo que la caché WP Rocket para asegurar que el contenido esté siempre al día.
%1$sMás info%2$s" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1948 msgid "Clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared." msgstr "Borra la caché de Sucuri al mismo tiempo que la caché de WP Rocket." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1951 msgid "Provide your API key to clear the Sucuri cache when WP Rocket’s cache is cleared." msgstr "Ingresa tu clave API para borrar la caché de Sucuri al mismo tiempo que la caché de WP Rocket." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1959 #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2103 msgid "Sucuri" msgstr "Sucuri" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1965 msgid "Synchronize Sucuri cache with this add-on." msgstr "Sincronizar la caché de Sucuri con este complemento." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2003 msgid "Cloudflare credentials" msgstr "Credenciales de Cloudflare" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2012 msgid "Cloudflare settings" msgstr "Ajustes de Cloudflare" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2026 msgctxt "Cloudflare" msgid "Global API key:" msgstr "Clave de API global:" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2027 msgctxt "Cloudflare" msgid "Find your API key" msgstr "Encuentra tu clave de API" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2039 msgctxt "Cloudflare" msgid "Account email" msgstr "Dirección de correo electrónico" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2048 msgctxt "Cloudflare" msgid "Zone ID" msgstr "ID de zona" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2058 msgid "Development mode" msgstr "Modo de desarrollo" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2060 #, php-format msgid "Temporarily activate development mode on your website. This setting will automatically turn off after 3 hours. %1$sLearn more%2$s" msgstr "Activa temporalmente el modo desarrollador en tu sitio web. Esta opción se desmarcará automáticamente pasadas 3 horas. %1$sMás info%2$s" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2068 msgid "Optimal settings" msgstr "Ajustes óptimos" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2069 msgid "Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance grade and compatibility." msgstr "Mejora automáticamente tu configuración de Cloudflare para aumentar la velocidad, la nota de rendimiento y la compatibilidad." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2077 msgid "Relative protocol" msgstr "Protocolo relativo" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2078 msgid "Should only be used with Cloudflare's flexible SSL feature. URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to use // instead of http:// or https://." msgstr "Debería ser usado exclusivamente a lado de la opción Flexible SSL de Cloudflare. Los URLs de los archivos estáticos (CSS, JS, imágenes) serán reescritos usando // en vez de http:// o https://." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2116 msgid "Sucuri credentials" msgstr "Credenciales de acceso a Sucuri" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2130 msgctxt "Sucuri" msgid "Find your API key" msgstr "Encuentra tu clave de API" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Render.php:422 #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1294 msgid "Upload file and import settings" msgstr "Cargar archivo e importar ajustes" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:362 msgid "Sucuri Add-on: The API key for the Sucuri firewall must be in format
{32 characters}/{32 characters}
." msgstr "Add-on Sucuri: la clave API del cortafuego Sucuri tiene que ser en formato
{32 caracteres}/{32 caracteres}
." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:452 #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1245 msgid "Settings saved." msgstr "Ajustes guardados." #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:168 #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1786 #: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:33 msgid "Tools" msgstr "Herramientas" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:169 msgid "Import, Export, Rollback" msgstr "Importar, Exportar, Rollback" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:194 #: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:14 msgid "Image Optimization" msgstr "Optimización de imágenes" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:195 msgid "Compress your images" msgstr "Comprimir tus imágenes" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:212 #: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:48 msgid "Tutorials" msgstr "Tutoriales" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Subscriber.php:213 msgid "Getting started and how to videos" msgstr "Videos introductorios y de primeros pasos" #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:177 msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing identifier parameter." msgstr "La limpieza de la caché de RocketCDN ha fallado: falta el parámetro de identificación." #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:186 msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: Missing user token." msgstr "La limpieza de la caché de RocketCDN ha fallado: falta el token de usuario." #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:212 msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response code." msgstr "La limpieza de la caché de RocketCDN ha fallado: el API ha retornado un código de respuesta inesperado." #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:221 msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an empty response." msgstr "La limpieza de la caché de RocketCDN ha fallado: el API ha retornado una respuesta vacía. " #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:230 msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: The API returned an unexpected response." msgstr "La limpieza de la caché de RocketCDN ha fallado: el API ha retornado una respuesta inesperada." #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:239 #, php-format msgid "RocketCDN cache purge failed: %s." msgstr "La limpieza de la caché de RocketCDN ha fallado: %s" #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:247 msgid "RocketCDN cache purge successful." msgstr "Limpieza de la caché de RocketCDN realizada con éxito." #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:90 msgid "Next Billing Date" msgstr "Próxima fecha de cobro" #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:99 msgid "No Subscription" msgstr "No hay una suscripción" #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:135 msgid "Your RocketCDN subscription is currently active." msgstr "Tu suscripción de RocketCDN está actualmente activa." #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:141 #, php-format msgid "To use RocketCDN, replace your CNAME with %1$s%2$s%3$s." msgstr "Para usar RocketCDN, reemplaza tu CNAME con %1$s%2$s%3$s" #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/AdminPageSubscriber.php:152 #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:230 #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/NoticesSubscriber.php:334 #, php-format msgid "%1$sMore Info%2$s" msgstr "%1$sMás información%2$s" #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:137 msgid "RocketCDN enabled" msgstr "RocketCDN activado" #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/RESTSubscriber.php:160 msgid "RocketCDN disabled" msgstr "RocketCDN desactivado" #: inc/Engine/Cache/AdminSubscriber.php:118 #: inc/admin/admin.php:96 #: inc/admin/admin.php:118 #: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:898 msgid "Clear this cache" msgstr "Borrar esta caché" #: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:337 msgid "WP_CACHE value" msgstr "valor de WP_CACHE" #: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:358 msgid "The WP_CACHE constant needs to be set to true for WP Rocket cache to work properly" msgstr "La constante WP_CACHE necesita ser true para que la cache de WP Rocket funcione correctamente" #: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:367 msgid "WP_CACHE is set to true" msgstr "WP_CACHE está establecida como true" #: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:375 msgid "WP_CACHE is not set" msgstr "WP_CACHE no está establecida" #: inc/Engine/Cache/WPCache.php:383 msgid "WP_CACHE is set to false" msgstr "WP_CACHE está establecida como false" #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:64 #, php-format msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: %2$s" msgstr "No se ha podido generar el CSS crítico para %1$s. Error: %2$s" #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:170 #, php-format msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response." msgstr "El CSS Crítico para %1$s en móvil no ha sido generado. Error: La API regresó una respuesta vacía." #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:173 #, php-format msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an empty response." msgstr "El CSS Crítico para %1$s no ha sido generado. Error: La API regresó una respuesta vacía." #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:185 #, php-format msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated." msgstr "El CSS Crítico para %1$s en móvil no ha sido generado." #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:187 #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:194 #, php-format msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated." msgstr "El CSS Crítico para %1$s no ha sido generado." #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:195 #, php-format msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code." msgstr "El CSS Crítico para %1$s en móvil no ha sido generado. Error: La API regresó una respuesta vacía." #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:197 #, php-format msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The API returned an invalid response code." msgstr "El CSS Crítico para %1$s no ha sido generado. Error: La API regresó una respuesta vacía." #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/APIClient.php:205 #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:201 #, php-format msgid "Error: %1$s" msgstr "Error: %1$s" #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Admin.php:264 msgid "Regenerate Critical Path CSS" msgstr "Regenera la ruta crítica del CSS" #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:144 #: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:47 msgid "Generate Specific CPCSS" msgstr "Generar CPCSS Específico" #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:145 #: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:45 msgid "Regenerate specific CPCSS" msgstr "Regenerar CPCSS Específico" #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:219 msgid "%l to use this feature." msgstr "%l para usar esta característica." #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:222 #, php-format msgid "Publish the %s" msgstr "Publicar el %s" #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:176 msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running." msgstr "La generación del CSS crítico se está ejecutando. " #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:181 #, php-format msgid "Go to the %1$sWP Rocket settings%2$s page to track progress." msgstr "Ve a la página de %1$sajustes de WP Rocket%2$s para seguir el proceso." #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:396 #, php-format msgid "Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)" msgstr "La generación del CSS crítico está actualmente en marcha: %1$d de %2$d tipos de página completados. (Actualiza esta página para visualizar el avance)" #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:472 #, php-format msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types." msgstr "La generación del CSS crítico se ha completado para %1$d de %2$d tipos de página." #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479 msgid "Critical CSS generation encountered one or more errors." msgstr "Se han producido errores en la generación del CSS crítico." #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:479 msgid "Learn more." msgstr "Más información." #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:106 msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile does not exist" msgstr "El CSS Crítico para móvil no existe" #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:108 msgid "Critical CSS file does not exist" msgstr "El CSS Crítico no existe" #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:120 msgid "Critical CSS file for mobile cannot be deleted" msgstr "El CSS Crítico para móvil no puede ser eliminado" #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:122 msgid "Critical CSS file cannot be deleted" msgstr "El CSS Crítico no puede ser eliminado" #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:187 #, php-format msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s not generated." msgstr "El CSS Crítico Móvil para %1$s no ha sido generado." #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:228 #, php-format msgid "Critical CSS for %s in progress." msgstr "CSS Crítico para %s en progreso." #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:262 #, php-format msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %s generated." msgstr "CSS Crítico Móvil para %s generado." #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:273 #, php-format msgid "Critical CSS for %s generated." msgstr "El CSS crítico para %s ha sido generado." #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:295 msgid "Critical CSS file deleted successfully." msgstr "Archivo de CSS Crítico borrado con éxito." #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:317 #, php-format msgid "Mobile Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later." msgstr "Timeout de CSS Crítico Móvil para %1$s. Por favor reintenta un poco más tarde." #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/ProcessorService.php:330 #, php-format msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s timeout. Please retry a little later." msgstr "Timeout de CSS Crítico para %1$s. Por favor reintenta un poco más tarde." #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWP.php:141 msgid "Mobile CPCSS generation not enabled." msgstr "Generación de CPCSS para móvil no habilitada." #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:36 #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:69 msgid "Requested post does not exist." msgstr "El post requerido no existe." #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/RESTWPPost.php:46 msgid "Cannot generate CPCSS for unpublished post." msgstr "No se puede generar CPCSS para un post no publicado." #: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:82 #: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:858 msgid "The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:" msgid_plural "The following scheduled events failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:" msgstr[0] "El siguiente evento programado no se pudo ejecutar. Esto podría indicar que el sistema CRON no está funcionando correctamente, lo que podría ocasionar que algunas de características de WP Rocket no funcionen según lo previsto:" msgstr[1] "Los siguientes eventos programados no se pudieron ejecutar. Esto podría indicar que el sistema CRON no está funcionando correctamente, lo que podría ocasionar que algunas características de WP Rocket no funcionen según lo previsto:" #: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:88 #: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:867 msgid "Please contact your host to check if CRON is working." msgstr "Por favor, contacta a tu proveedor de alojamiento para verificar si CRON está funcionando." #: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:142 msgid "Scheduled Cache Purge" msgstr "Limpieza de Caché Programada" #: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:143 msgid "Scheduled Database Optimization" msgstr "Optimización Programada de Base de Datos" #: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:144 msgid "Database Optimization Process" msgstr "Proceso de Optimización de Base de Datos" #: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:145 msgctxt "noun" msgid "Preload" msgstr "Precargar" #: inc/Engine/HealthCheck/HealthCheck.php:146 msgid "Critical Path CSS Generation Process" msgstr "Proceso de Generación de Ruta Crítica de CSS" #: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Cloudways.php:82 #, php-format msgid "Varnish auto-purge will be automatically enabled once Varnish is enabled on your %s server." msgstr "La purga automática de Varnish se habilitará una vez que el Varnish esté habilitado en su %s servidor." #: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:78 #, php-format msgctxt "Hummingbird notice" msgid "Please deactivate the following %s option which conflicts with WP Rocket features:" msgid_plural "Please deactivate the following %s options which conflict with WP Rocket features:" msgstr[0] "Por favor desactiva la siguiente opción %sque entra en conflicto con las características de WP Rocket:" msgstr[1] "Por favor desactiva las siguientes opciones %s que entran en conflicto con las características de WP Rocket:" #: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:151 #, php-format msgctxt "Hummingbird notice" msgid "%1$s %2$sdisable emoji%3$s conflicts with WP Rockets %2$sdisable emoji%3$s" msgstr "La opción %2$sdesactivar emoji%3$s de %1$s entra en conflicto con la opción %2$sdesactivar emoji%3$s de WP Rocket." #: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:187 #, php-format msgctxt "Hummingbird notice" msgid "%1$s %2$sGZIP compression%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sGZIP compression%3$s" msgstr "La %2$scompresión GZIP%3$s de %1$s entra en conflicto con la %2$scompresión GZIP%3$s de WP Rocket." #: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:223 #, php-format msgctxt "Hummingbird notice" msgid "%1$s %2$sbrowser caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sbrowser caching%3$s" msgstr "La %2$scaché del navegador%3$s de %1$s entra en conflicto con la %2$scaché del navegador%3$s de WP Rocket." #: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:255 #, php-format msgctxt "Hummingbird notice" msgid "%1$s %2$spage caching%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$spage caching%3$s" msgstr "La %2$scaché de página%3$s de %1$s entra en conflicto con la %2$scaché de página%3$s de WP Rocket." #: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Hummingbird.php:289 #, php-format msgctxt "Hummingbird notice" msgid "%1$s %2$sasset optimization%3$s conflicts with WP Rocket %2$sfile optimization%3$s" msgstr "%1$s%2$sla optimización de recursos%3$s entra en conflicto con la %2$soptimización de archivos%3$s de WP Rocket" #: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:108 #: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Smush.php:126 msgid "Smush" msgstr "Smush" #: inc/admin/admin.php:18 #: inc/common/admin-bar.php:255 #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1787 msgid "Support" msgstr "Soporte" #: inc/admin/admin.php:20 msgid "Docs" msgstr "Documentación" #: inc/admin/admin.php:22 #: inc/common/admin-bar.php:243 msgid "FAQ" msgstr "Preguntas Frecuentes" #: inc/admin/admin.php:24 #: inc/common/admin-bar.php:63 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Ajustes" #: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:472 #: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:486 #: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:203 #: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:214 #: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:236 #: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:251 #, php-format msgid "%s Update Rollback" msgstr "Volver a la versión %s" #: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterSubscriber.php:509 #: inc/deprecated/3.11.php:279 #, php-format msgid "%1$sReturn to WP Rocket%2$s or %3$sgo to Plugins page%2$s" msgstr "%1$sVuelve a WP Rocket%2$s o %3$sve a la página Plugins%2$s" #: inc/admin/admin.php:458 msgid "Settings import failed: you do not have the permissions to do this." msgstr "La importación de los ajustes ha fallado: no tienes permisos para realizar esta acción." #: inc/admin/admin.php:462 msgid "Settings import failed: no file uploaded." msgstr "La importación de los ajustes ha fallado: no se ha subido ningún archivo." #: inc/admin/admin.php:466 msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filename." msgstr "La importación de los ajustes ha fallado: nombre de archivo incorrecto." #: inc/admin/admin.php:477 msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filetype." msgstr "La importación de los ajustes ha fallado: tipo de archivo incorrecto." #: inc/admin/admin.php:487 msgid "Settings import failed: " msgstr "La importación de los ajustes ha fallado:" #: inc/admin/admin.php:503 msgid "Settings import failed: unexpected file content." msgstr "La importación de los ajustes ha fallado: el contenido del archivo es inesperado." #: inc/admin/admin.php:533 msgid "Settings imported and saved." msgstr "Ajustes importados y guardados." #: inc/admin/options.php:160 msgid "The following pattern is invalid and has been removed:" msgid_plural "The following patterns are invalid and have been removed:" msgstr[0] "El siguiente patrón es inválido y ha sido eleminado:" msgstr[1] "Los siguientes patrones son inválidos y han sido eleminados:" #: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:37 #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:748 #: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84 #: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136 #: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150 msgid "Clear cache" msgstr "Borrar la caché" #: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:67 msgid "WP Rocket Options" msgstr "Ajustes de WP Rocket" #: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:96 msgid "Never cache this page" msgstr "Nunca poner en caché esta página" #: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:100 msgid "Activate these options on this post:" msgstr "Activar las opciones para esta entrada:" #: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:103 msgid "LazyLoad for images" msgstr "LazyLoad para imágenes" #: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:104 msgid "LazyLoad for iframes/videos" msgstr "LazyLoad para iframes/vídeos" #: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:105 msgid "Minify/combine CSS" msgstr "Minificar/combinar CSS" #: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:107 msgid "Minify/combine JS" msgstr "Minificar/combinar JS" #: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:110 msgid "Defer JS" msgstr "JS diferido" #: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:117 #, php-format msgid "Activate first the %s option." msgstr "Activar primero la opción %s ." #: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:133 #, php-format msgid "%1$sNote:%2$s None of these options will be applied if this post has been excluded from cache in the global cache settings." msgstr "%1$sNota:%2$s Ninguna de estas opciones se aplicará si la entrada ha sido excluida de la caché en los ajustes globales." #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:31 #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:44 #, php-format msgid "" "
has not been deactivated due to missing writing permissions.
\n" "Make
writeable and retry deactivation, or force deactivation now:" msgstr "" "
no ha sido desactivado porque faltan unos permisos de escritura.
\n" "Haz
editable y vuelve a intentar la desactivación, o fuérzala ahora:" #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:97 #, php-format msgid "
: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site." msgstr "
: Se ha activado o desactivado uno o más plugins, borra la caché si notas un problema de visualización en tu sitio web." #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:218 #, php-format msgid "
: The following plugins are not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results:" msgstr "
: Los plugins siguientes no son compatibles con este plugin y pueden provocar resultados inesperados:" #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:224 msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "Desactivar" #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:266 msgid "WP Rocket Footer JS is not an official add-on. It prevents some options in WP Rocket from working correctly. Please deactivate it if you have problems." msgstr "El plugin WP Rocket Footer JS no es un plugin oficial. Puede impedir el correcto funcionamiento de algunas opciones de WP Rocket. Por favor, desactívalo si tienes problemas." #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:306 #, php-format msgid "Endurance Cache is currently enabled, which will conflict with WP Rocket Cache. Please set the Endurance Cache cache level to Off (Level 0) on the %1$sSettings > General%2$s page to prevent any issues." msgstr "Endurance Cache está actualmente activo, esto generará un conflicto con la caché de WP Rocket. Por favor, establece el nivel de caché de Endurance Cache a Off (Nivel 0) en la sección %1$sAjustes > General%2$s para evitar inconvenientes." #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:327 #, php-format msgid "%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s" msgstr "%1$s: Se requiere una estructura personalizada de los enlaces permanentes para que el plugin funcione correctamente. %2$sVe a los ajustes de los enlaces permanentes%3$s" #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:374 #, php-format msgid "%s could not modify the .htaccess file due to missing writing permissions." msgstr "%s no pudo modificar el archivo .htaccess debido a la falta de permisos de escritura. " #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:380 #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:843 #, php-format msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s" msgstr "Resolución del problema: %1$s¿Cómo hacer que los archivos de sistema sean editables?%2$s" #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:382 #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:845 msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket" msgstr "https://es.docs.wp-rocket.me/article/872-como-hacer-para-que-los-archivos-de-sistema-htaccess-wp-config-sean-editables/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket" #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388 msgid "Don’t worry, WP Rocket’s page caching and settings will still function correctly." msgstr "No te preocupes, la caché de páginas y la configuración de WP Rocket aun funcionarán correctamente." #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:388 msgid "For optimal performance, adding the following lines into your .htaccess is recommended (not required):" msgstr "Para un rendimiento óptimo, se recomienda añadir las siguientes líneas a tu .htaccess (no es requerido):" #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:535 #, php-format msgid "%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your %3$ssettings%4$s." msgstr "%1$s está listo para partir! %2$sComprueba tu tiempo de carga%4$s, o verifica tus %3$sajustes%4$s." #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:576 msgid "Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this website?" msgstr "¿Permitirías a WP Rocket recopilar datos de diagnóstico no confidenciales desde tu sitio web?" #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:577 msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future." msgstr "Esto nos ayudaría a mejorar WP Rocket para ti en un futuro." #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:583 msgid "What info will we collect?" msgstr "¿Qué información recopilamos?" #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:588 msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys." msgstr "Aquí abajo ves la lista detallada de todos los datos recopilados por WP Rocket, si le has dado el permiso de hacerlo. WP Rocket no transmitirá ningún nombre de dominio, ni direcciones de correo electrónico (salvo lo necesario para la validación de la licencia), direcciones IP o claves API de terceras partes." #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:597 msgid "Yes, allow" msgstr "Si, estoy de acuerdo" #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:600 msgid "No, thanks" msgstr "No, gracias" #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:639 msgid "Thank you!" msgstr "¡Gracias!" #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:644 msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:" msgstr "WP Rocket ahora recolectará estas métricas desde tu sitio web:" #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:682 #, php-format msgid "%s: Cache cleared." msgstr "%s: Caché borrada." #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689 #, php-format msgid "%s: Post cache cleared." msgstr "%s: Caché borrada para la entrada." #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:696 #, php-format msgid "%s: Term cache cleared." msgstr "%s: Caché borrada para este término ." #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:703 #, php-format msgid "%s: User cache cleared." msgstr "%s: Caché de usuario borrada." #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:751 msgid "Stop Preload" msgstr "Interrumpir la precarga" #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:781 msgid "Force deactivation " msgstr "Forzar la desactivación " #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:800 msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:" msgstr "El siguiente código debería haberse escrito en este archivo:" #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:831 #, php-format msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions." msgstr "%s no puede configurarse porque faltan unos permisos de escritura." #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:837 #, php-format msgid "Affected file/folder: %s" msgstr "Archivo/carpeta afectados: %s" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:35 msgid "Transients" msgstr "Datos transitorios" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Optimization.php:36 msgid "Tables" msgstr "Tablas" #: inc/classes/admin/class-logs.php:124 msgid "The debug file could not be deleted." msgstr "No ha sido posible eliminar el archivo de depuración." #: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:147 #, php-format msgid "To function properly, %1$s %2$s requires at least:" msgstr "Para funcionar correctamente, %1$s %2$s necesita por lo menos:" #: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:151 #, php-format msgid "PHP %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %1$s or higher." msgstr "PHP %1$s. Para usar esta versión de WP Rocket, pide a tu proveedor de alojamiento web de actualizar tu servidor a PHP %1$s o superior." #: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:156 #, php-format msgid "WordPress %1$s. To use this WP Rocket version, please upgrade WordPress to version %1$s or higher." msgstr "WordPress %1$s. Para usar esta versión de WP Rocket, actualiza tu versión WordPress a la %1$s o superior." #: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:159 msgid "If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below." msgstr "Si no puedes actualizar, puedes volver a la versión precedente usando el botón aquí abajo." #: inc/classes/class-wp-rocket-requirements-check.php:161 #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1947 #, php-format msgid "Re-install version %s" msgstr "Reinstalar la versión %s" #: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:260 #: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:292 msgid "The log file does not exist." msgstr "El archivo de registro no existe." #: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:266 #: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:298 msgid "The log file could not be read." msgstr "El archivo de registro no se ha podido leer." #: inc/classes/logger/class-logger.php:285 msgid "The logs are not saved into a file." msgstr "Los registros no se han guardado en un archivo." #: inc/Engine/Cache/PurgeExpired/Subscriber.php:75 msgid "WP Rocket Expired Cache Interval" msgstr "Intérvalo de caché de WP Rocket expirado" #: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:105 msgid "WebP cache is disabled by filter." msgstr "El almacenamiento en caché de WebP está desactivado por un filtro." #: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:115 #: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:141 #, php-format msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s" msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. If you want WP Rocket to serve them for you, activate this option. %2$sMore info%3$s" msgstr[0] "Estás usando %1$s para servir las imágenes WebP. Si prefieres que WP Rocket sirva las imágenes WebP, activa esta opción. %2$sMás información%3$s" msgstr[1] "Estás usando %1$s para servir las imágenes WebP. Si prefieres que WP Rocket sirva las imágenes WebP, activa esta opción. %2$sMás información%3$s" #: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:127 #: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:153 #, php-format msgid "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s" msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to convert images to WebP. WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images. %2$sMore info%3$s" msgstr[0] "Estás usando %1$s para servir las imágenes WebP. WP Rocket creará archivos de almacenamiento en caché diferentes para tus imágenes WebP. %2$sMás información%3$s" msgstr[1] "Estás usando %1$s para servir las imágenes WebP. WP Rocket creará archivos de almacenamiento en caché diferentes para tus imágenes WebP. %2$sMás información%3$s" #: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:185 msgid "WP Rocket will create separate cache files to serve your WebP images." msgstr "WP Rocket creará archivos de cache separados para servir tus imágenes WebP." #: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:151 #, php-format msgid "Failed to detect the following requirement in your theme: closing %1$s." msgid_plural "Failed to detect the following requirements in your theme: closing %1$s." msgstr[0] "No se detectaron los siguientes requisitos en su tema: cierre %1$s." msgstr[1] "No se detectaron los siguientes requisitos en su tema: cierre %1$s." #: inc/classes/subscriber/Tools/class-detect-missing-tags-subscriber.php:159 msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme" msgstr "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/99-pages-not-cached-or-minify-cssjs-not-working/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket#theme" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:85 msgid "monthly" msgstr "mensual" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:194 msgid "Database optimization process is running" msgstr "El proceso de optimización de la base de datos está en marcha" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:224 msgid "Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!" msgstr "El proceso de optimización de la base de datos está completado. ¡Todo ya estaba optimizado!" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:227 msgid "Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:" msgstr "El proceso de optimización de la base de datos está completado. Lista de los elementos optimizados:" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Database/Subscriber.php:235 #, php-format msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized." msgstr "%1$d %2$s optimizado." #: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:95 #, php-format msgid "Sucuri cache purge error: %s" msgstr "Error en la purga de la caché de Sucuri: %s" #: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:100 msgid "The Sucuri cache is being cleared. Note that it may take up to two minutes for it to be fully flushed." msgstr "Estamos borrando la caché de Sucuri. Ten en cuenta que antes de que termine el proceso de limpieza podrían pasar hasta 2 minutos." #: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:217 msgid "Sucuri firewall API key was not found." msgstr "No ha sido posible encontrar la clave API del cortafuegos de Sucuri." #: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:230 msgid "Sucuri firewall API key is invalid." msgstr "La clave API del cortafuegos de Sucuri no es válida." #: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:285 #, php-format msgid "Error when contacting Sucuri firewall API. Error message was: %s" msgstr "Ha ocurrido un error al contactar la API del cortafuegos de Sucuri. El mensaje de error decía: %s" #: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:300 msgid "Could not get a response from the Sucuri firewall API." msgstr "No ha sido posible obtener respuesta de la API del cortafuegos de Sucuri." #: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:315 msgid "Got an invalid response from the Sucuri firewall API." msgstr "Hemos obtenido una respuesta no válida de la API del cortafuegos de Sucuri." #: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:329 msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned an unknown error." msgstr "La API del cortafuegos de Sucuri ha devuelto un error desconocido." #: inc/Addon/Sucuri/Subscriber.php:333 #, php-format msgid "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following error: %s" msgid_plural "The Sucuri firewall API returned the following errors: %s" msgstr[0] "La API del cortafuegos Sucuri ha devuelto el siguiente error: %s" msgstr[1] "La API del cortafuegos de Sucuri ha devuelto los siguientes errores: %s" #: inc/Engine/Plugin/UpdaterApiTools.php:32 #: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:761 #: inc/deprecated/3.3.php:770 #, php-format msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems,
contact support
." msgstr "Ha ocurrido un error inesperado. Algo puede estar mal con wp-rocket.me o con la configuración de este servidor. Si el problema persiste,
contacta con el servicio de soporte
." #: inc/common/admin-bar.php:124 #: inc/functions/i18n.php:41 #: inc/functions/i18n.php:51 msgid "All languages" msgstr "Todos los idiomas" #: inc/common/admin-bar.php:160 msgid "Clear this post" msgstr "Limpiar esta entrada" #: inc/common/admin-bar.php:174 msgid "Purge this URL" msgstr "Purgar esta URL" #: inc/common/admin-bar.php:194 msgid "Purge Sucuri cache" msgstr "Limpiar la caché de Sucuri" #: inc/common/admin-bar.php:218 #: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:55 msgid "Purge RocketCDN cache" msgstr "Limpiar la caché de RocketCDN" #: inc/common/admin-bar.php:231 #: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:14 msgid "Documentation" msgstr "Documentación" #: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:163 msgid "OPcache purge failed." msgstr "La limpieza de OPcache falló." #: inc/deprecated/3.10.php:168 msgid "OPcache successfully purged" msgstr "Limpieza de OPcache finalizada con éxito" #: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52 #: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:36 msgid "Activate Imagify" msgstr "Activar Imagify" #: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:52 msgid "Install Imagify for Free" msgstr "Instalar Imagify gratuitamente" #: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:67 msgid "Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes without losing quality with Imagify." msgstr "Acelera tu sitio web e impulsa tu SEO reduciendo el tamaño de las imágenes sin perdida de calidad, gracias a Imagify." #: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:72 msgid "More details" msgstr "Más información" #: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:228 #, php-format msgid "Sitemap preload: %d pages have been cached." msgstr "Precarga de mapa del sitio: se ha creado la caché para %d páginas." #: inc/deprecated/3.2.php:261 #, php-format msgid "Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see progress)" msgstr "Precarga de mapa del sitio: se han precargado %d páginas que no tenían una caché. (Actualiza para ver el avance)" #: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:18 msgid "Choose a domain from the list" msgstr "Eligir un dominio desde la lista" #: inc/deprecated/3.4.php:31 msgid "No domain available in your Cloudflare account" msgstr "No hay dominio disponible en tu cuenta Cloudflare" #: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:71 #: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:195 msgid "Curl is disabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable it. This is required for the Cloudflare Add-on to work correctly." msgstr "Curl está deshabilitado en tu servidor. Por favor, pídele a tu proveedor de hosting que lo active. Esto es requerido para que el Add-on de Cloudflare funcione correctamente." #: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:79 #, php-format msgid "Cloudflare email, API key and Zone ID are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance." msgstr "El correo de Cloudlfare, la clave de API y el ID de Zona no han sido establecidos. Lee la%1$sdocumentación%2$s para más información" #: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:206 #, php-format msgid "Cloudflare email and API key are not set. Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance." msgstr "El correo de Cloudflare y la clave de API no han sido establecidos. Lee la %1$sdocumentación%2$s par más información" #: inc/deprecated/3.5.php:271 msgid "Connection to Cloudflare failed" msgstr "La conexión a CloudFlare a fallado" #: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:54 #, php-format msgid "The called class %1$s is
since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead." msgstr "¡La clase llamada %1$s está
desde la versión %2$s! Puedes utilizar %3$s." #: inc/deprecated/DeprecatedClassTrait.php:65 #, php-format msgid "The called class %1$s is
since version %2$s!" msgstr "¡La clase llamada %1$s está
desde la versión %2$s!" #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:240 msgid "
files with Deferred Loading JavaScript" msgstr "Archivos
con carga JavaScript diferida" #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:293 msgid "Add URL" msgstr "Añadir URL" #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1277 #: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:22 msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:" msgstr "Antes de poder cargar tu archivo de importación, necesitarás resolver el siguiente error:" #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1288 #: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:35 #, php-format msgid "Choose a file from your computer (maximum size: %s)" msgstr "Elegir un archivo desde el ordenador (tamaño máximo: %s)" #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1385 msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are valid." msgstr "Tus credenciales Cloudflare son válidas." #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1389 msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are invalid!" msgstr "Tus credenciales Cloudflare no son válidas!" #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453 msgid "Save and optimize" msgstr "Guardar y optimizar" #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1453 msgid "Optimize" msgstr "Optimizar" #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1464 #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1666 msgctxt "screen-reader-text" msgid "Note:" msgstr "Nota:" #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1470 msgctxt "screen-reader-text" msgid "Performance tip:" msgstr "Consejo de rendimiento:" #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1476 msgctxt "screen-reader-text" msgid "Third-party feature detected:" msgstr "Detectada función de otro plugin:" #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1488 #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1672 msgctxt "screen-reader-text" msgid "Warning:" msgstr "Advertencia:" #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1501 msgctxt "button text" msgid "Download settings" msgstr "Descargar ajustes" #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1531 msgid "Replace site's hostname with:" msgstr "Reemplazar el nombre host del sitio con:" #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1550 #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1587 #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1615 #: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:41 #: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:75 #: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:105 msgid "reserved for" msgstr "reservado para" #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1552 #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1589 #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1617 #: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:44 #: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:78 #: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:108 msgid "All files" msgstr "Todos los archivos" #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1564 #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1594 #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1622 #: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:56 #: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:90 #: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:120 msgid "Images" msgstr "Imágenes" #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1635 #: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:132 msgid "Add CNAME" msgstr "Añadir CNAME" #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1706 msgid "Watch the video" msgstr "Mirar el vídeo" #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1771 msgid "Basic" msgstr "Básicos" #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1772 msgid "Static Files" msgstr "Archivos Estáticos" #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1774 msgid "Advanced" msgstr "Avanzados" #: inc/deprecated/deprecated.php:1944 #, php-format msgid "%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous version by using the button below." msgstr "%1$s%2$s requiere por lo menos PHP %3$s para funcionar correctamente. Para usar esta versión, pide a tu proveedor de alojamiento web actualizar tu servidor a PHP %3$s o superior. Si no es posible hacerlo, puedes volver a la versión precedente usando el botón aquí abajo." #: inc/functions/admin.php:21 msgid "There seems to be an issue validating your license. Please see the error message below." msgid_plural "There seems to be an issue validating your license. You can see the error messages below." msgstr[0] "Parece haber un problema con la validación de la licencia. Aquí abajo puedes ver el mensaje de error." msgstr[1] "Parece haber un problema con la validación de tu licencia. Aquí abajo puedes ver los mensajes de error." #: inc/functions/admin.php:361 msgid "Server type:" msgstr "Tipo de servidor:" #: inc/functions/admin.php:370 msgid "PHP version number:" msgstr "Número de versión PHP:" #: inc/functions/admin.php:379 msgid "WordPress version number:" msgstr "Número de versión WordPress:" #: inc/functions/admin.php:388 msgid "WordPress multisite:" msgstr "WordPress Multisitio:" #: inc/functions/admin.php:397 msgid "Current theme:" msgstr "Tema actual:" #: inc/functions/admin.php:406 msgid "Current site language:" msgstr "Idioma del sitio actual:" #: inc/functions/admin.php:415 msgid "Active plugins:" msgstr "Plugins activos:" #: inc/functions/admin.php:418 msgid "Plugin names of all active plugins" msgstr "Nombres de todos los plugins activos" #: inc/functions/admin.php:424 msgid "Anonymized WP Rocket settings:" msgstr "Ajustes anónimos de WP Rocket:" #: inc/functions/admin.php:427 msgid "Which WP Rocket settings are active" msgstr "Cuáles ajustes WP Rocket están activos" #: inc/functions/options.php:491 #: inc/functions/options.php:530 msgid "License validation failed. Our server could not resolve the request from your website." msgstr "La validación de la licencia ha fallado. Nuestro servidor no ha podido resolver la solicitud desde tu web." #: inc/functions/options.php:530 #, php-format msgid "Try clicking %1$sSave Changes%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s." msgstr "Prueba a hacer clic en %1$sGuardar Cambios%2$s. Si el error persiste, sigue %3$sesta guía%4$s." #: inc/functions/options.php:507 msgid "License validation failed. You may be using a nulled version of the plugin. Please do the following:" msgstr "La validación de la licencia ha fallado. Es posible que estés usando una versión pirata del plugin. Haz lo siguiente:" #: inc/functions/options.php:507 #: inc/functions/options.php:549 #, php-format msgid "Login to your WP Rocket %1$saccount%2$s" msgstr "Inicia sesión en tu %1$scuenta%2$s WP Rocket" #: inc/functions/options.php:507 #: inc/functions/options.php:549 msgid "Download the zip file" msgstr "Descarga el archivo zip" #: inc/functions/options.php:507 #: inc/functions/options.php:549 msgid "Reinstall" msgstr "Reinstalar" #: inc/functions/options.php:507 #, php-format msgid "If you do not have a WP Rocket account, please %1$spurchase a license%2$s." msgstr "Si no tienes una cuenta WP Rocket, %1$scompra una licencia%2$s." #: inc/functions/options.php:515 msgid "License validation failed. This user account does not exist in our database." msgstr "La validación de la licencia ha fallado. Esta cuenta usuario no existe en nuestra base de datos." #: inc/functions/options.php:515 msgid "To resolve, please contact support." msgstr "Para solucionarlo, contacta con el soporte." #: inc/functions/options.php:523 msgid "License validation failed. This user account is blocked." msgstr "La validación de la licencia falló. Esta cuenta de usuario está bloqueada." #: inc/functions/options.php:523 #, php-format msgid "Please see %1$sthis guide%2$s for more info." msgstr "Lee %1$sesta guía%2$s para más información." #: inc/functions/options.php:543 msgid "Your license is not valid." msgstr "Tu licencia no es válida." #: inc/functions/options.php:543 #, php-format msgid "Make sure you have an active %1$sWP Rocket license%2$s." msgstr "Asegúrate que tienes una %1$slicencia de WP Rocket%2$s activa." #: inc/functions/options.php:545 msgid "You have added as many sites as your current license allows." msgstr "Has añadido tantas web como permite tu licencia. " #: inc/functions/options.php:545 #, php-format msgid "Upgrade your %1$saccount%2$s or %3$stransfer your license%2$s to this domain." msgstr "Actualiza tu %1$scuenta%2$s o %3$stransfiere tu licencia%2$s a este dominio." #: inc/functions/options.php:547 msgid "This website is not allowed." msgstr "Este sitio web no está autorizado." #: inc/functions/options.php:547 #, php-format msgid "Please %1$scontact support%2$s." msgstr "Por favor %1$scontacta con el soporte%2$s." #: inc/functions/options.php:549 msgid "This license key is not recognized." msgstr "La clave de licencia no ha sido reconocida." #: inc/functions/options.php:549 #, php-format msgid "If the issue persists, please %1$scontact support%2$s." msgstr "Si el problema persiste, %1$scontacta con el soporte%2$s." #: inc/functions/options.php:555 #, php-format msgid "License validation failed: %s" msgstr "La validación de la licencia ha fallado: %s" #: inc/vendors/classes/class-imagify-partner.php:531 msgid "Plugin installed successfully." msgstr "El plugin se ha instalado con éxito." #: inc/vendors/classes/class-imagify-partner.php:532 msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to install plugins on this site." msgstr "No tienes permisos para instalar plugins en este sitio." #: inc/vendors/classes/class-imagify-partner.php:533 msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to do that." msgstr "No tienes permisos para hacerlo." #: inc/vendors/classes/class-imagify-partner.php:534 msgid "Plugin install failed." msgstr "La instalación del plugin ha fallado." #: inc/vendors/classes/class-imagify-partner.php:535 msgid "Go back" msgstr "Vuelve atrás" #: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:14 msgid "Your website currently uses the same Critical Path CSS for both desktop and mobile." msgstr "Tu sitio web actualmente utiliza la misma Ruta Crítica de CSS para escritorio y móvil. " #: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:15 msgid "Click the button to enable mobile-specific CPCSS for your site." msgstr "Click en el botón para habilitar CPCSS específico para móviles en tu sitio." #: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:20 #: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:19 #, php-format msgid "This is a one-time action and this button will be removed afterwards. %1$sMore info%2$s" msgstr "Esta es una acción de única vez y este botón será removido luego. %1$sMás información%2$s" #: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:30 #, php-format msgid "Your site is now using mobile-specific critical path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s" msgstr "Tu sitio ahora está utilizando una Ruta Crítica de CSS específica para móviles. %1$sMás información%2$s" #: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:39 msgid "Generate Mobile Specific CPCSS" msgstr "Generar CPCSS Específico para Móviles" #: views/cpcss/metabox/container.php:19 msgid "Critical Path CSS" msgstr "Ruta Crítica de CSS" #: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:23 #, php-format msgid "Generate specific Critical Path CSS for this post. %1$sMore info%2$s" msgstr "Generar Ruta Crítica de CSS específica para este post. %1$sMás información%2$s" #: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:33 #, php-format msgid "This post uses specific Critical Path CSS. %1$sMore info%2$s" msgstr "Este post utiliza una Ruta Crítica de CSS específica. %1$sMás información%2$s" #: views/cpcss/metabox/generate.php:56 msgid "Revert back to the default CPCSS" msgstr "Revertir al CPCSS por defecto" #: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:87 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Cancelar" #: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:13 msgid "Enable Google Font Optimization" msgstr "Habilitar la optimización de Google Font" #: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:14 msgid "Improves font performance and combines multiple font requests to reduce the number of HTTP requests." msgstr "Mejora el rendimiento de las fuentes y combina varias solicitudes de fuentes para reducir el número de solicitudes HTTP." #: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:29 #, php-format msgid "Google Fonts Optimization is now enabled for your site. %1$sMore info%2$s" msgstr "La Optimización de Google Fonts está ahora habilidata para tu sitio.%1$sMás información%2$s" #: views/settings/enable-google-fonts.php:38 msgid "Optimize Google Fonts" msgstr "Optimizar Google Fonts" #: views/settings/fields/cache-lifespan.php:26 msgid "Clear cache after" msgstr "Borrar la caché después de" #: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:58 #: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:92 #: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:122 msgid "CSS & JavaScript" msgstr "CSS y JavaScript" #: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:59 #: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:93 #: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:123 msgid "JavaScript" msgstr "JavaScript" #: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:60 #: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:94 #: views/settings/fields/cnames.php:124 msgid "CSS" msgstr "CSS" #: views/settings/fields/import-form.php:29 msgid "Import settings" msgstr "Importar ajustes" #: views/settings/fields/one-click-addon.php:43 #: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:43 msgid "Add-on status" msgstr "Estado del complemento" #: views/settings/fields/rocket-addon.php:72 msgid "Modify options" msgstr "Modificar opciones" #: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:29 #: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:41 msgid "CDN CNAME" msgstr "CNAME CDN" #: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:62 #, php-format msgid "Purges RocketCDN cached resources for your website. %s" msgstr "Purga los recursos almacenados de RocketCDN para tu sitio web. %s" #: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:63 #: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36 #: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:37 msgid "Learn more" msgstr "Leer más" #: views/settings/fields/rocket-cdn.php:72 msgid "Clear all RocketCDN cache files" msgstr "Limpiar todos los archivos de caché de RocketCDN" #: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:27 msgid "Cloudflare Cache" msgstr "Caché de Cloudflare" #: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:35 #: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:36 #, php-format msgid "Purges cached resources for your website. %s" msgstr "Purga los recursos de tu sitio web copiados en la caché. %s" #: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:36 msgid "https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200169246" msgstr "https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200169246" #: views/settings/page-sections/cloudflare.php:45 msgid "Clear all Cloudflare cache files" msgstr "Borrar todos los archivos de caché Cloudflare" #: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:38 msgid "Congratulations!" msgstr "¡Enhorabuena!" #: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:40 msgid "WP Rocket is now activated and already working for you." msgstr "WP Rocket ya está activado y está trabajando para ti." #: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:42 msgid "Your website should be loading faster now!" msgstr "Tu web debería estar cargando más rápida ahora!" #: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44 msgid "We also enable options that provide immediate benefits to your website." msgstr "También habilitamos opciones que dan beneficios inmediatos a tu sitio web." #: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:45 msgid "Continue to the options to further optimize your site!" msgstr "Ve a las opciones para optimizar más a fondo tu sitio web!" #: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:62 msgid "My Account" msgstr "Mi cuenta" #: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:68 msgid "Refresh info" msgstr "Actualizar información" #: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:100 msgid "Expiration Date" msgstr "Fecha de expiración" #: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:110 msgid "View my account" msgstr "Ver mi cuenta" #: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:137 msgid "Quick Actions" msgstr "Acciones rápidas" #: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:144 msgid "Remove all cached files" msgstr "Elimina todos los archivos en la caché" #: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:164 #: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:170 msgid "Regenerate Critical CSS" msgstr "Regenerar la ruta crítica del CSS" #: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:205 msgid "Frequently Asked Questions" msgstr "Preguntas Frecuentes" #: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:219 msgid "Still cannot find a solution?" msgstr "¿Todavía nos has encontrado una solución?" #: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:220 msgid "Submit a ticket and get help from our friendly and knowledgeable Rocketeers." msgstr "Envía un ticket y obtén la ayuda de nuestros expertos y atentos Rocketeers." #: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:228 msgid "Ask support" msgstr "Pedir ayuda" #: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:25 msgid "Backup your database before you run a cleanup!" msgstr "¡Respalda tu base de datos antes de ejecutar su limpieza!" #: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:26 msgid "Once a database optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it." msgstr "Una vez que la optimización de la base de datos se haya realizado, no hay vuelta atrás." #: views/settings/page-sections/database.php:28 msgid "Save Changes and Optimize" msgstr "Guardar Cambios y Optimizar" #: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:21 #, php-format msgid "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s created %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s %1$sfor best-in-class image optimization.%2$s" msgstr "%1$sWP ROCKET%2$s ha creado %3$sIMAGIFY%4$s%1$s para ofrecerte la mejor optimización de imágenes.%2$s" #: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:24 msgid "Compress image to make your website faster, all while maintaining image quality." msgstr "Comprime tus imágenes para hacer tu sitio más rápido, manteniendo intacta la calidad de imagen." #: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:25 msgid "More on Imagify:" msgstr "Más sobre Imagify:" #: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:27 msgid "Imagify Plugin Page" msgstr "Página del plugin Imagify" #: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:28 msgid "Imagify Website" msgstr "Sitio Web de Imagify" #: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:29 msgid "Review of Image Compression Plugins" msgstr "Evaluación de los plugins de compresión de imagen" #: views/settings/page-sections/imagify.php:38 msgid "Install Imagify" msgstr "Instalar Imagify" #: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:22 msgid "WP Rocket was not able to automatically validate your license." msgstr "WP Rocket no ha podido validar automáticamente tu licencia." #: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:29 #, php-format msgid "Follow this %1$s, or contact %2$s to get the engine started." msgstr "Sigue este tutorial %1$s, o ponte en contacto %2$s para iniciar el motor." #: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:32 #, php-format msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s" msgstr "%1$s%2$s%3$stutorial%4$s" #: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:34 msgid "https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket" msgstr "https://es.docs.wp-rocket.me/article/640-solucionar-problemas-con-la-validacion-de-la-licencia/?utm_source=wp_plugin&utm_medium=wp_rocket" #: views/settings/page-sections/license.php:40 #, php-format msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$ssupport%4$s" msgstr "%1$s%2$s%3$ssoporte%4$s" #: views/settings/page-sections/sucuri.php:46 msgid "Clear all Sucuri cache files" msgstr "Borrar todos los archivos de caché de Sucuri" #: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:20 #, php-format msgid "Files size: %1$s. Number of entries: %2$s." msgstr "Tamaño de los archivos: %1$s. Número de entradas: %2$s." #: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:23 #, php-format msgid "%1$sDownload the file%2$s." msgstr "%1$sDescarga el archivo%2$s." #: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:26 #, php-format msgid "%1$sDelete the file%2$s." msgstr "%1$sElimina el archivo%2$s." #: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:37 msgid "Export settings" msgstr "Exportar ajustes" #: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:38 msgid "Download a backup file of your settings" msgstr "Descargar una copia de seguridad de tus ajustes" #: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:46 msgid "Download settings" msgstr "Descargar ajustes" #: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:60 msgid "Rollback" msgstr "Rollback" #: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:64 #, php-format msgid "Has version %s caused an issue on your website?" msgstr "¿La versión %1$s ha causado algún problema en tu sitio web?" #: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:69 #, php-format msgid "You can rollback to the previous major version here.%sThen send us a support request." msgstr "Aquí puedes regresar a la versión anterior. %sLuego nos puedes enviar un ticket de soporte." #: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:80 #, php-format msgid "Reinstall version %s" msgstr "Reinstalar la versión %s" #: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:106 msgid "Debug mode" msgstr "Modo de depuración" #: views/settings/page-sections/tools.php:111 msgid "Create a debug log file." msgstr "Crear un archivo de registro de depuración." #: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:13 #: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:18 msgid "Getting Started" msgstr "Primeros Pasos" #: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:15 msgid "Getting Started with WP Rocket" msgstr "Empezando con WP Rocket" #: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:16 #: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:12 msgid "Finding the Best Settings for Your Site" msgstr "Encontrando los Mejores Ajustes Para tu Sitio" #: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:17 #: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:13 msgid "How to Check if WP Rocket is Caching Your Site" msgstr "Como Verificar si WP Rocket está Almacenando en Caché tu Sitio Web " #: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:18 #: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:14 msgid "How to Measure the Speed of Your Site" msgstr "Cómo Medir la Velocidad de tu Sitio Web" #: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:33 msgid "Troubleshooting Display Issues with File Optimization" msgstr "Solucionar problemas de visualización con la Optimización de Archivos" #: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:34 msgid "How to Find the Right JavaScript to Exclude" msgstr "Cómo Encontrar el JavaScript Correcto para Excluir" #: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:35 msgid "How External Content Slows Your Site" msgstr "Cómo el Contenido Externo Ralentiza tu Sitio" #: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:19 msgid "How Preloading Works" msgstr "Cómo funciona la Precarga" #: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:41 msgid "Set Up the Cloudflare Add-on" msgstr "Configurar el Add-on de Cloudflare" #: views/settings/page.php:16 msgid "WP Rocket Settings" msgstr "Ajustes de WP Rocket" #: views/settings/page.php:30 #, php-format msgid "version %s" msgstr "versión %s" #: views/settings/page.php:60 msgid "Show Sidebar" msgstr "Mostrar la barra lateral" #: views/settings/page.php:87 msgid "WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API keys." msgstr "WP Rocket no transmitirá ningún nombre de dominio, ni direcciones de correo electrónico (salvo lo necesario para la validación de la licencia), direcciones IP ni claves API de terceras partes." #: views/settings/page.php:89 msgid "Activate Rocket analytics" msgstr "Activar Rocket Analytics" #: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:15 msgid "It is a great starting point to fix some of the most common issues." msgstr "Es un buen punto de partida para corregir algunos de los problemas más comunes." #: views/settings/partials/documentation.php:22 msgid "Read the documentation" msgstr "Leer la documentación" #: views/settings/partials/getting-started.php:11 msgid "What WP Rocket Does For You By Default" msgstr "Qué Hace WP Rocket Para Ti de Forma Predenterminada" #: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:12 msgid "How to correctly measure your website’s loading time" msgstr "¿Cómo medir correctamente el tiempo de carga de tu sitio web?" #: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:14 msgid "Check our tutorial and learn how to measure the speed of your site." msgstr "Lee nuestro tutorial y aprende cómo medir la velocidad de tu sitio web" #: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:15 #: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:24 msgid "Read our guide" msgstr "Lee nuestra guía" #: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:28 msgid "Read more" msgstr "Leer más" #: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:33 msgid "You have not activated logged-in user cache." msgstr "No has activado la caché para los usuarios conectados." #: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:34 msgid "Use a private browser to check your website's speed and visual appearance." msgstr "Usa una ventana privada del navegador para verificar la velocidad de tu sitio web y su apariencia visual." #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:27 #, php-format msgid "Valid until %s only!" msgstr "¡Válido solo hasta %s!" #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:36 msgid "Speed up your website thanks to:" msgstr "Acelera tu sitio web gracias a:" #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:48 #, php-format msgid "Easy configuration: the %1$sbest CDN settings%2$s are automatically applied" msgstr "Fácil configuración: la %1$smejor configuración de CDN%2$s es aplicada automáticamente" #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:54 #, php-format msgid "WP Rocket integration: the CDN option is %1$sautomatically configured%2$s in our plugin" msgstr "Integración con WP Rocket: la opción CDN es %1$sautomáticamente configurada%2$s en nuestro plugin" #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:87 msgid "Get Started" msgstr "Comencemos" #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:58 msgid "Learn more about RocketCDN" msgstr "Saber más acerca de RocketCDN" #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:92 msgid "Reduce this banner" msgstr "Minimizar este banner" #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:17 msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network." msgstr "Acelera tu sitio web con RocketCDN, el CDN de WP Rocket" #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-small.php:20 #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:13 msgid "Learn More" msgstr "Saber Más" #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:23 msgid "RocketCDN is unavailable on local domains and staging sites." msgstr "RocketCDN no está disponible en dominios locales ni en sitios de prueba." #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/dashboard-status.php:32 msgid "Get RocketCDN" msgstr "Obtén RocketCDN" #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:11 msgid "New!" msgstr "¡Nuevo!" #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/promote-notice.php:12 msgid "Speed up your website with RocketCDN, WP Rocket’s Content Delivery Network!" msgstr "Acelera tu sitio web con RocketCDN, el CDN de WP Rocket" #: views/settings/sections/addons-container.php:24 #: views/settings/sections/fields-container.php:28 msgid "Need Help?" msgstr "¿Necesitas ayuda?" #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/API/Client.php:129 msgid "Cloudflare did not provide any reply. Please try again later." msgstr "" #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:205 msgid "days" msgstr "" #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:208 msgid "seconds" msgstr "" #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:210 msgid "minutes" msgstr "" #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Cloudflare.php:212 msgid "hours" msgstr "" #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:224 #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:253 #, php-format msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s %3$s" msgstr "" #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:242 #, php-format msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Cloudflare cache successfully purged." msgstr "" #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:328 msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level" msgid "standard" msgstr "" #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:403 #, php-format msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s" msgstr "" #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:512 #, php-format msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings activated for Cloudflare:" msgstr "" #: inc/Addon/Cloudflare/Subscriber.php:521 #, php-format msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s Optimal settings deactivated for Cloudflare, reverted to previous settings:" msgstr "" #: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:93 #, php-format msgid "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s." msgid_plural "You are using %1$s to serve WebP images so you do not need to enable this option. %2$sMore info%3$s %4$s If you prefer to have WP Rocket serve WebP for you instead, please disable WebP display in %1$s." msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: inc/Addon/WebP/AdminSubscriber.php:173 #, php-format msgid "%5$sWe have not detected any compatible WebP plugin!%6$s%4$s If you don’t already have WebP images on your site consider using %3$sImagify%2$s or another supported plugin. %1$sMore info%2$s %4$s If you are not using WebP do not enable this option." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:642 msgid "If you have problems after activating this option, copy and paste the default exclusions to quickly resolve issues:" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:646 #, php-format msgid "Also, please check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s for a list of compatibility exclusions." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:651 msgid "Internal scripts are excluded by default to prevent issues. Remove them to take full advantage of this option." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:654 #, php-format msgid "If this causes trouble, restore the default exclusions, found %1$shere%2$s" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:687 msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when Remove unused CSS is enabled." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730 msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance, but limited only to the users with active license." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:730 msgid "Optimize CSS delivery eliminates render-blocking CSS on your website. Only one method can be selected. Remove Unused CSS is recommended for optimal performance." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:740 #, php-format msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery features are disabled on local environments. %1$sLearn more%2$s" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:760 #: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:106 msgid "Remove Unused CSS" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:763 #, php-format msgid "Removes unused CSS per page and helps to reduce page size and HTTP requests. Recommended for best performance. Test thoroughly! %1$sMore info%2$s" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:767 msgid "Activate Remove Unused CSS" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:773 msgid "CSS safelist" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:774 msgid "Specify CSS filenames, IDs or classes that should not be removed (one per line)." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:789 #: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:109 msgid "Load CSS asynchronously" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:792 #, php-format msgctxt "WP Critical CSS compatibility" msgid "Load CSS asynchronously is currently handled by the %1$s plugin. If you want to use WP Rocket’s load CSS asynchronously option, disable the %1$s plugin." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:794 #, php-format msgid "Generates critical path CSS and loads CSS asynchronously. %1$sMore info%2$s" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:841 msgid "For compatibility and best results, this option is disabled when delay javascript execution is enabled." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:915 #, php-format msgid "Specify URLs or keywords of JavaScript files to be excluded from defer (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:942 msgid "One-click exclusions" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:943 msgid "When using the Delay JavaScript Execution, you might experience delay loading elements located in the viewport that need to appear immediately - e.g. slider, header, menu." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:944 msgid "If you need instant visibility, click below on files that should NOT be delayed. This selection will help users interact with the elements straight away." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:961 msgid "Specify URLs or keywords that can identify inline or JavaScript files to be excluded from delaying execution (one per line)." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:994 msgid "LazyLoad, image dimensions" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1061 msgid "Image Dimensions" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1064 #, php-format msgid "Add missing width and height attributes to images. Helps prevent layout shifts and improve the reading experience for your visitors. %1$sMore info%2$s" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1135 msgid "Excluded images or iframes" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1137 #, php-format msgid "Specify keywords (e.g. image filename, CSS class, domain) from the image or iframe code to be excluded (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1145 msgid "Add missing image dimensions" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1180 msgid "When you enable preloading WP Rocket will automatically detect your sitemaps and save all URLs to the database. The plugin will make sure that your cache is always preloaded." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1234 msgid "Exclude URLs" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1239 #, php-format msgid "Specify URLs to be excluded from the preload feature (one per line). %1$sMore info%2$s" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1379 msgid "Specify full or partial IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor's browser, should prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1464 msgid "Automatic Cleanup" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1642 msgid "%1$s%2$l Add-on%3$s is currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site." msgid_plural "%1$s%2$l Add-ons%3$s are currently enabled. Configuration of the CDN settings is not required for %2$l to work on your site." msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1827 #, php-format msgid "%1$sPlanning on using Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)?%2$s Just activate the official Cloudflare plugin and configure it. WP Rocket will automatically enable compatibility." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1918 msgid "WebP Compatibility" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:1924 msgid "Improve browser compatibility for WebP images." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Page.php:2129 msgctxt "Sucuri" msgid "Firewall API key (for plugin), must be in format {32 characters}/{32 characters}:" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Admin/Settings/Settings.php:668 msgid "Sorry! Adding /(.*) in Advanced Rules > Never Cache URL(s) was not saved because it disables caching and optimizations for every page on your site." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:134 msgid "We could not fetch the current price because RocketCDN API returned an unexpected error code." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/APIClient.php:140 msgid "RocketCDN is not available at the moment. Please retry later." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:42 #, php-format msgid "High performance Content Delivery Network (CDN) with %1$sunlimited bandwidth%2$s" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:65 #, php-format msgid "*$%1$s/month for 12 months then $%2$s/month. You can cancel your subscription at any time." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/CDN/RocketCDN/views/cta-big.php:86 msgid "Billed monthly" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Common/Queue/RUCSSQueueRunner.php:253 msgid "Every minute" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:216 msgid "This feature is not available for non-public post types." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:223 msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in WP Rocket settings" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/Admin/Post.php:224 msgid "Enable Load CSS asynchronously in the options above" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:840 #, php-format msgid "We highly recommend the %1$supdated Remove Unused CSS%2$s for a better CSS optimization. Load CSS Asynchronously is always available as a back-up." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/CriticalCSSSubscriber.php:845 msgid "Stay with the old option" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:68 #, php-format msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s on mobile not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/CriticalPath/DataManager.php:71 #, php-format msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: The destination folder could not be created." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:76 #, php-format msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%2$s%3$s!" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:85 #, php-format msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %4$s%5$s%6$s!" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:139 #, php-format msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now at %1$s%3$s%2$s." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:152 #, php-format msgid "Renew your license for 1 year now and get %1$s%3$s OFF%2$s immediately: you will only pay %1$s%4$s%2$s!" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:218 #, php-format msgid "Renew before it is too late, you will pay %1$s%3$s%2$s." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:227 #, php-format msgid "Renew with a %1$s%2$s discount%3$s before it is too late, you will only pay %1$s%4$s%3$s!" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:546 #, php-format msgid "You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s before losing access." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:567 #, php-format msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sRenew now%2$s." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/Renewal.php:595 #, php-format msgid "You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sMore info%2$s." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:252 #, php-format msgid "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Plus or Infinite!%5$s" msgid_plural "Take advantage of %1$s to speed up more websites:%2$s get a %3$s%4$s off%5$s for %3$supgrading your license to Infinite!%5$s" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:382 #: inc/Engine/License/Upgrade.php:405 msgid "Unlimited" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:16 #, php-format msgid "%s off" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:21 #, php-format msgid "%s promotion is live!" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:27 msgid "Hurry Up! Deal ends in:" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:32 #: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:15 msgid "Seconds" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:34 #: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11 msgid "Upgrade now" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/views/promo-banner.php:36 #: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:32 #: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:42 #: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:30 #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:739 #: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:46 msgid "Dismiss this notice" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:11 msgid "The Optimize CSS Delivery feature is disabled." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:15 msgid "You can no longer use the Remove Unused CSS or Load CSS asynchronously options." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:20 #, php-format msgid "You need an %1$sactive license%2$s to keep optimizing your CSS delivery, which addresses a PageSpeed Insights recommendation and improves your page performance." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd-disabled.php:29 #: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:39 #: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:27 #: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:31 msgid "Renew now" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:11 msgid "You will soon lose access to some features" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:18 #, php-format msgid "You need an %1$sactive license to continue optimizing your CSS delivery%2$s." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:24 msgid "The Remove Unused CSS and Load CSS asynchronously features are great options to address the PageSpeed Insights recommendations and improve your website performance." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner-ocd.php:29 #, php-format msgid "They will be %1$sautomatically disabled on %3$s%2$s." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:11 msgid "Your WP Rocket license is expired!" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-expired-banner.php:18 #, php-format msgid "Your website could be much faster if it could take advantage of our %1$snew features and enhancements%2$s. 🚀" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/views/renewal-soon-banner.php:22 #, php-format msgid "Your %1$sWP Rocket license is about to expire%2$s: you will soon lose access to product updates and support." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:12 msgid "Speed Up More Websites" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:19 #, php-format msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license. To upgrade, simply pay the %1$sprice difference%2$s between your current and new licenses, as shown below." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:25 #, php-format msgid "%1$sN.B.%2$s: Upgrading your license does not change your expiration date" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:35 #, php-format msgid "Save $%s" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:48 #, php-format msgid "%s websites" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-popin.php:54 #, php-format msgid "Upgrade to %s" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/License/views/upgrade-section.php:11 msgid "You can use WP Rocket on more websites by upgrading your license (you will only pay the price difference between your current and new licenses)." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:195 msgid "Analytics & Ads" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:200 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Optimization/DelayJS/Admin/SiteList.php:205 msgid "Themes" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:101 msgid "You need an active license to get the latest version of the lists from our server." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:115 msgid "Could not get updated lists from server." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:124 msgid "Lists are up to date." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:133 msgid "Could not update lists." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/DynamicLists.php:142 msgid "Lists are successfully updated." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:52 msgid "Default Lists" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Optimization/DynamicLists/ServiceProvider.php:58 msgid "Delay JavaScript Execution Exclusion Lists" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:131 #: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:188 msgid "Clear Used CSS" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:219 #, php-format msgid "%1$s: Please wait %2$s seconds. The Remove Unused CSS service is processing your pages." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:264 #, php-format msgid "%1$s: The Used CSS of your homepage has been processed. WP Rocket will continue to generate Used CSS for up to %2$s URLs per %3$s second(s)." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:273 #, php-format msgid "We suggest enabling %1$sPreload%2$s for the fastest results." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:283 #, php-format msgid "To learn more about the process check our %1$sdocumentation%2$s." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:481 msgid "We couldn't generate the used CSS because you're using a nulled version of WP Rocket. You need an active license to use the Remove Unused CSS feature and further improve your website's performance." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:484 #, php-format msgid "Click here to get a WP Rocket single license at %1$s off!" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Settings.php:521 #, php-format msgid "Could not create the %2$s table in the database which is necessary for the Remove Unused CSS feature to work. Please reach out to
our support
." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:322 #, php-format msgid "%1$s: Used CSS option is not enabled!" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Admin/Subscriber.php:343 #, php-format msgid "%1$s: Used CSS cache cleared!" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Controller/UsedCSS.php:776 msgid "Clear Used CSS of this URL" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:160 msgid "WP Rocket Remove Unused CSS pending jobs" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Optimization/RUCSS/Cron/Subscriber.php:174 msgid "WP Rocket clear Remove Unused CSS failed jobs" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Preload/Admin/Settings.php:57 #, php-format msgid "%1$s: The preload service is now active. After the initial preload it will continue to cache all your pages whenever they are purged. No further action is needed." msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:138 msgid "WP Rocket Preload pending jobs" msgstr "" #: inc/Engine/Preload/Cron/Subscriber.php:166 msgid "WP Rocket Preload revert stuck failed jobs" msgstr "" #: inc/ThirdParty/Hostings/Kinsta.php:158 #, php-format msgid "Your installation seems to be missing core Kinsta files managing Cache clearing, which will prevent your Kinsta installation and WP Rocket from working correctly. Please get in touch with Kinsta support through your %1$sMyKinsta%2$s account to resolve this issue." msgstr "" #: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:114 #, php-format msgid "%1$s: Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push is incompatible with the features of Remove Unused CSS and Combine CSS files. We strongly recommend disabling it." msgstr "" #: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:157 msgid "Your site is using the official Cloudflare plugin. We have enabled Cloudflare auto-purge for compatibility. If you have APO activated, it is also compatible." msgstr "" #: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:158 msgid "Cloudflare cache will be purged each time WP Rocket clears its cache to ensure content is always up-to-date." msgstr "" #: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:202 #, php-format msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Dynamic Cookies Cache\". Cloudflare APO is not yet compatible with that feature." msgstr "" #: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:208 #, php-format msgid "You should either disable Cloudflare APO or check with the theme/plugin requiring the use of “Dynamic Cookies Cache” developers for an alternative way to be page-cache friendly. %1$sMore info%2$s" msgstr "" #: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:259 #, php-format msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You are using \"Separate cache files for mobile devices\". You need to activate \"Cache by Device Type\" %3$ssetting%5$s on Cloudflare APO to serve the right version of the cache. %4$sMore info%5$s" msgstr "" #: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/CDN/Cloudflare.php:280 #, php-format msgid "%1$sWP Rocket:%2$s You have \"Cache by Device Type\" enabled on Cloudflare APO. If you judge it necessary for the website to have a different cache on mobile and desktop, we suggest you enable our “Separate Cache Files for Mobiles Devices” to ensure the generated cache is accurate." msgstr "" #: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/ModPagespeed.php:102 #, php-format msgid "
: Mod PageSpeed is not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results. %2$sMore Info%3$s" msgstr "" #: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:76 #, php-format msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's JavaScript Aggregation feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript Execution will not be applied to the file it creates. We suggest disabling %1$sJavaScript Aggregation%2$s to take full advantage of Delay JavaScript Execution." msgstr "" #: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Autoptimize.php:131 #, php-format msgid "%1$sWP Rocket: %2$sWe have detected that Autoptimize's Aggregate Inline CSS feature is enabled. WP Rocket's Load CSS Asynchronously will not work correctly. We suggest disabling %1$sAggregate Inline CSS%2$s to take full advantage of Load CSS Asynchronously Execution." msgstr "" #: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Ezoic.php:45 #, php-format msgid "This plugin blocks WP Rocket's caching and optimizations. Deactivate it and use %1$sEzoic's nameserver integration%2$s instead." msgstr "" #: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/Perfmatters.php:38 msgid "Remove Unused CSS is currently activated in Perfmatters. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable this option in Perfmatters." msgstr "" #: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/RapidLoad.php:39 msgid "Automated unused CSS removal is currently activated in RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize. If you want to use WP Rocket's Remove Unused CSS feature, disable the RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize plugin." msgstr "" #: inc/ThirdParty/Plugins/Optimization/WPMeteor.php:42 #, php-format msgid "Delay JS is currently activated in %1$s. If you want to use WP Rocket’s delay JS, disable %1$s" msgstr "" #: inc/admin/options.php:127 msgid "Defer JavaScript Files" msgstr "" #: inc/admin/options.php:128 msgid "Excluded Delay JavaScript Files" msgstr "" #: inc/admin/options.php:150 #, php-format msgid "%1$s:
" msgstr "" #: inc/admin/options.php:176 msgid "More info" msgstr "" #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:757 msgid "Turn on Remove Unused CSS" msgstr "" #: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:763 msgid "Enable “Separate Cache Files for Mobile Devices” now" msgstr "" #: inc/classes/dependencies/wp-media/background-processing/wp-background-process.php:447 #, php-format msgid "Every %d Minutes" msgstr "" #: inc/common/admin-bar.php:84 #: inc/common/admin-bar.php:136 #: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:150 msgid "Clear and preload cache" msgstr "" #: inc/functions/options.php:429 msgid "The provided license data are not valid." msgstr "" #: inc/functions/options.php:432 #, php-format msgid "To resolve, please %1$scontact support%2$s." msgstr "" #: inc/functions/options.php:491 #, php-format msgid "Try clicking %1$sValidate License%2$s below. If the error persists, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s." msgstr "" #: views/cpcss/activate-cpcss-mobile.php:13 msgid "Load CSS asynchronously for mobile" msgstr "" #: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:21 msgid "Facing an issue?" msgstr "" #: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:24 msgid "It is not always necessary to deactivate WP Rocket when facing any issues. Most of them can be fixed by deactivating only some options." msgstr "" #: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:29 #, php-format msgid "Our advice? Instead of deactivating WP Rocket, use our %1$sSafe Mode%2$s to quickly disable LazyLoad, File Optimization, and CDN options. Then check to see if your issue is resolved." msgstr "" #: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:35 msgid "Do you want to use our Safe Mode to troubleshoot WP Rocket?" msgstr "" #: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:55 #, php-format msgid "Yes, apply \"%1$sSafe Mode%2$s\"" msgstr "" #: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:68 #, php-format msgid "and export WP Rocket settings %1$s(Recommended as current settings will be deleted)%2$s" msgstr "" #: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:76 msgid "No, deactivate and snooze this message for" msgstr "" #: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:78 msgid "1 day" msgstr "" #: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:79 msgid "7 days" msgstr "" #: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:80 msgid "30 days" msgstr "" #: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:81 msgid "Forever" msgstr "" #: views/deactivation-intent/form.php:88 msgid "Confirm" msgstr "" #: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:14 msgid "Update Inclusion and Exclusion Lists" msgstr "" #: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:19 #, php-format msgid "Compatibility lists are downloaded automatically every week. Click the button if you want to update them manually. %1$sMore info%2$s" msgstr "" #: views/settings/dynamic-lists-update.php:29 msgid "Update lists" msgstr "" #: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:44 #, php-format msgid "To guarantee fast websites, WP Rocket automatically applies 80% of web performance best practices." msgstr "" #: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:86 msgid "with" msgstr "" #: views/settings/page-sections/dashboard.php:182 msgid "Remove Used CSS Cache" msgstr "" #: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:23 msgid "Passing the Core Web vitals" msgstr "" #: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:25 msgid "How to improve LCP with WP Rocket" msgstr "" #: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:26 msgid "How to improve FID with WP Rocket" msgstr "" #: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:27 msgid "How to improve CLS with WP Rocket" msgstr "" #: views/settings/page-sections/tutorials.php:31 msgid "Troubleshooting" msgstr "" #: views/settings/page.php:82 #, php-format msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect %1$sif granted permission.%2$s" msgstr "" #: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:18 msgid "Learn about optimal WP Rocket settings for mobile." msgstr "" #: views/settings/partials/sidebar.php:27 msgid "Test and Improve Google Core Web Vitals for WordPress." msgstr ""